Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【132】A New Opportunity To Make Money, The Net Worth Can Be Multiplied Several Times! (Please Customi

"Hey, dinner is about to start, why did that Ye Chen leave?"

Seeing Ye Chen leave in the venue, Liu Zijie was puzzled at first, then reacted, and smiled and said: "I understand, it must be that Ye Chen was kicked out by Mr. Yang and he couldn't invest in Dragon 2, so Ye Chen became angry from embarrassment. I didn't even eat any food."

"This time, several heavyweight capitals in the film and television industry are eyeing Zhanlong 2. Even my family's Wanshun Venture Capital can't get in to get a piece of the pie. Ye Chen still wants to invest in Zhanlong 2. This is simply wishful thinking."

The situation where Ye Chen was kicked out was already in his expectation.

After getting in the car, Han Youwei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, husband, could it be that the investment in Dragon Warrior 2 didn't go well?"

"Yes, the copyright of Dragon Warrior 2 was bought by Didu Cultural Films. Just now Song Ge from Didu Cultural Films came to me and asked me to give up 20% of the investment quota. I didn't agree, and then we didn't agree. Let's break up."

Ye Chen nodded and said.

"Ah? Husband, don't you have a priority agreement?"

Han Youwei said in surprise.

"The priority agreement is not a mandatory agreement. For Song Ge, a big shot in the film and television industry, theirs."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Han Youwei couldn't help sighing: "The water in this film and television industry is too deep..."

Then he comforted Ye Chen and said: "It's okay my husband, anyway, we have already made a lot of money from Zhanlong 1, so we won't be as knowledgeable as those old foxes this time.

"No, that Song Ge thinks they are capital and want to manipulate me easily. I will let him know that I am also capital at "780", not the kind of soft persimmon that he can manipulate as he wants."

Ye Chen said.

Hearing this, Han Youwei's eyes were bent into crescents, "Husband, you look very manly now."

Then Ye Chen dialed Wu Jing's phone number, "Director Wu, I'm afraid I'm sorry for you this time."

Once he sues Zhanlong 2, the project approval of Zhanlong 2 will definitely be affected.

The Battle Dragon series is Wu Jing's painstaking effort.

As the director of Dragon Warrior 2, Wu Jing definitely doesn't want to see Dragon Warrior 2 fail to be approved as scheduled.

"Mr. Ye, please don't say that, I can completely understand you, no matter what you do on the matter of Dragon Warrior 2, you don't need to consider my feelings, on the contrary, I feel very sorry for you... .....

At the end, Wu Jing sighed heavily.

He is the director of Dragon Warrior 2, but there are not many things he can decide.

Even if he has now become a hot and famous director in the circle.

But in the face of capital, there will still be a deep sense of powerlessness in my heart.

"Director Wu, if you can understand me, then I can also understand your difficulties, we just need to understand each other.

After speaking a few more words with Wu Jing, Ye Chen hung up the phone.

"Husband, what are you going to do next?"

Han Youwei asked.

From what her husband said just now, it was obvious that she didn't want to suffer, and wanted to fight those people to the end.

"Honey, just wait and watch the good show."

Ye Chen smiled confidently.


Seeing that Ye Chen looked confident, Han Youwei didn't ask any more questions.

After the battle dragon celebration banquet was completely over, Liu Zijie and Han Youchu also left the hotel.

"You Chu, just now at the wine table, I found out with Mr. Yang that when Ye Chen invested in Zhanlong, he and Guojing signed a priority investment agreement on Zhanlong 2.

"This time, Ye Chen, relying on the priority agreement, directly asked for at least 30% of the investment quota for Zhanlong 2. As a result, those capitals naturally would not accept it. Later, President Song of Didu Cultural Films found out Ye Chen wanted to reduce the quota to Ye Chen to 10%, but Ye Chen still didn't agree, and the discussion broke down later, and now President Song has decided not to give Ye Chen a single cent of the quota."

Liu Zijie said to Han Youchu with a look of gloating.

"Didn't you say that Ye Chen has a priority investment agreement?"

