Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【148】Han Youchu: How Did Ye Chen Do It? (Please Customize)

"um. Thank you."

Han Youchu said.

With the information that Liu Zijie just said, when she contacts those top celebrities later on, she can do what she likes and easily gain the favor of those top celebrities.

With a good impression, it will be relatively easier to integrate into their circle.

"You Chu, you now understand the importance of circles.

Liu Zijie said with a smile: "If you still follow that Ye Chen, how could you have the opportunity to participate in top-level parties like Wang Sicong's birthday party?"


Han Youchu nodded slightly.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed, and the time came to April 20.

This morning, Ye Chen had just finished playing a round of LOL in the office. When Ye Chen was about to play another round after taking a break, his cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was Xu Zheng calling, Ye Chen directly pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Ye, the list of 26 actors you sent me before, after my contact, the actors on the list have come to me one after another in the past few days for auditions. I have to say that Mr. Ye, your vision It's really unique, after auditioning the actors you've seen, I found that they fit the characters in I'm Not the King of Medicine very well, and now I'm completely convinced by you, Mr. Ye."

Xu Zheng laughed.

The actors Ye Chen selected were all actors who were not well-known in the industry.

Although those actors are not famous.

But the acting is very good.

He likes to use such cheap and easy-to-use actors.

Xu Zheng was very surprised that Ye Chen could find these good actors in the huge film and television circle.

This Ye Chen is really a bit magical.

"Director Xu, as long as you are satisfied with those actors."

Ye Chen laughed.

"I'm satisfied, I'm so satisfied. If I had to find actors for those roles, then I'm really not sure that I can find actors who are more suitable than the actors you are looking for, Mr. Ye."

Xu Zheng said from the bottom of his heart.

On this day, a first-line actress Qi Yang appeared in Xiaohan's live broadcast room.

A first-line actor, Lu Yi, appeared in Crazy Little Plum's live broadcast room.

I have to say that the drainage effect of first-line stars is still leveraged.

After this live broadcast, the total sales of Crazy Little Plum's single live broadcast directly set a record of 130 million, reaching 170 million.

Zhu Xiaohan also refreshed his own best score, reaching 110 million.

"What, Emperor Culture and Chenwei Guild cooperated? How is this possible?"

When Liu Zijie got the news from Han Youchu, he didn't recover for a while.

How is this possible? Didn't Song Ge have a falling out with Ye Chen?

How could Didu Cultural Films still cooperate with Chenwei Guild on live streaming...

You must know that before Ye Chen used the black material in his hands to completely block a top-notch fresh meat under the Didu Cultural Films, which was directly banned by the government.

Song Ge and Ye Chen who lost a cash cow should not be a pair of enemies right......

"Liu Zijie, the fact is that the Imperial Capital Culture and the Chenwei Guild have indeed cooperated."

Han Youchu sighed on the phone.

In fact, when she first heard the news, her reaction was similar to that of Liu Zijie's, both in disbelief.

But now the facts are in front of her eyes, she can't help but not believe it.

"How on earth did Ye Chen do it..."

Han Youchu couldn't figure it out.

"It's okay, Xiaochu, it must be that Ye Chen took the initiative to approach God Capital Cultural Films, and then offered a condition that Emperor Capital Cultural Films could not refuse, such as giving the other party 70% of the income from the goods, or even higher than 70%. "

After recovering from the shock, Liu Zijie said so.

"Liu Zijie, this is definitely not the case. When the Chenwei Guild selects products to put on the shelves, it pays special attention to the quality of the products. This makes the profit margin of the Chenwei Guild's live broadcast delivery products relatively low compared with ours. If the Chenwei Guild really puts It is simply not worthwhile to distribute the bulk of the income from the goods to the Imperial Capital Culture, and Ye Chen would not be so stupid as to do this."

Han Youchu said.


Liu Zijie wanted to refute Han Youchu's words so as to prove his guess was correct.

But for a while, he couldn't find anything to refute Han Youchu's point of view.

Han Youchu's analysis makes sense.

As long as Ye Chen is not stupid, he will definitely not distribute the bulk of the income from live streaming to Didu Wenhuaying.

Obviously that Ye Chen doesn't look like a fool no matter what.

If the other party is really a fool, then they can rise so fast.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Dafu asked after seeing his son put down the phone after making a call.

"Dad, here's the thing...

Then Liu Zijie briefly told his father about the matter.

After listening to it, Liu Dafu said directly: "I don't think it's strange at all for the cooperation between Didu Cultural Films and Chenwei Guild."


Liu Zijie was puzzled: "That Ye Chen made Song Ge suffer a lot before."

"Everything in the world is for profit. There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies in this world. It's as simple as that. Son, don't you understand?"

Liu Dafu said 960.

"Of course I understand this, but compared to the cooperation with the Chenwei guild, how can Didu Cultural Films make more money by cooperating with our onion guild."

The doubts on Liu Zijie's face did not decrease at all.

"Son, if I were Song Ge, with so many guilds on Douyin, I would also choose Chenwei guild as my partner."

Liu Dafu said.


Liu Zijie felt even more puzzled.

"Why? Because the Chenwei guild walks the most steadily, and there is no danger of overturning when cooperating with the Chenwei guild.

While talking, Liu Dafu suddenly blamed himself, "Oh, it's my fault too, it's my fault that I was busy with other things during this time, and didn't pay attention to the development of the Onion Guild in time.

"Dad, the Onion Guild is developing very well now. 11

"Great development? Good ass."

Liu Dafu looked at his son with disappointment, "Son, the Onion Guild has narrowed its path, and now the Onion Guild anchors are selling the goods in the live broadcast room, what do online consumers think? do you know?"

"I know, but the quality control of the goods brought by the live streams of other guild anchors is similar."

Liu Zijie argued with reason.

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