Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【131】Having A Good Temper Doesn't Mean He Has No Temper! (Please Customize)

"Director Wu."

Song Ge said and looked at Wu Jing, "If I can persuade Ye Chen to give up 20% of the investment quota, then you won't have any objections anymore, right?"

Wu Jing is the director of Zhanlong, the soul of Zhanlong, so even if their Didu Cultural Films has bought the film and television copyright of Zhanlong 2 in advance, he still has to give enough respect to the director Wu Jing, after all He also pointed at the other party to help him make money.


Wu Jing nodded.

If Ye Chen had voluntarily surrendered 20% of the investment quota, then he would not have violated the priority agreement.

He also has his own helplessness.

Although he is the director of Dragon Warrior 2.

But when it comes to the distribution of the investment quota for Dragon Warrior 2, he, the director, doesn't actually have much say.

Although he can't understand these big capitalists in today's film and television industry, he can't change the environment in which this industry is dominated by capital by himself.

Seeing Wu Jing nodded, Song Ge got up and walked out of the conference room.

At that time, Ye Chen was chatting with Liu Junliang and Chen Dehua.

"Brother Ye, Wu Jing hasn't called you over after walking for such a long time. He couldn't have left you behind, could he?"

Just before Wu Jing left, he admitted frankly that he went to meet those heavyweight capitals in the film and television industry.

He also admitted frankly that those heavyweight capitals are all eyeing the investment amount of Battle Dragon 2.

Wu Jing also said that he would try his best to get some investment quota for Dragon Warrior 2 for them.

But Wu Jing's time to leave was not short, which made Chen Dehua and the others anxious.

After tasting the sweetness of the box office share of Dragon Warrior 1, they really want to continue investing in Dragon Warrior 2 now.

But today is different.

In the past, Wu Jing begged them to invest in Zhanlong 1.

Now they are begging to invest in Dragon 2...

It's embarrassing to think about it.

"They can't get around me. With that priority agreement, they just want to kick me out, so they have to come and talk to me.

Ye Chen laughed.

He is quite calm.

Without thinking about it, he can guess that those heavyweight capitals in the film and television industry must be very dissatisfied with his behavior of demanding 230% of Zhanlong's investment quota.

He even really wanted to kick him out.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open from the outside, and then a long-haired woman in business attire walked in with a twist of high heels.

The long-haired woman's eyes fell directly on Ye Chen, "Hello Mr. Ye, I'm the secretary of Mr. Song of Didu Cultural Films. We Mr. Song want to chat with you. I wonder if it's convenient for you now?"

The attitude of the woman is still very polite.

Can't fault it at all.

"Take me there.

Ye Chen walks.

Just like that, Ye Chen followed the long-haired woman out of the meeting room.

"Mr. Liu, why is it not Director Wu, but Mr. Song from the cultural film of the Imperial Capital looking for Mr. Ye?"

Chen Dehua asked Liu Junliang beside him.

"Obviously, the amount of investment Mr. Ye wants is unacceptable to those people. Otherwise, Song Ge wouldn't want to chat with Mr. Ye."

Liu Junliang said.

"Mr. Ye has a priority agreement and it is difficult to guarantee the amount of investment he wants, so those of us may really be kicked out by those people..."

Chen Dehua said with a pessimistic face.

Xia Dong and Ma Hao fell silent after hearing the sound.

On the other side, Ye Chen followed the long-haired woman into a room.

Inside sat a middle-aged man in a suit.

Obviously this person is Song Ge, the boss of Didu Cultural Films.

"Boss Ye, sit down."

Song Ge pointed to the seat opposite him and smiled at Ye Chen.

After Ye Chen sat down, Song Ge's long-haired female secretary brought Ye Chen a cup of freshly brewed hot tea, and then walked out of the room.

"Mr. Ye, you are really younger than I imagined."

Song Ge laughed.

Ye Chen smiled and cut straight to the point: "Mr. Song, you probably wanted to talk to me about the amount of investment you brought me here, right?"

