Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【130】A Friendly Reminder, Ye Chen Is A Shareholder Of Our Yida Film And Television (Please Customize

At ten o'clock, Zhanlong director Wu Jing walked to the front stage of the venue to accept interviews from several major entertainment media reporters.

Today Wu Jing is wearing a white suit, his whole face is radiant and energetic.

Liu Junliang, CEO of Spring and Autumn Film and Television, looked at Wu Jing on the stage and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Wu Jing has made it through this time.

In fact, Wu Jing made his debut relatively early.

Over the years, he has also acted in many TV series and movies.

The few TV dramas he starred in in the early days of his debut were relatively popular back then, but later Wu Jing shifted his main energy from TV dramas to the big screen.

But in those movies, most of Wu Jing's roles were male supporting roles.

Although many of the male supporting roles played by Wu Jing are quite brilliant.

But there is a strange phenomenon that Wu Jing has been tepid all these years.

But this time Wu Jing's self-directed and self-acted Zhanlong has achieved great success.

With the double explosion of Zhanlong's box office and word-of-mouth, Wu Jing directly became a top-notch director, and his status in the film and television circle has risen by how many levels.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many big stars and big capital at Zhanlong's celebration banquet today.

"Mr. Ye, I heard that Zhanlong 2 is already preparing for the establishment of the project. You and Wu Jing signed the priority investment agreement, so you should be able to participate this time."

Liu Junliang continued.

I have to say that Ye Chen is very courageous.

When Wu Jing was filming Zhanlong 1, the budget was seriously overrun. At that time, Wu Jing approached several of their investors and hoped that they would invest more, but they all rejected them.

Because they invested in Zhanlong 1 at the time because they were hesitant to invest. In fact, they were not very optimistic about Zhanlong 1. The reason why they were willing to spend several million at that time was nothing more than a gamble.

But if the budget overrun is serious and they want them to continue to increase investment, then they will not do it, because if the additional investment, if Zhanlong hits the street after it is released, then their losses will be too great.

Under such circumstances, Ye Chen appeared and directly invested 10 million in Zhanlong, and signed a priority investment agreement with Wu Jing for Zhanlong 2. I have to say that this Ye Chen is really prescient.

If this Ye Chen hadn't signed this agreement with Wu Jing at the beginning, then Ye Kang, who had established the project of Dragon Warrior 2, really might not have the qualifications to participate in it.

As far as he knows, there are many heavyweight capitals in the film and television industry who are eyeing on Battle Dragon 2.

In this case, the few investors of Zhanlong 1 will most likely be kicked out.

After all, compared with those heavyweight capitals, these few people are far behind in terms of their own strength and their influence in the film and television industry.

Under such circumstances, Wu Jing would definitely be more willing to accept investment from those heavyweight capitals for the future of Dragon Warrior 2 and his future development in the film and television industry.

"Mr. Liu, according to what you're saying, with the establishment of the Dragon Warrior 2 project, it's very likely that all of us will be kicked out?"

Chen Dehua on the side frowned.

Xia Dong and Ma Hao both looked towards Liu Junliang.

The question Chen Dehua asked was also what they were most concerned about right now.

Battle Dragon 1 has such a good reputation now.

If Fighting Dragon 2 is filmed, the box office will definitely not be low, because those fans who like Fighting Dragon will most likely go to see Fighting Dragon 2.

Of course, they didn't want to miss such an opportunity to make money.

However, Liu Junliang, CEO of Spring and Autumn Film and Television, said that several heavyweight capitals in the film and television industry are now eyeing Dragon Warrior 2, which is bad news for them.

"It's hard to say."

Liu Junliang sighed.

Seeing Liu Junliang's pessimistic expression, the hearts of Chen Dehua and the others sank rapidly.

"Oh, brother Ye, you have the foresight."

Chen Dehua said to Ye Chen with some envy.

The total shooting cost of Battle Dragon 1 was 30 million, and Ye Chen invested 15 million, accounting for half of it.

Therefore, in the box office share of Battle Dragon 1, the money that Ye Chen gets alone is equal to the money that these investors get together.

And with that agreement, Ye Chen can participate in the establishment of the Dragon Warrior 2 project. After the Dragon Warrior 2 is released later, Ye Chen can make a lot of money. How can he not be envious.

But who made Ye Chen courageous and foresighted?

So this money deserves to be earned by Ye Chen.

Near noon, the celebration banquet came to an end.

