Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【147】Do You Still Know Wang Shacong? (Please Customize)

After chatting casually for a few more words, Ye Chen hung up the phone.

"Boss Ye, you are really amazing."

After seeing Ye Chen put down the phone after making a call, Chen Pengbo couldn't help showing admiration to Ye Chen.

Talking about 19% of the share with Emperor Capital Cultural Films, this is something he didn't even dare to think about before.

If it were him, when the Imperial Capital Culture proposed a 30-70 split, I'm afraid he would have agreed directly at that time.

If this share ratio is spread, most of those colleagues will be autistic.

At that time.

Liu Zijie came to the office of Han Youchu of the Onion Guild.

"How did you come?"

Han Youchu asked calmly.

"I came out to do something, and I happened to pass by here, so I came up to see you by the way."

As Liu Zijie spoke, he came to sit opposite Han Youchu, "Youchu, after your mother "730" divorced Wang Minghui, Wang Minghui, Wang Teng and his son didn't bother you, did they?


Han Youchu shook his head, "Did they find you?"

"Wang Teng came to me, and he asked me to set him up."

Liu Zijie smiled and said, "But I listened to you and ignored him at all."

Han Youchu nodded.

"This week, the total sales of the Onion Guild should still rank first among all the guilds in Douyin, right?"

Liu Zijie crossed Erlang's legs and asked with a smile.


Han Youchu nodded first.

Then he showed a trace of worry and said, "But I'm a little worried now."

"Worried? Worried about what?"

Liu Zijie asked curiously.

"I think the Onion Guild is too messy in the selection of products on the shelves now. Basically, the principle we uphold is that whoever pays more pit fees will sell their products. This has caused most of the products sold by our anchors to be of poor quality. , and the after-sales service can't keep up, I feel that sooner or later there will be problems if this continues.

Han Youchu said so.

Liu Zijie didn't take it seriously when he heard the sound: "You Chu, there's nothing to worry about, isn't the entire Douyin guild doing this now, and the contracts we signed with those brands clearly stated that if A series of disputes occurred due to product quality, and those brand owners shall bear full legal responsibility, so if something happens later, those businesses will be unlucky.”

"But Liu Zijie, have you ever thought that if something happens later, the reputation of our guild will also be adversely affected."

Han Youchu said seriously.

"Don't be afraid of Xiaochu, all the guilds are doing this now, the whole environment is like this, there is nothing to worry about, the law does not blame the public, you know, the two are the same."

After a pause, Liu Zijie continued to laugh and said: "Now all the powerful guilds on Douyin are imitating us and seeking to cooperate with those film and television companies, but Chenwei guild has no news about this so far. It seems that I The previous guess was completely correct, because of the investment amount of Dragon Warrior 2, Ye Chen almost offended half of the film and television circles, and now Ye Chen’s Chenwei Guild has been targeted by the film and television circles, haha."

Liu Zijie is extremely proud now.

Some time ago, the Onion Guild was overwhelmed by the Chenwei Guild.

Now under his remote command, he has finally led the Onion Guild to fight a beautiful turnaround.

In the past month, the onion guild's sales performance has been steadily topping the Chenwei guild.

The very popular "anchor + star" live streaming method was created by him, Liu Zijie.

This made Liu Zijie quite proud.

In addition to this new way of live broadcasting, the Chenwei Guild cannot reproduce it, which makes Liu Zijie feel very happy.

Who let the arrogant Ye Chen offend several heavyweight film and television companies at once.

Although Ye Chen managed to force Emperor Capital Cultural Films to make concessions by relying on the black material in his hands, and got the investment quota for Dragon Warrior 2.

But Ye Chen's move completely offended several film and television companies such as Didu Cultural Films.

From Liu Zijie's point of view, Ye Chen's move is completely stupid.

No, Ye Chen is already paying for his stupid behavior now.

It seems that Ye Chen's recent development has been smooth and smooth, which has caused his mentality to fluctuate a bit. Otherwise, why did Ye Chen make such a foolish move.

I'm afraid Ye Chen has regretted it very much now.

"By the way, Xiao Chu, in a few days, I will take you to a birthday party of a great man.

Liu Zijie suddenly said to Han Youchu with a mysterious look

"Whose birthday party is it?"

Han Youchu asked curiously.

If Liu Zijie can call him a master, then the identity of the other party must be very noble.

Liu Zijie did not continue to play tricks.

He cleared his throat, and then said proudly: "This man is Wang Shacong.


Han Youchu's heart trembled.

This Wang Sicong is the son of the former richest man.

He is very active on the Internet and is known as the national husband.

The Wang Family of Yida Group is the top wealthy family in China.

"Liu Zijie, do you still know Wang Sicong?"

Han Youchu looked at Liu Zijie in front of him in surprise.

They are also rich second generations.

But when Liu Zijie was in front of Wang Sicong, he was instantly compared.

It stands to reason that at Liu Zijie's current level, he should not be able to get in touch with Wang Sicong.

If Liu Zijie really knew Wang Sicong, he would be friends with him.

With Liu Zijie's temperament, I'm afraid he told her to show off to her a long time ago, how could he bear it until now.

Liu Zijie shook his head, "I don't know Young Master Wang..."

Then Liu Zijie changed the subject and said with a smile: "But after attending Wang Shao's birthday banquet this time, I will be able to become friends with Wang Shao."

"Youchu, this time Wang Sicong is holding a birthday party in our Shanghai, and the top wealthy second generations of Shanghai will come to join in, including some of our top socialites. This is a good opportunity for you to expand your network for 1.0. ."

"I know, I'll take it seriously.

Han Youchu nodded seriously.

Without Liu Zijie's reminder, she knew that Wang Shacong's birthday party a few days later would be an important opportunity for her to improve her circle.

She must seize this rare opportunity.

"Don't worry, Xiao Chu, I will help you. For the top Bai Fumei who participated in Wang Shao's birthday party this time, I have asked people to investigate their personal information, such as what hobbies they usually have and what kind of food they like to eat , What celebrities do you like, etc., with these information, Xiao Chu, you will be able to find a common chat topic with them, and it will be easier to win their favor, and then integrate into their circle."

Liu Zijie said with a smile.

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