"So what's the matter? For a boss in the film and television industry like Mr. Song, the so-called priority agreement can be circumvented. So Ye Chen is not greedy enough. Mr. Song promised to give it to him." He has 10% of the quota, and if Ye Chen sees a deal, I will accept it, and now it is fine, Ye Chen and Mr. Song have fallen out, and now Ye Chen can't get a cent of the investment quota for Dragon 2."

Liu Zijie shook his head and said with a smile: "This Ye Chen is still too young, and he doesn't know how deep the water of capital is. This time Mr. Song and the others will leave a deep impression on him."

After Ye Chen went back, he spent a lot of money to hire several well-known lawyers to form a luxurious team of lawyers to help him sue Emperor Capital Cultural Films for the investment dispute related to Dragon 2.

The next day, March 12th.

After more than 40 days, the 56 branches of Haililao in the Imperial City finally ushered in the official opening day.

The 45 branches in Pengcheng and the 42 branches in Yangcheng will be later, but they will also open in the next half month.

On this day, Ye Chen and his father-in-law flew to the imperial capital to attend the opening ceremony of the imperial capital Haililao.

On the first day of opening, the 56 Haililao stores in the Imperial City were all very busy, and many people had to wait in line for more than two hours before they could enter the store to eat hot pot.

On this day, the opening of Haililao, the capital of the imperial capital, rushed to Douyin's hot searches.

The next day, Ye Chen and Lao Zhangren returned to Shanghai.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and the time came to March 15th.

On this day, Ye Chen received a new future email.

[Two months later, the National Copyright Administration and multiple departments launched the "Jianwang Action" to crack down on Internet infringement and piracy. At that time, domestic video websites will start legalization campaigns, and the demand for copyright in the industry will increase rapidly... (This XXXX characters are omitted here)...]

After reading the content of this future email, Ye Chen's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Because online pirated videos are flooding, you can watch and search for a movie or TV series on almost all video sites.

As a result of rampant piracy, the prices of film and television copyrights are now particularly low.

Ye Chen checked online on a professional copyright data website, and found that in the past three years, the average purchase price of TV dramas and movies purchased by domestic companies was 17,300 yuan/episode, 26,700 yuan/episode, and 14,600 yuan/episode respectively.

According to the future email, the average copyright price of film and television dramas has increased by more than 30 times in less than a year since the "Jianwang Action" was launched.

Therefore, the copyright of domestic film and television dramas is completely at the price of cabbage.

This is very scary, but it also means that there are huge benefits to be gained from it.

Now he can completely hoard film and television copyrights at a low price, wait until later to sell them at a high price, and earn a huge difference in the price.

This is a terrifying rate of return of more than 30 times.

And this more than 30 times refers to the average price.

The future email also mentioned different types of film and television dramas in the future, and their copyright prices are also different.

Among them, the copyright fees of historical dramas will be the most valuable in the future.

For example, the current online copyright of the TV series "The Kingdom of Qin Di" is 25,000 yuan per episode.

However, after the "Jianwang Action", the online copyright fee for a single episode of "The Great Qin Empire" has skyrocketed to 2.69 million yuan, and the profit gap between them is terrifying.

If he grasped this wave, his net worth would at least be multiplied several times.

The more I thought about it, the more excited Ye Chen became.

However, if you want to hoard copyrights in large quantities, you must set up a copyright company.

There are only two months left for him.

It would be too late to set up a new copyright company and recruit troops to hoard film and television copyrights.

So the best way at the moment is to directly acquire a copyright company that is operating normally and has a large copyright library.

So Ye Chen started looking for his target online.

As a result, after searching, Ye Chen found that many copyright companies were quite in line with his goals.

It is true that the operating conditions of these domestic copyright companies are very bleak.

In this network environment where piracy is rampant, it is not easy for these copyright service providers to survive.

In the end, Ye Chen set the target of the acquisition as a media company called Zhongshi Wangju.

Zhongshi Wangju is an old domestic new media copyright content integration service provider. Its copyright Curry currently has 4,128 online copyrights of film and television dramas.

