Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【142】Bald Xu Zheng's Request (Seeking Customization)

"What else do you have to say?"

Putting down the phone, Han Ping looked at Zhang Li expressionlessly.


Faced with the lie being dismantled by her ex-husband face to face, even Zhang Li felt ashamed at this moment and wanted to find a crack in the ground to slip in.

Without giving Zhang Li any chance to speak again, Ping slammed the door shut.

At this moment, Zhang Li's face was extremely ugly.

She failed to live in her ex-husband's house tonight, and she was exposed by her ex-husband's lies just now, so her hope of winning her ex-husband's sympathy and living in her ex-husband's house by playing emotional cards and selling misery in the future is really infinitely slim what.....

What annoyed her was that her ex-husband had already lived with that woman, and that woman was an employee of Haililao. It can be said that her ex-husband Han Ping and that woman just got along day and night. together.

This made it impossible for her to have any chance to contact her ex-husband in the future.

"Husband, I forgot to buy the facial cleanser when I ran out. Smell my face to see if it smells good?"

After washing her face in the bathroom and returning to the bed, Han Youwei brought her face closer to Ye Chen while speaking.

Ye Chen held his breath, smelled it, and said with a smile, "Sweet."


Han Youwei said as she stretched out her hand and wiped her face, then put her palm in front of her nose and smelled it, it seemed that it did have a little fragrance.

Ye Chen laughed a few times, but didn't say what was in his heart, "Ahem...."

"Honey, let's go to bed, it's past eleven o'clock."

"I can't sleep, you go to sleep first, I'll play with my phone before I go to bed."

After finishing speaking, Han Youwei picked up her mobile phone that was charging on the bedside cabinet, seeing that the battery was 100%, so Han Youwei unplugged the charging head, and then started playing with the mobile phone.

After a while, Han Youwei excitedly said to Ye Chen who was still asleep: "Husband, Sister Wu told me that just now, that woman came to my house with a suitcase and told my dad that she had married Wang Minghui is divorced and wants to temporarily stay at my father's house for a few nights."

"Our dad didn't agree?"

Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Of course not. My father and Sister Wu are already living together. How could that woman be allowed to live at home? Besides, the woman just lied that she and Wang Minghui divorced without leaving the house and wanted to fight My dad's sympathy, but my dad called Wang Minghui and exposed the woman's lies on the spot, making that woman feel ashamed."

While talking, Han Youwei suddenly became a little scared, "Husband, it's a good thing my dad is with Sister Wu now, and the two of them are living together, otherwise, tonight, it is really possible for that woman to get her way. "

The next day, Fosun Kite held a press conference.

Announced that it has developed a special innovative drug for the treatment of cancer, and the first phase of clinical trials has achieved the expected effect, which soon caused a big shock in the pharmaceutical industry.

Chenwei guild edited the video of Fosun Kate’s press conference, condensed the one-hour press conference video into a short video with a duration of only three minutes, and then all the contracted anchors of Chenwei guild forwarded it one after another.

All of a sudden, a special innovative drug that can treat cancer became popular all over the Internet.

And it rushed to the hot search list that day.

Those investment companies who were not optimistic about Fosun Kate and rejected Huang Hai are all sighing now.

They have missed an investment opportunity with a high rate of return.

So on the same day, many investment companies contacted Huang Hai and asked if Fosun Kate still needed funds. If so, they could invest money immediately.

Some powerful investment companies even directly stated that they are willing to purchase Fosun Kite's equity at a premium of 15%.

However, Fosun Kite has just received Ye Chen's 300 million capital injection not long ago, and there is no shortage of money at present.

In addition, those banks have said that there is no need to rush to repay the loans financed from their banks, and they can modify the contract and postpone the repayment period later.

Some banks said that if Fosun Kite is willing to lend now, their bank can simplify the lending procedures, increase the loan amount, and also give certain discounts on the loan interest rate.

And those suppliers of upstream pharmaceutical raw materials have also contacted Fosun Kate one after another, expressing their hope to continue cooperation in the future. In order to express their sincerity, many suppliers are willing to give Fosun Kite a more favorable purchase price of raw materials.

In just one day, Fosun Kate got out of all difficulties......

Moreover, the stock of Fosun Kite also ushered in the first daily limit in three years.

Another day passed, and the time came to April 8th.

This morning, Ye Chen received a call from Xu Zheng.

Sure enough, as Ye Chen expected, Xu Zheng became very interested in this drama after reading the script of I'm Not the King of Medicine.

So Xu Zheng readily expressed his willingness to be the director of I am not the king of medicine, and at the same time expressed that he wanted to play the role of Cheng Yong, the leading actor in I am not the king of medicine.

Xu Zheng became famous by acting in comedies.

Apart from well-known directors, the label attached to him by the outside world is a comedian.

As an actor, he doesn't want to be labeled as such, he doesn't want others to think that Xu Zheng can only act in comedies.

He doesn't want to be solidified by the outside world.

He wants to be like his idol Xingye, who can not only act in comedies, but also in tragedies, and can handle various roles.

So in the past year, he has stopped taking comedy.

There are at least twenty comedy scripts that have been rejected by him.

He wants to break through the shackles and try different roles.

And the role of Cheng Yong, the male number one in I'm Not Medicine King, deeply attracted him and made him feel excited.

It's been a long time since he's met a character that excites him so much.

"Director Xu, if you don't tell me this, I'm going to ask you to play the leading man who is not Yao Wang. Besides, I have already drawn up a list of actors for some important roles in this drama 1.7. I'll send you that cast list.

Ye Chen laughed.

But hearing Ye Chen's words, Xu Zheng on the other end of the phone couldn't help frowning.

What he is most afraid of when he is a director is that the investor will pre-determine the role and randomly insert actors in it.

It is extremely important to know that the choice of actors is extremely important.

A good actor can support the characters in the play and integrate them into one, which makes the division a lot.

But if he is an unqualified actor, he can't support the role, and it is very easy for the audience to play when watching a movie.

In fact, many of the actors brought in by the investors are not actors at all, they can only be regarded as stars, and most of their acting skills are seriously worrying.

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