Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【129】The Actress Who Took The Initiative To Throw Herself Into Her Arms (Please Customize)

"Husband, since I married you, I have finally grasped the profoundness of our country's characters.

In the elevator, Han Youwei said with a smile.

"In the future, I will take you to understand more slowly.

Ye Chen's face didn't blush and his heart didn't beat.

The celebration banquet of Zhanlong was held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Shanghai.

The scene has already been set up.

I saw a red carpet spread from the intersection to the hotel entrance.

A row of security guards stood on both sides of the red carpet to keep the fans out.

With the fire of Zhanlong, the leading actors in this movie also gained a lot of fans.

Wu Jing even became the hottest big-name director in the circle in one fell swoop.

For this reason, I learned that Zhanlong held a celebration banquet, and many star actors came to join in on their own initiative.

Among them are some big-name stars.

So many fans came to the scene today.

It made the two rows of security guards feel a lot of pressure.

Media reporters also came a lot.

I saw them holding long guns and short cannons one after another. Once someone appeared on the red carpet, they would be greeted by a burst of flashing lights.

Men and women in dresses walked down the red carpet.

There are star actors.

There are directors.

There are also representatives of major film and television companies.

The celebration banquet of Zhanlong today can be said to be a grand event in the entertainment industry.

A red carpet staged a large-scale Gongdou drama.

The actresses present today were all dressed up, and most of the actresses were somewhat revealing.

Some even didn't see it.

Walking on the red carpet, some actresses deliberately walk very slowly, so that they can get more exposure.

One of the actresses, who was three lines away, suddenly broke the shoulder strap on one side while walking, and the spring suddenly appeared, which caused a lot of screams from the scene.

The flash was so flashing that many people couldn't keep their eyes open.

At the entrance of the hotel, Wu Jing, who was wearing a white suit and was at the highlight of his life, saw this scene. Immediately, he frowned and said to an assistant beside him, "That actress just now, ask her to leave!"

He had been in this circle for many years, so he didn't think it was an accident that the shoulder strap of the unknown actress broke just now.

In this circle, in order to climb up, gain exposure, and gain resources, many actresses really do anything by hook or by crook...

He has seen too much.

At this moment, Ye Chen and Han Youwei also stepped onto the red carpet.

"Husband, did you see it just now?"

"I said I didn't see it, would you believe me?"

Ye Chen laughed.

"Do not believe."

"Then what are you asking?"

Ye Chen is smiling

"Is that nice?"

Han Youwei's voice was full of vinegar.

"A tablet, what's so good about it."

"Today's scene is not small."

Ye Chen suddenly said with emotion.

Last time, the Chenwei Guild held the first live streaming event, although the scene was not small.

But compared with today's celebration banquet of Zhanlong, that is nothing.

After all, compared to being aggressive, today's internet celebrity circle of anchors is still much worse than that of the film and television circle.

In a sense, the anchor circle is just a reduced and simplified version of the entertainment circle.

After Ye Chen and Han Youwei joined hands on the red carpet, they immediately attracted the flashes of many media reporters. It is true that Ye Chen and Han Youwei's appearance is too high. If the two enter the entertainment circle, they will definitely be able to compete in terms of appearance. Random killing.

A group of media reporters didn't even know that Ye Chen was Zhanlong's largest investor. They only regarded Ye Chen and Han Youwei as newcomers that a certain film and television company wanted to promote.

The two didn't stop at all, they walked directly across the red carpet and entered the interior of the Four Seasons Hotel.

At this time, Liu Zijie and Han Youchu were also at the venue of the Zhanlong celebration banquet.

Originally, Han Youchu didn't want to come over today.

Because since it was Zhanlong's celebration banquet, Ye Chen, as Zhanlong's biggest investor, would inevitably appear.

She didn't want to see Ye Chen on this occasion.

But Liu Zijie told her that there will be many bigwigs in the film and television industry coming today, but the anchor circle and the film and television industry are not completely separated.

If you want to break the current declining situation of the Onion Guild, you may be able to find a breakthrough in the film and television industry.

For example, is it possible to seek cooperation with those star actors?

After all, celebrity actors have their own fan base.

Han Youchu felt that what Liu Zijie said made sense, so he followed.

"You Chu, taking advantage of the heat, Wu Jing is about to start filming Dragon Warrior 2. Let me tell you, all the heavyweight capital in the film and television circles are optimistic about Dragon Warrior 2 and want to be the lead in Dragon Warrior 2." Investors, so the investors of Zhanlong will all be kicked out this time."

Liu Zijie said proudly: "Xingji Film and Television is considered a relatively heavyweight capital in the current film and television industry, and my family's Wanshun Venture Capital is one of the major shareholders of Xingji Film and Television."

Han Youchu understood the meaning of Liu Zijie's words, "You mean the investor of Dragon Warrior 2, Ye Chen can't get involved?"

Liu Zijie nodded and said: "That's natural. Now so many big capitals in the film and television industry are eyeing Dragon Warriors 2. Ye Chen, an outsider, wants to continue investing in Dragons 2. How is this possible? Those big capitals won't Yes."

"Liu Shao."

Just then, a middle-aged man in a suit walked over.

This middle-aged man has a fat body and a fat body. He needs to take a few steps to catch his breath. It seems that his body has been hollowed out by wine and sex.

"Boss Yang."

Liu Zijie smiled at the middle-aged fat man who came over, and then introduced Han Youchu's identity, "Youchu, this is Mr. Yang from Xingji Film and Television."

Before Liu Zijie introduced Han Youchu, Yang Gaofeng smiled and said, "Liu Shao, this is your girlfriend, she looks really pretty."

"Mr. Yang, you have misunderstood. I am Liu Zijie's friend, but it is not the kind of relationship you imagined."

Han Youchu explained.