In terms of scale alone, it ranks third in China.

The reason why Ye Chen did not acquire the two companies with the second and largest copyright databases...

That's because China TV Network has an advantage that Ye Chen especially values, that is, China TV Network has the largest historical film library in China.

The future email clearly stated that the type of film and television drama with the most expensive copyright fees in the future network is the theme of historical drama.

So the acquisition of Zhongshi Wangju will obviously allow Ye Chen to earn more in the future.

In addition, it is rumored that the boss of Zhongshiwangju will immigrate to the beautiful country, so he has been looking for a buyer for his company recently.

However, in the current domestic network environment where piracy is rampant, no capital will be interested in a copyright company.

But as the saying goes, don’t be afraid of anything but 10,000.

Unavoidable accidents happened, Ye Chen improvised a team of accountants, lawyers, actuaries and other professionals on the same day, and flew to the imperial capital in the afternoon.

After checking into the hotel, Ye Chen immediately arranged for someone to investigate the detailed information of Zhongshi.com.

The next day, Chen Tonggang, chairman of China TV Network Gathering, was sitting in his office, drinking tea and worrying.

Over the past ten years since the establishment of Zhongshi Wangju, he has invested a lot of money to hoard the copyright content of other programs such as film and television dramas, animations, and online novels.

In terms of the size of the copyright library alone, his Zhongshi Wangju is now the third largest copyright service provider in China.

But even so, China Television Network Ju can't make much money now, and even lose money in some years.

Because domestic piracy is rampant now, other video sites are unwilling to spend money to buy their film and television copyrights.

Holding a company that doesn't make money is a tasteless thing to eat and discard. In addition, his son who studied abroad has decided to settle in the beautiful country, so he plans to move the whole family to the beautiful country.

So in the past month, he has been selling the real estate under his name.

Several properties in his name were quickly bought up.

But China Television Network has been unable to find a taker.

Originally, he wanted to sell his shares in China TV Network to several other major shareholders of the company.

But those major shareholders all said that they are all worried about the equity they hold in China TV.

In the past month, he has also contacted many well-known domestic investment companies.

But none of these capitals are interested in China Video Network Gathering.

"Could it be that the shares of China TV Network are really going to rot in my own hands?"

Chen Tonggang muttered to himself.

However, at this moment, a woman in business attire rushed in excitedly, "Old Chen, good news, good news, there is a venture capital company that wants to inspect our China TV Network.

This woman who looks to be in her forties is not only Chen Tonggang's assistant, but also Chen Tonggang's assistant.

Gang's wife.

Hearing this, Chen Tong just put down his teacup and stood up excitedly, "Do you know who the other party is from?"

"Chenwei Investment is an investment company in Shanghai. 17

Chen Tonggang's wife replied.

"Chenwei invests?"

Chen Tonggang showed a thoughtful look.

He basically knows all the well-known investment companies in China.

In his memory, it seems that he has never heard of this investment company.

"Old Chen, this Chenwei Investment is an investment company established last year.

Chen Tonggang's wife explained her husband's doubts: "Although this investment company has little investment experience, its several investments are very eye-catching.

The price of tens of millions won the Libovia lithium mine project from Qitian Lithium Industry, and then sold the project to Ganfeng Lithium Industry at a price of 1.5 billion after more than half a month.

With this year's Lunar New Year box office dark horse Zhanlong, this Chenwei Investment is Zhanlong's largest investor. "

"Ye Chen, the boss of Chenwei Investment, is also the boss of Chenwei Guild and the boss of Haililao.

After hearing his wife's words, Chen Tonggang was very surprised, "This Chenwei investment is quite strong."

Although the other party's reputation is not obvious...


How can he still have the right to criticize the other party's reputation now.

Now as long as the other party has the strength to buy the shares in his hand, he doesn't care at all about the other party's reputation.

After selling the shares and cashing in, he immigrated with his family to the beautiful country.

As for the future of China Television and Network Ju, it has nothing to do with him.

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