Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【128】Sister, You Should Include Your Younger Brother More (Please Customize)

"Zhang Li, I told you very clearly before that it is impossible for me to remarry you, so there is no need to eat or something."

After speaking, Han Ping hung up the phone directly.

"Han Ping......"

On the other end, Zhang Li wanted to say something else.

But there was already a beeping sound of the phone being hung up.

At this moment, Zhang Li's expression turned extremely ugly.

"Han Ping, you can't escape from my palm..."

"Mr. Han's ex-wife wants to remarry Mr. Han..."

Wu Xiaojun felt a turmoil in his heart.

Regarding Han Ping's family situation, Han Ping's daughter, the proprietress, had told her about it when she chatted with her on WeChat.

She has always felt that a materialistic and realistic woman like Han Ping's ex-wife will think about turning back after seeing her ex-husband rise again and surpass her current husband.

Sure enough, she was really guessed right.

At around six o'clock, Han Ping drove into the Lanxiangyuan community, and after a while, he came to the downstairs of his unit and parked the car in the parking space.

Stepping on the stairs, the two came to the fourth floor.

Just when Han Ping opened the door of his house with the key and was about to enter, Wu Xiaojun behind him finally mustered up the courage to say to Han Ping: "Mr. Han, come to me for a light meal later."

Last time you helped me move, I haven't invited you to dinner yet. "

After saying these words, Wu Xiaojun's nervous little heart thumped.

Han Ping hesitated for a moment and then nodded: "Okay."

"Okay, then I'll go back and prepare the meals. I'll leave the door open and not close it. Mr. Han, you can just come in later."

Wu Xiaojun said.


After entering the room, Wu Xiaojun let out a long sigh of relief and at the same time could not help showing a happy smile on his face.

six thirty.

Han Ping came to Wu Xiaojun's house.

Wu Xiaojun, who was in the kitchen, heard the movement, and said quickly: "Mr. Han, I have already made tea for you, and I put it on the coffee table in the living room. If you are in a hurry, watch the TV first."


Han Ping responded.

At 7:30, 26, Wu Xiaojun finally came out of the kitchen.

"Mr. Han, please sit down for a while. I'll go down and do some shopping. We can have dinner when we come back."

Wu Xiaojun said.

She had just finished cooking and was about to serve food to the restaurant, when she suddenly realized that she didn't have wine at home.

It's the first time to invite Mr. Han to dinner, and it would be too rude if there is no wine.

So Wu Xiaojun was going to go out to buy a bottle of wine and come back.

Han Ping, who was swiping his phone, nodded upon hearing the sound.

Just like that, Wu Xiaojun went out to buy wine.

However, just five or six minutes after Wu Xiaojun ate and bought wine, Zhang Li came outside Han's house.

She reached out and knocked on the door.

Waited for a while and nothing happened

Pursing her lips, Zhang Li knocked on the door again.

But there was still no movement.

"You didn't even open the door for me..."

The shame in her heart made Zhang Li want to turn around and leave.

But Zhang Li finally held back.

After taking a deep breath, she took out her mobile phone to call Han Ping the day before yesterday.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Zhang Li.

"Hello, are you looking for Han Ping?"

It turned out that Wu Xiaojun came back after buying wine.

Zhang Li turned around and took a look at Wu Xiaojun, nodded: "Yes.

"Han Ping is at my house now, wait a moment, I will let him come out to see you.

Wu Xiaojun said without thinking too much.

She only regarded Zhang Li as a certain friend of Han Ping.

However, Zhang Li was really shocked when she heard Wu Xiaojun's words, and she was a little anxious.

Her ex-husband is actually at this woman's house?

So what is the relationship between her ex-husband and this woman in front of her?

In terms of appearance alone, she thought she was slightly better than the woman in front of her.

But the woman in front of her speaks in a soft voice, and she has a scholarly aura on her body, which gives people a particularly comfortable feeling.

This kind of woman should be the type that many men like.

Seeing Wu Xiaojun put his hand on the doorknob of the opposite door, Zhang Li's eyes froze, and she actually lived in the opposite door...

All of a sudden, Zhang Li's sense of crisis increased greatly.

The woman's intuition told her that the relationship between the woman in front of her and her ex-husband was absolutely extraordinary.

