Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【168】Han Youwei: Smelly Husband, I Have A Sore Throat Now (Please Customize)

After chatting casually for a few more words, Ye Chen hung up the phone.

"Husband, am I not the drug Wang Li's matter is not going well?"

Han Youwei, who was nestled in Ye Chen's arms, expressed concern.

"Well, it shouldn't be a big problem, after all, Yida Film and Television is not a vegetarian.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen then called Song Ge.

Didu Cultural Films is also an investor of I am not the king of medicine.

Now that I'm not the king of medicine, I'm in trouble when setting up a project, and it's time for Song Ge to do his part.

You can't let the other party occupy the latrine and not shit.

After calling Song Ge, Ye Chen smiled and patted Han Youwei's little head in his arms.

Han Youwei gave Ye Chen a coquettish look, and then buried her head down.

After more than half an hour, Ye Chen, who had entered the sage realm, sat on the boss's chair and closed his eyes to meditate.

Han Youwei took a bottle of mouthwash and went to the bathroom in the office.

Suddenly, Ye Chen's phone rang again.

Picking up the phone and seeing that it was Xia Jun calling, Ye Chen pressed the answer button directly. 26

"Boss Ye, it's me, I'm the real army.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhenjun's voice came from the phone.

"Old Xia, have you settled down with your father?"

Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Ye."

Xia Jun said.

"Okay, then Lao Xia, you can come directly to Chenwei Guild, I'm in the company now."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "By the way, Lao Xia, do you know where my company is? Do you want me to send you the location?"

"No need, Mr. Ye, I know the location of your company."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you at the company.


After Ye Chen finished the call and put down the phone, Han Youwei, who finished rinsing her mouth, had already come to Ye Chen, "Honey, is there someone coming to see you later?"

"Yes, it's Xia Jun I talked to you about before, he has settled down with his father, and he's coming to report soon.

Ye Chen said.

"Okay, then I'll go back to my office and read."

Seeing that Han Youwei was about to leave, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Yeah, I love your wife."

"I have a sore throat right now."

Han Youwei said.

"Uh, why don't you drink more water?"

Ye Chen smiled sarcastically.

After giving Ye Chen a big roll of the eyes, Han Youwei left Ye Chen's office.

In less than half an hour, Ye Chen saw Cheng.

After chatting with Xia Jun for a while, Ye Chen learned that Xia Jun rented a house in Shanghai, and his father will live in Shanghai in the future, so that it is convenient for him to take care of himself.

In addition, Xia Jun also found a nanny for his father.

After chatting with Xia Jun in the office for a while, Ye Chen personally brought Xia Jun to the HR Department and asked the HR Department to handle Xia Jun's entry procedures.

Ye Chen arranged for Xia Jun to be the Minister of Security and his own bodyguard.

Speaking of which, in fact, the Chenwei Guild does not have a security department.

Because the company has only four security guards in total.

But now that Xia Jun is in place, Ye Chen plans to set up a security department.

This is also preparing in advance for the establishment of the group head office in the future.

Just now Ye Chen talked with Xia Jun about this matter on the phone.

However, what Ye Chen didn't expect was that not long after Xia Jun's entry procedures were completed, the director of the personnel department came to Ye Chen's office.

"Director Lin, you said Xia Jun just injured Captain Wang?"

Ye Chen was very surprised.

In his perception, Xia Jun is a very low-key person who doesn't talk much, and shouldn't hurt his colleagues just after work.

"Is Captain Wang seriously injured?"

Ye Chen asked.

"I see Captain Wang can't even stand up, it seems to be very serious.

Hearing this, Ye Chen got up and said, "Go, let's have a look.

After a while, Ye Chen came to the security department.

After understanding the situation at the scene, Ye Chen found out that it was Wang Zhitao, the security captain, who saw that as soon as Xia Jun entered the company, the company immediately established a security department, and directly appointed Xia Jun, who had just joined the company, as the head of the security department.

In addition, he heard that Xia Jun was brought to the personnel department by his boss himself, so Wang Zhitao concluded that Zhenjun was a related party through the back door.

This made him feel annoyed immediately.

In his opinion, the position of Minister of Security is not something anyone can take, and he must speak with strength.

So Wang Zhitao wanted to try Xia Jun's skills.

And Xia Jun knew that the security captain refused to accept him, so in order to facilitate his follow-up management, Xia Jun accepted Wang Zhitao's fight.

In this way, the two directly started fighting in the office of the security department.

However, what I didn't expect was that the strength gap between the two was too great.

Xia Jun kicked Wang Zhitao's ass and sat on the ground. Then Wang Zhitao's whole body became numb and he couldn't move.

"Mr. Ye, I heard him introduce himself, saying that he used to be a professional MMA athlete and participated in many professional competitions, so I thought he should be quite strong, but unexpectedly

Xia Jun scratched his head in embarrassment.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Zhitao, who was sitting on the ground, couldn't help but flush red.

He was indeed a professional MMA athlete before, but he retired due to injury.

It happened that Ye Chen's company was recruiting a security captain, and the salary was not low, so he came here to apply for the position of security team leader 64B.

He has three security guards under him.

They are all young adults in their early thirties.

Usually these three security guards are not his opponents when they attack together.

However, what he didn't expect was that Hu Xiajun, the relationship in his eyes, had such terrifying strength, especially strength.

The forward kick just now was heavy and powerful, not to mention his old injuries, even if he was in his peak athlete period, he might not be able to bear such a forward kick.

This Xia Jun is a monster.

Obviously it doesn't look that strong, how can it be so strong.

Ye Chen was also a little speechless.

I was speechless to Wang Zhitao.

You said that you are fine and want to compete with this Xia Jun.

Xia Jun was still working as a mercenary abroad last year, earning money from licking blood.

Not to mention that you are an MMA athlete who has retired for five or six years, you are active, and if you want to fight against Xia Jun without rules, you will still be easily controlled by the heavy army.

"Captain Wang, can't you move now?"

Ye Chen asked.

Wang Zhitao shook his head and said, "Mr. Ye, I'm not touching porcelain. I really can't move. My whole body is numb now, and I don't feel any sensation at all."

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