Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【143】Mom And Dad Come To The Magic City (Please Customize)

If Ye Chen wants a few minor roles, that's fine.

But what Ye Chen wanted was an important role, and he even drew up a list of actors for an important role.

This is a typical layman doing things inside.

Although he didn't want to offend Ye Chen, he didn't want to save Ye Chen's face.

But for things related to the play, it is decided that it is better not to say something first.

"Mr. Ye, I am a film director, and I have always personally selected the important roles in the film, because I want to ensure the compatibility between the roles and the actors. For this

I also hope Mr. Ye can understand me. "

Xu Zheng thought for a while and said.

If Ye Chen is stubborn and insists on using the person he chooses, then he would rather not be the director.

After all, he didn't want to direct a bad movie to ruin his reputation and brand.

This is his bottom line and principle.

After listening to Xu Zheng's words, Ye Chen was not only not upset at all, but also very happy.

Xu Zhengneng raised objections to him about the casting, which means that Xu Zheng really wanted to make a good film of I am not the king of medicine.

If others are just trying to mess with the director's fee, why should they stand up and raise objections?

In this way, after the movie is shot and released, if the box office hits the market, people can use the inappropriate casting as an excuse to shirk their responsibility as a director.

"Director Xu, do you think this is okay? For the list of actors I drew up, you call all the actors on it to audition. If after the audition, you feel that those actors have not met your expectations, then you can do another one." Find other suitable actors, and I will not recommend any actors to you in the future, will this work?"

Ye Chen laughed.

"That's fine."

Xu Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

As Ye Chen is the screenwriter of I'm Not Medicine King, Ye Chen will definitely invest in this drama later, then Ye Chen will definitely be the investor, and probably the largest investor.

So facing Ye Chen's request, he naturally had to satisfy it.

In fact, he was quite troubled just now.

He was worried that Ye Chen would lose face and refused to give in.

At that time, he will definitely not be the director of this play.

But he really likes the script of I am not the king of medicine, and he is also confident to make this movie well.

Such a good script is rare, and he really doesn't want to miss it.

"Director Xu, I'm not Yao Wang's crew, so I'll trouble you to set it up."

Ye Chen said.

Xu Zheng was originally a well-known director in the circle, and he must have his own team under his command.

With his own team, Xu Zheng will use it more smoothly. After all, we have collaborated in several films, and we must have developed a tacit understanding.

"no problem."

Xu Zheng said.

"Well, Director Xu, you should make a budget for the investment cost of the movie I'm Not the King of Medicine as soon as possible, and then I will find an investor for this movie."

Boss, then...can you give me some investment quota?"

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Zheng asked.

"Okay, Director Xu, I'll give you 10% of the investment quota, do you think it's feasible?"

For the drama I am not the king of medicine, he did not intend to eat alone this time.

No matter which line you are in, eating alone will make you a target of public criticism, and it will also make you an isolated party.

Instead of this, it is better to allocate a part of the investment quota to expand your network.

I am not the king of medicine, he only needs half of the investment amount.

Xu Zheng, as the director of this play, should give him a little investment amount.

Because he became an investor in this drama, then Xu Zheng will definitely pay more attention when he directs this drama later.

After all, the box office of this movie after its release also directly affects his own income.

"Enough is enough, thank you Mr. Ye."

The excitement in Xu Zheng's voice could not be concealed.

The 10% investment quota has exceeded his expectations.

You must know that with Ye Chen's strength, I am not the filming fund for the film King of Medicine, he can pay all of it by himself.

In this situation where there is no shortage of money, people are willing to give him 10% of the quota, which is really interesting.

After chatting casually for a few more words, Ye Chen hung up the phone.

After taking a sip of tea, Ye Chen thought about it and called Wang Hanlin again.

This person is now the acting general manager of China Television Network Ju.

Twenty-three days have passed since Ye Chen acquired all shares of Zhongshi Wangju.

One week to a month.

We must know that in more than a month, multiple departments of the country will jointly launch the "Jianwang Action", and by then the prices of copyrights for film and television dramas and other content will rise all the way.

He gave Wang Hanlin 500 million yuan, and he doesn't know how much this Wang Hanlin has achieved in the past 20 days.

"Mr. Ye, as of yesterday, I have won the online copyrights of 489 movies. I spent a total of 29.34 million yuan, with an average price of 60,000 yuan." The vaccination period is signed for ten years. .”

"The TV series won are 116, with a total of 6,032 episodes and an average price of 31,000 episodes. This one cost 180.96 million, and the authorization period of the signing is 10 years.

"Thirty-seven popular animations, with a total of 3,293 episodes, an average price of 21,000 episodes, and a cost of 65.86 million. The authorization period is 10 years."

"In terms of sports 430 events, there are NBA, FIFA World Cup, African Football Championship, African National League, America's Cup, Asian Cup, World Mixed Martial Arts UFC, the average price of one event is 1.4 million, and the broadcast authorization period is 8 years , This one cost 9.8 million.

"In terms of popular variety shows, we have won the online copyrights of 18 variety shows, with an average price of 400,000 a piece, and a total of seven hundred and two hundred thousand."

"There are seventy-six popular online novel copyrights, with an average price of 300,000 copies, and a total of 22.8 million for this piece.

"Mr. Ye, the sum of the above-mentioned large pieces has already cost 315.96 million yuan."

After listening to Wang Hanlin's report, Ye Chen showed satisfaction.

This Wang Hanlin's work efficiency has exceeded his expectations by a lot.

It seems that this person is still capable and capable of doing things.

"Good job."

So Ye Chen encouraged Wang Hanlin a few words on the phone, and then hung up.

Checking the time, Ye Chen took Curry Nan's car keys and walked out of his office.

After a while, Ye Chen drove Curry South and Han Youwei out from the underground parking lot of the Financial Information Building.

Destination: Modu High Speed ​​Rail Station.

Ye Chen used to pick up his parents.

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