"Oh yes, so I misunderstood."

Yang Gaofeng laughed and said, he didn't take Han Youchu's words seriously.

He has seen too many girls who pretend to be reserved in his life.

"Mr. Yang, this Ms. Han is now the vice president of the Onion Guild."

Hearing this, Yang Gaofeng's face changed slightly, "It turns out to be President Han, it's a pleasure to meet you."

At this time, Ye Chen and Han Youwei also walked into the venue of the celebration banquet hand in hand.

The interior is very elegantly arranged.

I saw men and women in formal attires holding red wine glasses and chatting together in groups of twos and threes.

"Husband, there are a lot of star actors in it."

Han Youwei couldn't help sighing after scanning around casually.

She had only seen gatherings of this level in TV dramas before, but she never thought that she would be able to attend one day.

In the past, celebrities had a sense of mystery in her eyes.

But seeing those celebrities now, she suddenly felt that celebrities are actually human beings, and there is nothing special about them.

"Brother Ye, brother and sister."

Hearing someone calling them, the two followed the prestige and saw an acquaintance.

It's Chen Dehua.

As an investor of Zhanlong, Chen Dehua will definitely be invited to Zhanlong's celebration banquet.

There were two other people who walked over with Chen Dehua, but Ye Chen didn't know any of them.

After saying hello, several people chatted quickly.

The two people around Chen Dehua are both directors.

But their reputations are very mediocre. Ye Chen has never even heard of the movies made by the two, let alone watched them.

When the two directors learned that Ye Chen was Zhanlong's largest investor, they immediately became very enthusiastic about Ye Chen.

First, he slapped Ye Chen with rainbow farts for a while, and then finally showed his fox tail, trying to get investment from Ye Chen.

After listening to the movie they were going to make, Ye Chen replied perfunctorily that he would think about it when he went back.

I really think other people are stupid and have a lot of money, what kind of movies want to get investment from him?

As for the movie that the two of them just talked about, if it was made, nine out of ten it would be a bad movie.

"Ye Chen, look."

Han Youwei suddenly pointed in a direction and said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked over and saw Han Youchu.

Han Youchu and Liu Zijie also discovered Ye Chen at this time.

Han Youchu looked away.

But Liu Zijie smiled at Ye Chen.

There was a hint of meaning in the smile.

Ye Chen didn't bother to pay attention to this Liu Zijie. At this moment, Liu Junliang, the boss of Spring and Autumn Film and Television, and Ma Hao and Xia Dong, the other two investors of Zhanlong, came to Ye Chen's side and chatted with Ye Chen.

After a while, Wu Jing's wife Xie Jiao came over, and after chatting for a few words, Han Youwei followed Xie Jiao and left.

Xie Guo has a circle over there.

There are some popular first-line actresses in the house, such as Liu Shi and Da Mi Mi.

Xie Jiao mainly saw that Han Youwei didn't know anyone here, and was afraid that Han Youwei would be in a hurry here, so he wanted to bring Han Youwei into his circle.

And Han Youwei liked Shi Ye very much, he was a fan of Shi Ye, so she left with Xie Guo.

Also, her husband is surrounded by men, and she is not used to being around all the time.

In the middle of the trip, Ye Chen wanted to urinate, so he went to the bathroom.

"Mr. Ye. "

However, on the corridor going back and forth to the venue, Ye Chen ran into a woman wearing a dress with a wide open back.

"you know me?"


After the woman introduced herself, Ye Chen also knew that the other party was an actor.

It's just the kind of actress who is not well-known outside the third line.

What the actress meant was that she wanted to exchange her body for resources from Ye Chen.

This actress got to know Ye Chen specially before she approached Ye Chen.

She knew that Ye Chen was not only Zhanlong's biggest investor, but also the behind-the-scenes boss of Chenwei Guild.

With a group of high-quality contracted anchors, the Chenwei Guild has a unique advantage in online public opinion and publicity.

With the help of Chenwei Guild, she will definitely have a lot of exposure on the Internet.

Only with exposure can she gain fame, and with fame, she will be able to obtain better resources in the film and television industry in the future.

And Ye Chen invested in Zhanlong, this time he made a lot of money.

Ye Chen, who has tasted the sweetness, is likely to invest in other movies in the future.

If she hugs Ye Chen's thigh, then when Ye Chen invests in other movies in the future, she might be able to go in and be the leading actress.

And the boss of the Chenwei Guild is young and handsome.

Sleeping with this Ye Chen, she feels that she has earned (De Nuo Zhao).

After learning that the pure-looking actress in front of her came to find her purpose, Ye Chen also had to sigh that this circle is really too chaotic.

Strictly speaking, he is not a person in the film and television industry.

But that's it, there are still actresses who take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms.

Think about what kind of life those bigwigs in this circle usually live...

No wonder he just saw those slightly famous directors and senior executives of other film and television companies in the venue, many of them walked in vain...

"You are looking for the wrong person, I already have a wife."

Ye Chen said so.

"Mr. Ye, I know you have a wife. I saw your wife at the meeting just now. Your wife is so beautiful that I can't help myself. I never dreamed of taking the opportunity to take the lead. I just wanted to use my body in exchange for what I want."

The pure-looking actress said calmly: "Boss Ye, I'm not dirty, I still have my first time." 17

"I love my wife very much, you have found the wrong person."

After speaking, Ye Chen walked straight forward.

Looking at the back of Ye Chen leaving, the pure-looking actress felt frustrated for a moment.

She took the initiative to find the door, and took out her most precious thing, but the man was not tempted at all.

She could feel that the man really didn't have that kind of interest in her.

"I didn't expect that there are still good men in this world, but it's a pity that this man doesn't belong to me.


(Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, if you have flowers and tickets in hand, please vote for some, thank you.)


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