Zhanlong's main creative team, investors, producers, and distributors took a group photo together on the stage.

Looking at Ye Chen on the stage, Xiao Chu returned to the hall with an expression.

The box office of Zhanlong this time is close to 800 million. As the largest investor of Zhanlong, Ye Chen may be able to get a share of hundreds of millions of box office.

Turning her eyes (cgbg), Han Youchu's eyes fell on her twin sister Han Youwei not far away.

At this moment, her twin sister is talking and laughing with several first-line actresses.

Liu Shishi, Da Mi Mi, Reba, Nazha......

These popular actresses are like good girlfriends with her sister.

Han Youchu was thinking, if she hadn't broken up with Ye Chen at the beginning, then she should be the one who is joking with those first-line actresses now...

"Weiwei, your husband is too handsome, I think if your husband enters the entertainment industry, he will definitely become a top-notch."

Da Mi Mi looked at Ye Chen on the stage, his eyes were a little bright.

"Being a star is not as comfortable as being a capital."

Liu Shishi said.

"This Ye Chen..."

At this time, Liu Zijie looked at Ye Chen with jealous eyes.

Ye Chen is making money again by investing in Zhanlong.

How angry, why didn't he invest in Zhanlong at that time?

Such a big deal was picked up by this Ye Chen again.

"You Chu, don't look at Ye Chen looking very good on stage now. When he is jointly kicked out of the project of Dragon 2 by those heavyweight capitals in the film and television industry, he will never be good again. gone."

Liu Zijie said.

After taking a group photo, a group of people came to a meeting room.

Everyone is here to prepare for the box office split.

"This is the account split this time. Let's take a look. If there is no objection, please sign on it."

Liu Junliang, CEO of Spring and Autumn Film and Television, said to Ye Chen and others.

This time Chunqiu Film and Television is not only the investor of Zhanlong, but also the publisher.

As the issuer, Chunqiu Film and Television is responsible for the distribution of the box office.

Several investors have already read the specific details and rules of account sharing in advance, and this time it is just for confirmation.

Ye Chen glanced around, and when he saw that there was no problem, he directly picked up a pen and signed his name on the place where he needed to be famous, and put his fingerprint on it.

The total box office of Zhanlong is 793 million. The state will first deduct 5% of the film special fund and 3.3% of the tax, and then the distributor will take 10%, and the theater chain and the cinema will directly share 40% %.

Therefore, what investors can actually get is only about 41.7% of the total box office.

After deducting the box office tax, the final money that can go into Ye Chen's pocket is more than 165.3 million.

Not long after signing, Ye Chen received a text message on his mobile phone, saying that Zhanlong's box office account had arrived, and it was exactly 165,373,490 yuan.

But the money was transferred to his company's account.

Ye Chen registered an investment company long before investing in Zhanlong, named Chenwei Investment.

However, the company currently exists in the form of a leather bag company.

Not only the investment in Zhanlong was completed in the name of Chenwei Investment.

Including the lithium mine project years ago, the investment in Yida Films and the recent investment in Fosun Kite, all completed in the name of Chenwei Investment.

The advantage of doing this is that after receiving dividends in the future, the tax paid will be much more favorable than individual tax.

Ye Chen's doing this is a reasonable tax avoidance.

Many rich people in China are doing this now.

Otherwise, if everything is invested in the name of an individual, then when you receive dividends in the future, the personal tax you will pay will be terrible.

After the account split, several investors including Ye Chen did not leave the meeting room.

Because the investment of Battle Dragon 2 will be finalized today.

In another meeting room, Wu Jing and representatives of several heavyweight capitals in the current domestic film and television industry are gathering together to discuss the allocation of investment quota for Dragon Warrior 2.

"A 30% investment quota is required, Director Wu, that Ye Chen really dares to ask."

President Song of Didu Cultural Films sneered.

Now there are a lot of film and television capitals eyeing on Battle Dragon 2, and it is completely a scene of too many monks and too little food. For this reason, several of their heavyweight capitals have joined forces to shut out other small and medium-sized investors who are weaker than them.

As for the few investors in Zhanlong 1, only one Spring and Autumn Film and Television is barely enough to watch, and the other investors also want to come in to get a share?

I want to fart in my dream.

It's ridiculous that Ye Chen still wants to monopolize 30% of the quota, and the other party really dares to open his mouth.

This time even Song Ge didn't dare to ask for 30% of the investment quota.