So Zhang Li asked: "Beauty, what is your relationship with Han Ping?"

"Han is always the leader of my company."

Wu Xiaojun opened the door as he spoke, and then said to Han Ping who was sitting on the sofa in the living room: "Mr. Han, someone is looking for you."

Hearing this, Ping got up and walked over.

Seeing Zhang Li standing outside the door, Han Ping frowned, "What are you doing here?"

"I just miss you and want to come and see you..."

Zhang Li said softly, with a look of pity for me.

Wu Xiaojun, who was standing beside Han Ping, also realized at this time that the woman outside the door was Mr. Han's ex-wife...

I have to admit that Mr. Han's ex-wife is indeed a beautiful woman.

No wonder she gave birth to such a beautiful daughter.

"Zhang Li, we have been divorced for more than 20 years, don't you find it ridiculous when you say this now.

Han Ping said in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't treat me like this, please, I..."

Just when Zhang Li was about to say something, Han Yi slammed the door shut.

At this moment, Zhang Li's face turned green.

Han Ping actually shut the door of that woman in front of her just now...

And that woman was holding a bottle of wine just now

That woman also said that Han Ping is the leader of her company...

Now she has confirmed that the relationship between Han Ping and that woman is not normal, and it is very likely that the two have already...

No wonder Han Ping refused to accept her again, it turned out that he had a good friend by his side...

So, wouldn't it be difficult for her to remarry Han Ping?

Thinking of this, Zhang Li's face suddenly became so gloomy that water dripped out.

After returning home, seeing her daughter sitting in the living room watching TV, Zhang Li came to her daughter and sat down, "Are they going out to play cards again?"

"I don't know, it should be."

When Han Youchu replied, he noticed that his mother's expression was wrong, "Mom, did you go to him again just now?"

Seeing that his mother didn't speak, Han Youchu shook his head and sighed: "Mom, why are you bothering.

"Chuchu, he has a good friend by his side, that's why he refuses to remarry me."

Next, Zhang Li told her daughter about the matter.

"Mom, with his current conditions, it's normal for him to have a woman by his side, forget it, don't humbly beg him to remarry you, save yourself some dignity.

Han Youchu advised.

"No, I'm not reconciled. I married him and gave birth to him two daughters, but I didn't enjoy any blessings from him. Now that he has become a successful person, he will pay me back everything he owed me before. .”

Zhang Li said in a deep voice.

"Mom, how can you say such words?"

Han Youchu was speechless.

"Daughter, you must help mom on this matter. You are his daughter, and the blood relationship between you will never end. As long as you help me, I believe he will finally agree to remarry me." of."

Zhang Li said so.

"Mom, don't get me involved, this is a matter between the two of you, and I won't get involved.

Han Youchu said.

In a blink of an eye, a week passed, and the time came to the last day of February, the 28th.

It's exactly 20 days since War Dragon was released.

Now the cumulative box office of Zhanlong has reached more than 680 million.

There are still ten days until the one-month release period.

From this point of view, it is a certainty that Zhanlong's box office will exceed 700 million.

This is much higher than the 550 million box office mentioned in the future email.

Ye Chen is already looking forward to the day when the box office will be split.

In this week, the verdict of Chenwei Association's prosecution against Xiao Huijun, Onion Association, and Wanshun Venture Capital has also come out.

The court ordered Xiao Huijun to pay Ye Chen a reputation damage fee of one million soft sister coins.

Onion Guild and Wanshun Venture Capital jointly paid Chenwei Guild 6 million Ruanmei coins for reputation loss.

In addition, Xiaohuijun and the Onion Association were ordered to publicly apologize to Ye Chen and Chenwei Association within three days of the announcement of the penalty result.

Not only that, Xiao Huijun was also officially banned, and the road to Internet celebrity was completely cut off.

In the case of Mr. Xiaohui, the Onion Guild can be said to have lost its wife and soldiers.

Years ago, he just spent 8 million liquidated damages to lure Xiao Huijun from the Chenwei Guild, but now he is empty of people and money.

And the reputation of the guild is also bad.

Even the Douyin official imposed a platform penalty on the Onion Guild for not providing traffic support within a month.

The punishment is quite heavy.

You must know that all the big guilds on Douyin have signed an agreement with the platform.

