Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【149】My Father Actually Praised Ye Chen More (Please Customize)

"Son, that's what makes it even more dangerous. Douyin has only launched the live delivery function not long ago, so there are many loopholes in the formulation of the rules for live delivery, which gives you a lot of loopholes."

Liu Dafu said: "You guilds are eager to realize traffic and make money, and you have no sense of quality control in the selection of products. Whoever gives you more money, you will help sell the goods."

"I learned that some guilds had strict control over product quality at the beginning, but after seeing other courageous guilds earn huge profits without being punished, these guilds also joined in one after another. Come in."

"This makes Douyin's live-streaming goods industry now a mess, and it is already in a completely sick state. The inferior and fake products you sell have attracted more and more consumers' dissatisfaction. If this trend continues , even if Douyin officials do not take action to rectify, the relevant state departments will not sit idly by.

"So son, before things get to the worst level, you should quickly dispose of all the shares of the Onion Guild held by our company. If we sell now, we won't be able to make a profit for a while."

After listening to his father's words, Liu Zijie was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said: "Dad, the worst case you mentioned is just your worry, it may not happen."

Now the Onion Guild's income from live streaming alone is more than one million per day.

After a month, the income of this area is close to 40 million.

What a huge profit.

Now let him sell the shares of the Onion Guild, he is ten thousand reluctant.

"Son, your father, I have been in the business world for so many years, and my business nerves have been trained to be particularly sensitive. The situation I just mentioned is by no means unfounded, but it will definitely happen later.

Liu Dafu said sternly: "So son, you just listen to me, you won't be wrong, like us in business investment, we have to be decisive, we must never hesitate, we must not have a fluke mentality."

"Last year on the lithium mine project in Libovia, I had already hesitated, and I suffered a lot of losses."

At the end, Liu Dafu sighed heavily.

That lithium mine project is an eternal pain in his heart.

Because of this project, he was stimulated to have a heart attack.

"Okay Dad, I... get it.

Liu Zijie pursed his lips and said.

"This Ye Chen, who just graduated from university last year, has achieved his current achievement in less than a year, which is amazing.

Liu Dafu said while looking at his son: "Son, if you have the opportunity, try to make friends with that Ye Chen. This young man has a limitless future. It will be good for you to make friends with him now."

At this time, Liu Dafu didn't know the relationship between his son and Ye Chen.

He also wanted to let his son take the initiative to make friends with Ye Chen...

Hearing this, Liu Zijie's face was a little bright, his father actually praised Ye Chen, which made him very uncomfortable, "Dad, do you think Ye Chen is too high.

"Look high? I don't think highly of this Ye Chen at all. Look at Haililao now, look at his Chenwei Guild, and his investment in lithium mining projects. This young man has courage when he should have courage." , When it was time to be calm, he showed a calmness that is different from ordinary people. It is really hard to imagine that he only graduated from college last year."

Speaking of Ye Chen, Liu Dafuhao is not stingy about his admiration for this young man.

"Dad, at the beginning of the year, the Chenwei Guild sued us for Wanshun Ventures, making us lose several million dollars. What are you doing..."

Liu Zijie's voice was sour, and his father had never praised him like this for growing up so big.

"Son, when we are in the business world, we must open up the structure. You must always remember one sentence. In the business world, we have neither permanent friends nor permanent enemies."

Liu Dafu taught earnestly and earnestly.

His son is capable.

What worries him more is that his son is a little narrow-minded, and he is a little eager for quick success.

After his son left his office, Liu Dafu thought for a while and picked up his phone...

"Honey, what are you looking at?"

Ye Chen came to his wife's office for a visit, and saw that his wife was holding a mobile phone, with a look of concentration, and he didn't even notice it when he came close, so Ye Kang asked with a smile.


Ye Chen's sudden noise frightened Han Youwei into a fright.

"No... I didn't see anything."

When Han Youwei spoke, she turned her mobile phone screen upside down on her desk, and then glared at Ye Chen angrily, "Husband, why is there no sound when you walk? It scared me to death."

"It's not that I walk without sound [it's that you look at your phone too seriously."

As Ye Chen said, he reached for the mobile phone on the table, but Han Youwei took the first step and took her mobile phone in her hand.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you looking at, even I won't let you see."

"No, just browse the news casually."

"Wife, do you believe what you said? Hurry up and give me your mobile phone. You know, I am a top hacker. Even if you don't give me your mobile phone, I can still find what you just watched."

Ye Chen said calmly.

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

Han Youwei curled her lips, then blushed and handed her mobile phone to Ye Chen.

When he opened it, Ye Chen was immediately amused, "So I'm studying hard, it's not very good, why can't I (get Zhao's) read it."

Ye Chen returned the phone to his wife as he spoke, and then said with a smile: "Seeing that you have finished reading the article just now, let me check and accept your study results now.

However, just as Ye Chen finished speaking, his own mobile phone rang suddenly.

Pick up the phone and have a look.

Although it is a strange call.

But Ye Chen still chose to answer.

"Hey, it's Mr. Ye."

A strange middle-aged man's voice came from the phone.

"who are you?"

Ye Chen asked Yun.

"Boss Ye, I'm Liu Dafu from Wanshun Ventures."

I heard that Ye Chen looked a little

He had never dealt with this Liu Dafu, how could the other party call him so well.

Speaking of which, at the beginning of the year, because of the Xiao Huijun incident, he even sued Wanshun Venture Capital.

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