Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【146】This Sale Is Still Very Cost-Effective (Please Customize)

Ye Chen pressed the answer button.

"Hi Mr. Ye."

A middle-aged man's voice came from the phone.

"President Song?"

The person who listened to the voice and called him should be Song Ge, the chairman of Didu Cultural Films.

After all, he only had a fight with Song Ge a month ago.

It's not that even Song Ge's voice can't be heard.

Moreover, Song Ge always seemed to have a piece of thick phlegm stuck in his throat when he spoke, his voice was very hoarse, and he was still recognizable.

"Mr. Ye, now many guilds on Douyin have carried out in-depth cooperation with our film and television company on live broadcasting and delivery. The results are relatively good. It is a win-win situation. Don't you want to share this cake, Mr. Ye? If we The cooperation between the two companies is definitely a strong alliance."

Song Ge said with a smile on the phone: "As for the profit distribution of live streaming, you should know Mr. Ye. I really want to talk to Mr. Ye with great sincerity.

After a moment of silence, Ye Chen said: "Mr. Song, I'm a little curious. There are a few large guilds in Douyin that are comparable in strength to my Chenwei guild. Why do you want to cooperate with me, Mr. Song?"

You must know that the Imperial City Cultural Film Industry is a heavyweight capital in today's film and television industry.

There are eight first-line stars under its umbrella.

Counting the top-notch fresh meat who was blocked by him for spreading black material before, there would have been nine of them.

Those grand guilds on Douyin must be very willing to cooperate with the culture of the imperial capital.

If Imperial Capital Culture cooperated with those guilds, it would definitely make more money than cooperating with his Chenwei guild.

However, under such circumstances, Didu Cultural Films approached his Chenwei Guild, and Song Ge, the chairman of Didu Cultural, even called him personally...

"Mr. Ye, the reason why I want to cooperate with you is very simple, because among all the guilds in Douyin, I like your Chenwei guild the most.

Song Ge said: "I did a little research these days, and I found that the products sold by the anchors of your guild in the live broadcast room, the feedback from online consumers is basically positive, while the products sold by the anchors of other guilds are generally popular online. There are even some consumers who feel that they have been cheated and have already used legal weapons to defend their rights.

"Now the live streaming business circle is full of smog and chaos. When I cooperate with those guilds, I am very worried that if there is a thunderstorm in the future, it will affect the stars of my company. If you cooperate with Mr. Ye and your Chenwei guild, then there is no such worry. .”

In fact, there is another reason, Song Ge did not say it.

That is, even first-line stars need continuous exposure, otherwise their reputation will slowly decline.

And cooperating with the Chenwei Guild, letting the stars of his company go to the live broadcast room of Chenwei Guild's big anchor with tens of millions of fans to show their face and interact with the netizens in the live broadcast room, this is a good kind of exposure.

This is much better than the traditional means of maintaining exposure, such as asking the media to hype up the popularity on the Internet.

In addition, the hype also costs money.

And the cost of this piece is not small.

And by cooperating with the Chenwei Guild, not only can you get money without spending a dime, but also achieve the purpose of increasing the exposure of the company's stars. This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

After listening to Song Ge's words, Ye Chen suddenly felt that it was not without reason that Didu Cultural Films had the status it has in the film and television industry.

At this time, Song Ge's voice continued to sound, "Mr. Ye, I know that we were both a little unhappy because of the investment quota of Dragon Warrior 2. I did something wrong, and I paid for it." It's a price, today on the phone, I'll apologize to Mr. Ye again, I hope that in the future, we can put aside the past and become friends.

If Song Ge's words are heard by other people in the film and television industry, they will definitely be shocked.

It is unbelievable that the powerful and domineering chairman of Didu Culture would take the initiative to make amends.

But if Song Ge knew what these people thought, he would smile disdainfully.

It's good that he is domineering.

But his usual domineering is mostly reserved for the people in his own company, or for those whose status and status are very different from his.

Facing people who are as strong as him, if he is overbearing to others, isn't he just a pure idiot.

Before he had a conflict with Ye Chen, it was entirely because he made a relatively serious misjudgment of Ye Chen's strength at that time.


Now that he already knew Ye Chen's strength, he naturally didn't want to be Ye Chen's enemy.

He is a businessman.

Businessmen put profit first.

Since cooperating with Ye Chen can benefit him, it is nothing at all for him to compensate Ye Chen.

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled, "Boss Song, you are too serious, that incident has already turned over in my case.

One more friend in this world is better than one more enemy.

Song Ge has paid the price he should have paid before, and now that the other party has taken the initiative to call him to ease the relationship, he will naturally not hold on to the past.

"Boss Ye is so generous."

Song Ge first smiled, and then asked: "Then about the cooperation?"

"The income from live broadcasting is 19 percent, you share 19 percent, Mr. Song, if you can accept this condition, then we can cooperate."

Ye Chen laughed.

"What, just give me 10%?"

On the other end of the phone, the corners of Song Ge's mouth twitched.

Good guy, this Ye Chen is really too ruthless.

He actually only wanted to give him 10%. How did the other party say that.

just very speechless......

"That's too little, Mr. Ye, you have to know that the drainage effect of first-line stars is very impressive."

"Mr. Song, it's true that your first-line star can attract traffic to the live broadcast room of my major anchor, but your star can also get a good exposure when appearing in the live broadcast room of my guild's major anchor. In order to maintain the exposure of your stars, your film and television company usually spends a lot of money on this area, you see, if we cooperate now, you can save on this area, and you still have money take."

Ye Chen said lightly.

Song Ge pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Mr. Ye, I agree to your request.

"Okay Mr. Song, then we have a happy cooperation."

Ye Chen laughed.

Using 10% of the income from live broadcasting in exchange for the drainage of first-line stars under the Didu Cultural Films, this deal is still very cost-effective.


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