Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

[133] With This Tone, I Will Definitely Help You Out! (Please Customize)


"Honey, when will the other party come to our company for inspection?"

Chen Tonggang asked.

"The other party said that as long as our side agrees, they will rush over immediately.

Hearing this, Chen Tonggang said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for, let them come quickly.

"Don't worry, Old Chen, I have promised them for you, they are already on their way."

Chen Tonggang's wife smiled.

"Okay, let Mr. Wang take someone out to meet them... Forget it, let's pick them up in person."

Chen Tonggang said.

More than half an hour later, Ye Chen and his group arrived at China TV.com.

"Mr. Ye, welcome to our video gathering."

The first time he saw Ye Chen, Chen Tonggang was shocked.

Because he really didn't expect that the boss of Chen Wei's investment would be so young.

This looks younger than his son who is studying abroad.

"Hi, Mr. Chen."

Ye Chen shook hands with Chen Tonggang.

"May I ask, Mr. Ye, how old are you this year?"

Chen Tonggang couldn't help asking curiously.


Ye Chen replied.

"You're only twenty-four...Mr. Ye, you are younger than my son who is studying abroad.

Chen Tonggang was very surprised.

With such an achievement at such a young age, it seems that the other party is probably a rich second generation.

"University grades are average, there is no postgraduate entrance examination, and it is too early to come out."

Ye Chen said with a smile as he walked.

"Mr. Ye, you are too self-effacing. There should be quite a few talented students working for you now."

Chen Tonggang smiled.

"It can't be said that, I personally still admire those people who have a high degree of education, and the success of a person cannot be measured by the amount of money. The truly awesome people pursue spiritual wealth. Unlike me, I like money. It's more vulgar."

Ye Chen said.

"Haha, then I am also a layman."

While joking, the group came to a conference room on the top floor.

Chen Tonggang asked people to take out the company's articles of association, the financial statements of recent years and other materials from China Television Network and hand them over to the person brought by Ye Chen for auditing and accounting.

"Mr. Ye, I don't know who are the elders in your family, maybe I know them."

Chen Tonggang asked with a smile.

"Chen Dong, you misunderstood, I just came from an ordinary family."

Ye Chen laughed.

"Mr. Ye, you are joking. If you come from an ordinary family, then there will be no wealthy families in our country."

A 24-year-old young man who just graduated from college last year, now has three companies in his hands, one of which is an investment company, investing more than 40 million yuan without hesitation.

This kind of handwriting, even the average rich second generation can't come up with it.

"Chen Dong, I really come from an ordinary family, if you don't believe me, then I can't help it.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't seem to be joking, Chen Tonggang was really shocked, "Mr. Ye, you are actually a rich generation...

This is the first time he has seen a rich generation who has achieved such achievements at such a young age.

It made him have to sigh that it is really talented people from generation to generation.

After more than an hour, Ye Chen followed his team to a room next door.

"Mr. Ye, China TV Network Ju is operating in compliance with regulations. Now the company has three unresolved legal infringement disputes. However, in my opinion, China TV Network Ju should win all three cases in the end."

First, the lawyer brought by Ye Chen said.

Then Han Youwei's cousin, Han Wenwen, said: "Ye Chen, this company has no tax evasion, but the company has been operating at a loss for two of the last three years."

In the end, an actuary handed Ye Chen a note, "Boss Ye, this is calculated by the few of us, take a look."

Ten minutes later, Ye Chen and his group returned to the meeting room next door.

"Boss Ye?"

Chen Tonggang looked at Ye Chen nervously.

Based on the data collected by China TV over the past few years, he really has no confidence that Ye Chen will invest in his company...

Knowing what Ye Chen said to Chen Tonggang, he said with a smile: "Chen Dong, your company is really not profitable. It's no wonder that those investment companies have no interest in investing."

Hearing this, Chen Tonggang immediately became a little anxious, "Mr. Ye, you should already know that I am anxious to sell the shares to cash out, and then immigrate the whole family to the beautiful country, so Mr. Ye, if you are willing to buy my As for the equity, I can reluctantly sell it to you at a discount. To be honest, Mr. Ye, if my son hadn’t insisted on settling in the beautiful country for development and was willing to return to China, I would not have sold the equity in my China TV Network. Because I think that there will be a year in the future when our country will crack down on online piracy, and when that time comes, the spring of China TV Network Gathering will come.”