Seeing that Ye Chen clarified the matter, Song Ge immediately stopped talking about it, nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Ye, you should also know that our Didu Cultural Films has bought the copyright of Battle Dragon 2. Taking advantage of Battle Dragon 1 With such popularity, the filming of Battle Dragon 2 will naturally be planned earlier..."

While talking, Song Ge changed the subject: "But now a lot of capital is eyeing on Dragon 2, and they all want to come in to get a share. The current film and television industry is full of various relationships and favors, so this We have to distribute the cake to them, but this cake is so big, Director Wu and I are in a dilemma, this is because we can't help ourselves in the rivers and lakes...

"Mr. Song, how much do you think my Chenwei investment should occupy to be considered appropriate?"

Ye Chen asked with a smile after taking a sip of tea.

"How about this, Mr. Ye, after all, you have signed a priority investment agreement with Director Wu, so the investment quota for you is naturally indispensable. I will give you 10%, what do you think?

Song Ge said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen shook his head and smiled, "From at least 30% to 10%, Mr. Song, you gave me more than half a discount.

"Mr. Ye, 10% is already a lot. After all, there is also a lot of capital involved this time. The investment amount for Battle Dragon 2 is really not enough."

Song Ge said with a smile.

"President Song, what if I insist on three percent of the land.

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, don't be too greedy. Although you signed a priority agreement with Director Wu, as long as we really want to, we have a way to avoid it. At most, we will pay you some money."

Song Ge said with a smile: "Giving you 10% of the investment quota is already the biggest concession we can make. I think Ye is always a smart person and should make a wise choice."

As a big shot in the film and television industry, he has a thorough understanding of how the film and television industry is played.

How could a mere priority agreement be difficult for him.

If this Ye Chen thinks that he can sit back and relax with a priority agreement, then he is really too naive.

"As far as I know, if a movie has a legal dispute, it cannot be approved. Mr. Song, I should be right?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "If this lawsuit starts, it won't end so soon. If it drags on for two or three years, Mr. Song, do you think Dragon Warrior 2 can afford it?"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Song Ge's face froze immediately, and he couldn't laugh anymore.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen came prepared for this.

What the other party said was the truth.

If a movie cannot be approved, then there will be no future.

For Battle Dragon 2, it can't afford it.

If it really dragged on for two or three years, then the popularity of Zhanlong 1 would have disappeared long ago, and it would definitely affect the box office of Zhanlong 2 by then.

"Mr. Ye, you can ask for any conditions, I want to be friends with you.

Song Ge's expression softened slightly.

What he said was true.

This Ye Chen is also a shareholder of Yida Film and Television no matter what, and if he is not forced to, he does not want to fall out with the other party.

"Mr. Song, we have nothing to talk about in this matter. The investment amount of 30% of Zhanlong 2 can't be lost for me. If it is less, then Zhanlong 2 won't even think about setting up a project." gone."

After speaking, Ye Chen got up and walked out of the room.

When it comes to his own interests, and they are huge interests, Ye Chen will naturally not compromise.

That future email said that the total box office of Dragon Warrior 2 was as high as 5.68 billion.

If the investment quota is reduced by 20% all of a sudden, then he will lose four to five billion yuan.

If you accept such a big loss, then he might as well not be in the capital circle in the future.

He thinks he has a good temper.

But just because he has a good temper doesn't mean he has no temper.

Looking at Ye Chen's leaving back, Song Ge's face was so gloomy that water dripped out.

It has been many years since no one dared to talk to him like Ye Chen did just now.

This Ye Chen really thinks that since he is a shareholder of Yida Film and Television, he can run amok in the film and television industry?

After leaving the room, Ye Chen walked directly towards the venue, preparing to call Han Youwei back.

Now that he has fallen out with Song Ge, he has things to do next.

When passing through the meeting room before, Chen Dehua saw Ye Chen, so he ran out quickly, "Brother Ye, how is your talk with Mr. Song going?"

Ye Chen shrugged and said with a smile, "The conversation is over."

"Ah? Brother Ye, what are you going to do next?"

Chen Dehua asked.

"Do whatever you want.

……ask for flowers…

Ye Chen said: "Okay Brother Chen, I'll take a step ahead if I still have something to do."