"Director Wu, Ye Chen already made a lot of money in Battle Dragon 1, and now he still wants 30% of the investment quota in Battle Dragon 2, isn't this wishful thinking?"

Mr. Yang of Xingji Film and Television also sneered.

Next, apart from Mr. Zeng of Yida Film and Television, who remained silent, representatives of several other film and television companies spoke out to express their dissatisfaction.

Some people even suggested that Chenwei Investment should be kicked out directly.

A small Chenwei investment is not enough to get involved in the investment quota of Zhanlong 2.

"Everyone, I'm afraid you don't know that when Mr. Ye invested in Zhanlong 1, I signed a priority investment agreement for Zhanlong 2 with him. With this priority agreement, Mr. Ye asked for 2% of Zhanlong The investment amount of 30 is not wrong in itself, and I have no reason to reject Mr. Ye's request."

Wu Jing said.

As soon as these words came out, several people present frowned.

I really didn't expect that Ye Chen would still keep this hand.

There is a priority agreement, so this matter is not as simple as they imagined.

In the end, President Song of the Imperial Capital Cultural Films thought about it, and said, "What's wrong with the priority agreement, Director Wu, as long as we use some means, we can't avoid the priority agreement.

"Mr. Song, I want to say that if there is no Mr. Ye, there will be no popularity of Dragon Warrior 1, and there will be no Wu Jing today. Mr. Ye is kind to me, so I will not cooperate with you in the priority agreement. Please understand my difficulty."

Wu Jing said in a deep voice.

To Ye Chen, Wu Jing has always been grateful.

If these people wanted to kick Ye Chen out of the game, then he would definitely not agree, otherwise Wu Jing would become a typical ungrateful person.

At this moment, Mr. Zeng of Yida Film and Television, who had been silent all this time, said, "Everyone, I would like to remind you that Chenwei Investment is a shareholder of our Yida Film and Television."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the people present changed drastically.

Wu Jing couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

No wonder Mr. Zhang from Yida Cinemas was so polite to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen turned out to be Yida Film

Shareholders of Vision....

This young Mr. Ye is really unfathomable.

"Mr. Zeng, are you kidding us?"

Song Ge from Imperial Cultural Films was the first to recover from the shock.

His first reaction was that it was impossible.

How could a small Chenwei investment be a shareholder of Yida Film and Television.

You must know that Yida Film and Television relies on Yida Cinema to be an existence that almost no one dares to mess with in today's film and television industry.

Unless the film you made is not going to be shown in Yida Cinema in the future.

Now it is not known how many top investment banks want to invest in Yida Film and Television, but none of them can do so.

In fact, the old Wang of Yida Group valued the shares of the company under his name more than anything else.

An unknown Chen Wei invested in Yida Film and Television?

How ridiculous this looks.

"President Song, do you think I'll joke about this with you?"

Zeng Maojun asked back with a smile.


Song Ge was silent.

Representatives of several other film and television companies were also silent.

Chenwei Investment, which was not considered by them, turned out to be a shareholder of Yida Film and Television. Even if it is the smallest shareholder, it is very difficult to deal with this matter.

After pondering for a while, Song Ge looked at Zeng Maojun and said: "Mr. Zeng, can you see if this works? Since Chenwei Investment is the shareholder of your Yida Film and Television, then the face of your Yida Film and Television

Son, we definitely want to give it, so we allowed that Ye Chen to participate in the investment of Dragon Warrior 2, but the other party asked for 30% of the investment quota, which is really too high.

We can't accept it. We can promise to give Ye Chen 10% of the quota. After all, you Yida Film and Television can get some more investment quota in the end. Mr. Zeng, what do you think?

"Mr. Song, if you can persuade Mr. Ye to give up 20% of the investment quota, then I have no objection."

Zeng Maojun thought for a while and responded.

What Song Ge said is correct, if Ye Chen really occupies 30% of the investment quota, then their interests in Yida Film and Television will also be lost invisibly.

In Yida Film and Television, Chenwei Investment is only the smallest shareholder.

For the benefit of other shareholders, he himself hopes that Ye Chen can voluntarily give up some investment quota.

And now that several heavyweight capitals in the film and television industry are gathered here, he can't offend all of these colleagues just for one Ye Chen.

It's better not to commit such anger lightly.

"Okay, I know what you said, Mr. Zeng. I will go see that Ye Chen now and have a good talk with him."

Song Ge laughed.

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