Ye Chen smiled, "Chen Dong, how many shares do you own? Also, what is the discount you mentioned?"

"Mr. Ye, I own 43.8% of the shares of China Television Network Ju, and I am willing to sell it to you according to my current share price of China Television Network Ju.

Chen Tonggang said.

"30% off."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, your asking price is too harsh."

Chen Tonggang showed a look of embarrassment.

"If Chairman Chen finds it difficult, forget it."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Seeing that Ye Chen was going to leave if he disagreed, Chen Tonggang hurriedly said: "Good Mr. Ye, I agree.

He couldn't wait any longer.

Because his son is optimistic about a project in the beautiful country, and he needs money.

The key project, after his investigation, he is quite optimistic about.

If he doesn't agree with Ye Chen this time, then he doesn't know how long he will have to wait to find a taker for the equity in China TV Network Ju.

Hearing this, Ye Chen sat back again, "But Mr. Chen, I have one more request."

"What request, Mr. Ye, tell me."

Chen Tonggang asked.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "That is, I want to acquire the entire China TV Network Ju, and I want to buy it at 30% off the current stock price of China Television Network Ju."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Tonggang was extremely surprised.

Good guy, this Ye Chen actually wants to win the entire China Television Network, what a courage.

In the current social environment, copyright companies like China TV Network, those capitals are afraid to avoid it when they see it.

However, this Ye Chen wants to buy all shares of Zhongshi Wangju.

Obviously Ye Chen is betting.

It is a bet that the domestic environment where piracy is rampant in the future can be improved.

But this Ye Chen is really a chicken thief.

According to Ye Chen, the other party wants him to help persuade other shareholders of China TV to sell their shares to him at a 30% discount...

The other party saw that he was eager to sell shares to cash out, so he was sure that he would help him.

"Mr. Ye, I can try to persuade you, but I can't guarantee whether I will succeed in the end.

Chen Tonggang said.

Those shareholders wanted to sell their shares as well, but if there was a 30% discount, it would be hard to say.

After speaking, Chen Tonggang left the meeting room to contact the other shareholders of China TV.

About half an hour later, Chen Tong just returned to the meeting room, and smiled at Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, it's a good luck not to disgrace the district.

Originally, he thought that it would not be an easy task to persuade several other shareholders to sell their shares to Chenwei Investment at a 30% discount.

However, I didn't expect it to be surprisingly smooth just now.

Those few shareholders agreed to him without any hesitation at all...

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

Ye Chen suppressed the joy in his heart.

Today's trip went smoother than he imagined.

After winning China Television Network Ju, even if he doesn't continue to spend money to hoard film and television copyrights later, he will still earn blood by relying on China Television Network Ju's existing copyright library.

"Boss Ye, those shareholders are already on their way here. It's just that two shareholders are not in the imperial capital, but in other cities. They won't be able to come here until tomorrow morning."

Chen Tonggang said so.

"Okay, then wait until all the shareholders are here tomorrow, and then sign the contract together."

Ye Chen laughed.

"It's... alright."

Chen Tonggang was speechless.

This Ye Chen is really cautious.

Back at the hotel, Ye Chen received feedback from the team of lawyers who were in charge of prosecuting the investment dispute related to Dragon Warrior 2 from Imperial Capital Culture Industry.

Not good news.

Because the case didn't go well from the very beginning.

As a heavyweight capital in the film and television industry, Emperor Capital Cultural Films has a lot of energy, and with the help of other capitals, this case has encountered a lot of troubles in the process of progress.

Even if Ye Chen hired well-known domestic lawyers, he was still struggling to cope.

There was even a well-known lawyer who directly quit Ye Chen's temporary team of lawyers because of some pressure.

in the room.

Ye Chen is on the phone with Wang Xing.

"Lao Ye, at the Radio, Film and Television Administration, my mother said that she can help you get in touch, but none of the people in the film and television industry are good at dealing with them."

