Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【167】Liu Zijie Pissed Off His Father To Death (Please Customize)


Liu Zijie's expression was a little unnatural.

"By the way, son, I've been too busy these days, and I never thought of asking you about the shares of the Onion Guild. How much did you earn from selling the shares of the Onion Guild?"

When Liu Dafu was speaking, he sat down opposite his son, smiling all over his face.

"Dad, this... this..."

Seeing his son's speech hesitating and his expression unnatural, Liu Dafu's heart skipped a beat.

"Son, the shares of the Onion Guild are not still in our hands, are they?"

When he spoke again, the smile on Liu Tianfu's face had disappeared.


Liu Zijie nodded dejectedly.

Hearing this, Liu Dafu's eyes widened sharply.

"You... You, didn't I ask you to dispose of all the shares of the Onion Guild we hold in our hands before? Why didn't you listen to me!"

Liu Dafu seemed a little excited.

"Dad, I saw that the Onion Guild is making so much money, so I thought about dealing with it after a while, but I didn't expect something to happen so soon..."

At this time, Liu Zijie was extremely regretful.

If he had listened to his father and sold the shares of the Onion Guild he held in time, he would have earned at least 20 million yuan...

But now...

Given the current situation of the Onion Guild, I'm afraid this time most of them will rot in their own hands...

I really lost my wife and lost my army.

After listening to his son's words, Liu Dafu became even more emotional, "You...you, why did I tell you before, I told you not to take chances, but in the end you completely ignored my words, you. ....you...

Speaking of this, Liu Dafu was in a hurry, and he couldn't catch his breath, causing his eyes to go dark, and then passed out on the chair.

"Dad, Dad, what's wrong with you, come quickly!"

All of a sudden, Wanshun Investment became wild.

In the next three days, Douyin announced the second batch of guild blacklists.

This time, there are a total of twenty-five guilds on the list.

The punishment received is the same as the first batch.

"Husband, in the past three days, our guild's income from live streaming has reached 17.68 million."

Han Youwei came to Ye Chen's office and said to Ye Chen excitedly.

In the past, the Chenwei Guild earned an average of more than 2.2 million per day from live streaming.

However, in the past three days, the income in this area has directly increased by nearly three times.

“This………the growth is a bit fierce.’

Ye Chen sighed with emotion at first, then patted his thigh and smiled at Youwei: "Come here my wife.

Han Youwei came over and sat on Ye Chen's lap, and snuggled into Ye Chen's arms, "What are you doing, husband.

"Aren't you asking knowingly?"

Just when Ye Chen was about to do something, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that it was Wang Sicong calling, Ye Chen answered the phone first.

"Lao Ye, Liu Dafu from your Demon City, you should know about it, right?"

Wang Sicong's voice came from the phone.

"I know, the chairman of Wanshun Investment, Liu Zijie's father."

Ye Chen said.

"Just last night, Liu Dafu died in the intensive care unit of Shanghai No. 1 Hospital."

Hearing this, Ye Chen was really surprised, "Liu Dafu is dead? He called me a few days ago, and listening to the voice, it seems that the other party doesn't seem to be sick?"

"He had a heart attack, and he couldn't be rescued. Speaking of which, Liu Dafu's heart attack has something to do with you, Lao Ye.

Wang Sicong laughed.

"It's about me? Where does this come from?"

"Last year, the Libovia lithium mine project of Qitian Lithium Industry, originally Liu Dafu wanted to buy it, but at that time his son Liu Zijie wanted to invest in Onion Media, so Liu Dafu gave up the lithium mine project. Hearing that you, Lao Ye, had earned more than one billion through this project, Liu Dafu fainted directly in the company with grief, and was sent to the hospital later. Although he was rescued, he suffered a heart problem since then.

Wang Sicong said.

"Old Wang, this has nothing to do with me. Even if I didn't win the lithium mine project last year, there must be someone else who won that project, so it's Dafu's own heart.

Ye Chen said.

"Haha, Lao Ye, you are right. This Liu Dafu just takes money too seriously. Last time I told that Liu Zijie at the birthday party, tell him to go back and persuade his father not to take money too seriously." It's serious, but this time because of the onion guild, Wan Shun's investment in the onion guild obviously failed again, so this Liu Dafu couldn't accept it for a while, and then he had a heart attack again, and finally failed to survive... ...."

Wang Sicong laughed.

"Old Wang, you didn't call today just to tell me about Liu Dafu's death, did you?"

Ye Chen said.

"of course not."

Next, Wang Sicong talked about the matter.

"Lao Ye, that's the way things are, now because of Penguin Films and Television's sudden intervention, it's been a long time since I'm not the drug king's project approved.

Wang Sicong sighed.

"That won't make the Penguin film and television project successful?"

Ye Chen was a little worried.

If Penguin Films and Television comes later and the project is approved successfully, then I am not the king of medicine, but I will not be able to approve the project.

As for why Penguin Movies and Television wanted to intervene, Ye Chen knew it in his heart.

It must be that last time I refused to give the other party 40% of the financing amount that I am not Yaowang, and then the other party simply rushed to establish the project by themselves.

Next, Ye Chen also told Wang Sicong about Penguin Film and Television looking for him before.

"Fuck, the popularity of Penguin Film and Television is too ugly, don't worry, Lao Ye, I will definitely not let Penguin Film and Television succeed in this 3.5 times, I just found Wang Xing, and Grandpa Wang Xing has a very strong reputation in the Radio, Film and Television Administration." In addition, I also found other contacts who can help, Ma De, Penguin Film and Television has become more and more domineering in the past two years, not only Penguin Film and Television, but the entire Penguin company's food is ugly."

Wang Sicong said very unhappily.

"Old Wang Xing, I will trouble you with this matter."

Ye Chen said.

"Don't worry, Lao Ye, this is no longer just a matter of approving a movie. Penguin Films and Television is provoking our Yida Film and Television, Ma De, and angered me. Looking back, don't think about making movies produced by Penguin Films and Television again in the future." It was screened in our Yida Cinema."

Wang Sicong said.

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