The higher the guild level, the stronger the guild's liquidity, according to the agreement, the Douyin platform will give more traffic preference.

And traffic is money.

Losing the platform's traffic tilt within a month, the Onion Guild's profits will drop by at least 40% in the next month.

This is a loss of tens of millions.

After receiving the penalty result, Liu Zijie was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

He originally wanted to use Xiao Huijun to deal a heavy blow to Ye Chen and Ye Chen's property.

As a result, the heavy blow was bounced back to himself.

After this wave, the direct economic loss of the Onion Guild is as high as more than 20 million.

This is not counting the hidden loss of the reputation of the Onion Guild.

Why does he always get pissed off in front of this Ye Chen.....

Ma De, this Ye Chen is poisonous.


Ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and the one-month release period of Zhanlong is over, which also means that Zhanlong will be offline in major theaters across the country.

And the total box office of Zhanlong has also been released.

Reached a staggering 793 million.

For a film with a total investment of only 30 million yuan, this box office result is already remarkable.

Looking at domestic film and television, there are few films with such a high rate of return.

Zhanlong will definitely be recorded in the annals of domestic film and television history.

But what makes Ye Chen feel a little pity is that the box office of Zhanlong did not exceed 800 million, just a little bit short, which is really a pity.

"Honey, Zhanlong will hold a celebration banquet in our magic capital tomorrow, will you join me?"

When Han Youwei returned to the bed after washing her feet, Ye Chen opened her eyes and retreated from the sage mode, and asked while holding the foot cream to care for Han Youwei's feet.


Han Youwei replied happily.

Then the topic changed: "There should be many beautiful female stars participating in Zhanlong's celebration banquet, I don't worry about you going there alone."

"Honey, why are you still worried about me?"

Ye Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

"Husband, I know you won't mess around outside, but the entertainment industry is very messy, and those female stars in the industry don't have a fuel-efficient lamp, in case you accidentally catch 230

Those people's ways are not good, and with me by your side, even if those people have any thoughts, they can only be kept in their hearts for the time being.

Han Youwei said seriously.


"By the way, my wife, after this period of maintenance, I found that your feet are getting smoother and smoother.

After applying the foot cream to Han Youwei, Ye Chen lifted Han Youwei's feet up so that the soles of the feet were at the same level as her eyesight, "Now your soles don't have any old skin, you look like a baby

The soles of the feet are the same...

"Then I want to thank you."

Han Youwei glanced at Ye Chen, with a trace of flair in her eyes.

next morning.

Han Youwei personally chose a set of blue high-end suits for Ye Chen, together with the new hairstyle just done yesterday, this made Ye Chen look extremely handsome and dazzling.

And Ye Chen chose a custom black dress for Han Youwei.

Ye Chen stroked his chin and looked around, "Honey, the lipstick color you put on today doesn't match the dress I chose."

The lipstick on Han Youwei's lips is lighter in color.

"I also think it doesn't match, wait a minute, I'll change the color number."

A minute later, Han Youwei, who changed to a rose red color, smiled and said to Ye Chen, "Husband, what do you think of this color?"

"That's right, Sister Yu's feeling came up all at once."

Ye Chen changed the subject as he spoke: "But there is still one thing missing."


Han Youwei said subconsciously.


After a while, Han Youwei had an extra emperor green pendant around her neck.

The necklace is made of platinum.

The pendant is a piece of imperial green glass the size of a dove's egg set with a gold frame.

This imperial green glass was obtained by Ye Chen from betting on stones in Jinling City last year.

At that time, Ye Chen gave the large piece of glass imperial green to Chen Dehua, and asked the jade craftsman in Baili Auction Company to help him make some accessories and small pendants.

And last week, a staff member of Baili Group's Modu branch personally delivered the made pendants to Ye Chen.

The imperial green pendant that Ye Chen just put on Han Youwei is one of them.


Ye Chen's eyes lit up and he said, "Honey, you are so charming today."

"That smelly brother, call your sister to listen.

Han Youwei is a playful upper body, and said in a queen's voice.

"My brother is not sensible, sister, you should be more tolerant of your brother."

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

More than half an hour later, Han Youwei rinsed her mouth and reapplied a lipstick, and then went out with Ye Chen.

(Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, if you have flowers and tickets in hand, please vote for some, thank you.)

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