Wang Xing said on the phone.

"Old Wang, I know they are difficult to deal with, but they have bullied me, and I can't bear it, you say so.

Ye Chen laughed.

"It's true that in this world, people are good at being bullied and horses are good at being ridden by others. The more you back down, the other party will make more progress. If it were me, I would fight them to the end.

Wang Xing said with a smile.

After chatting with Wang Xing for a few more words, Ye Chen hung up the phone.

Then Ye Chen called Qin Feng again.

After hearing what happened to Ye Chen, Qin Feng immediately said: "Those guys in the film and television industry have teamed up to bully you, Lao Ye, don't worry, I will definitely help you out. "

Since the opening of 53 Haililao in the Imperial City, the business has been booming every day.

This shows that his decision to invest in Haililao is extremely correct.

If this trend continues, the future of Haililao is absolutely limitless.

As the second largest shareholder of Haililao, Ye Chen is a community of interests.

And Ye Chen is kind to him.

So when something happened to Ye Chen, he must stand up and fight with Ye Chen.

"This time they don't put martial arts first, then I won't make them comfortable.

Ye Chen laughed.

After the phone call with Qin Feng, Ye Chen then sent a video call to Han Youwei.

"Honey, I can't go back today."

"Ah? Then when will you be back?"

"I guess it will be the day after tomorrow at the earliest."

Ye Chen said.

"Okay...husband, I miss you.

"Hey, when I go back this time, I will make it up to you."

Ye Chen laughed.

"Really, then I want to...

In the video screen, Han Youwei's eyes are shining, hinting frantically.

"Okay, I will satisfy you when I go back."

"Really, thank you husband." After 143 talked for a while, Ye Chen hung up the video, and then Ye Chen took out his laptop and put it on the table to turn it on.

Ye Chen first went online to check the contracted artists under the Didu Cultural Films.

In the next few hours, Ye Chen used his ability as a top hacker and successfully obtained a lot of useful information.

the next afternoon.

After answering a phone call, Ye Chen brought people back to China Television Network Ju.

At this time, more than a dozen large and small shareholders gathered by Shiwang are waiting for Ye Chen.

Under Chen Tonggang's introduction, Ye Chen also got to know the dozen or so large and small shareholders briefly.

Then everyone began to sign the equity transfer contract.

After spending more than an hour, Ye Chen had twelve more contracts in his hand.

Since then, Ye Chen has obtained all the shares of China Television Network Ju under the name of Chenwei Investment.

The current market value of China TV Network is about 350 million.

With a 30% discount, Ye Chen needs to pay a total of 245 million yuan.

However, just like the previous investment in Fosun Kite, Ye Chen also made two payments.

The first payment is to ask Han Youwei to transfer half of the money from the company account invested by Chen Wei immediately after signing the contract.

The remaining half is settled after one month.

After signing the contract and receiving the money, all the big and small shareholders except Chen Xiugang left directly.

In the meeting room.

All the middle and high-level management of China TV Network have arrived.

Chen Tonggang made a formal handover to Ye Chen.

Now these managers know that their company has changed bosses.

And the new boss is Ye Chen who is too young.

"Boss Ye, then I'll leave first."

After handing over the company, Chen Tonggang didn't stay long and left with his wife.

"Vice President Wang."

Ye Chen looked at Wang Hanlin.

This Wang Hanlin is forty-four years old this year, and his current position is the deputy general manager of China TV Network.

"Boss Ye."

Seeing that the new boss' eyes fell on him, Wang Hanlin immediately lifted his spirits and pulled himself together.

The company has changed to a new boss, maybe the top executives are going to have a big change.

Therefore, the executives in the conference room were a little restless at this time.

"The position of the general manager of our company is vacant. Now I want you to act as an agent temporarily. I wonder if you would like to?"

Ye Chen asked.

"Boss Ye, I am willing.

Wang Hanlin suppressed his joy and said.

Although it is only an acting general manager.

But this is an opportunity for him anyway.

If he grasped it by himself, maybe he would be able to remove the word "agent" later.


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