Chen Dehua nodded.

Now that Ye Chen's talk has collapsed, his investment in Dragon Warrior 2 is doomed to be just an extravagant hope.

After all, his brother Ye's strength has already surpassed him by a lot, and he still holds the priority agreement, that's it, and the talks with those people have collapsed.

When he came to the venue, Ye Chen looked around and soon found Han Youwei.

Walking in front of Han Youwei, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Honey, let's go back."

"Boss Ye."

Da Mi Mi, [Shi, Reba and Nazha, the four actresses all took the initiative to say hello to Ye Chen.

After getting along for a while, they quite like Han Youwei's character.

Now they have left each other's phone calls and added WeChat buttons to each other.

Facing the greetings from the five actresses, Ye Chen uniformly responded with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, why are you leaving in such a hurry, let's leave after lunch.

Thank you for staying.

"No, the company has something to do temporarily."

the other side.

Song Ge returned to the meeting room.

"Mr. Song, how are you and Mr. Ye?"

Zeng Maojun, president of Yida Film and Television, was the first to ask.

After all, Ye Chen's identity is very sensitive, and he is a shareholder of Yida Film and Television, so he couldn't help but pay attention to this matter.

"Mr. Zeng, it's not that I don't give you Yida film and television face, it's that Ye Chen's appetite is too big, he insists on 30% of the investment quota, and before he left, he left a sentence, saying that if less If he gets a share of the quota, he will sue to make our Dragon 2 project unacceptable."


Song Ge said with a sullen face.

Hearing this, Zeng Maojun fell silent.

He didn't expect that Ye Chen to be so steely.

Also, the person who can become a shareholder of their Yida Film and Television, can it be a soft persimmon that is squeezed at will.

Wu sighed and said nothing.

Representatives of several other heavyweight capitals in the film and television industry expressed their dissatisfaction with Ye Chen.

It was related to the interests of their company, even if they were a little afraid of Ye Chen's status as a shareholder of Yida Film and Television, they had no choice but to stand up and express their support for Song Ge.

"Mr. Zeng, why don't you persuade that Ye Chen again, the other party is a shareholder of your Yida Film and Television after all, for the sake of your Yida Film and Television, if it is not the last step, we don't want to have a complete fight with him.

Fall out.

Song Ge said to Zeng Maojun.

"Mr. Song, who can become a shareholder of our Yida Film and Television, do you think I can control the other party's opinion?"

Zeng Maojun said.

"Mr. Zeng, I'm curious how did that Ye Chen become a shareholder of your Yida Film and Television?"

Inge is quite afraid of Ye Chen's status as a shareholder of Yida Film and Television.

Because he has been wanting to take a stake in Yida Film and Television all these years, even willing to buy it at a 30% premium, but in the end he failed to get what he wanted.

But that Ye Chen did it.

This made him fearful.

"I'm sorry Mr. Song, it's about the privacy of our shareholders of Yida Film and Television. I can't disclose it. You know that our Yida Group has strict rules and regulations. I hope Mr. Song can understand.

forgive me.

After listening to Zeng Maojun's words, although Song Ge was a little upset, he also knew that the other party was telling the truth.

So I didn't ask any more questions.

Finally, Song Ge gritted his teeth and said: "That Ye Chen thinks he can take advantage of us with a priority agreement, and wants to sue us for Dragon Warrior 2, so come on, Song Ge

I have never been afraid of anyone, let alone a junior. "

He has made up his mind to fight that Ye Chen to the end.

He, Song Ge, is also a big shot in the film and television industry.

If an unknown young man took it this time, "then how will he continue to be a ghost in film and television in the future?

And he believes that Yida Film and Television will not fall out with him because of Ye Chen.

After all, he asked Ye Chen to give up 20% of the investment quota, which is also in line with Yida Film and Television's pursuit of interests. This can be seen from Zeng Maojun's attitude just now.


As long as Yida Film and Television does not intervene, even if Ye Chen is a tiger, he is still a toothless tiger.

Then why would he hesitate.


(Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for tickets.)


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