Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【185】Han Youchu: In This Year's 520, She Is Alone... (Please Customize)

Next, people arrived at the venue one after another.

There are leaders from the official cultural department of Jinling City.

There is the main person in charge of the Xia Guo Film Production Association.

In addition, I am not the king of medicine. This movie is adapted from real events [so Cheng Yong, the prototype of the male characters in the movie in the real world, was also invited to the venue.

In short, this opening ceremony is organized by Yida Film and Television, and the specifications are quite high.

At half past nine, the opening ceremony officially started.

Zeng Maojun, President of Yida Film and Television, who served as the host, gave a speech first.

Time control within three minutes.

Next was the leader of Jinling City's cultural department to speak on stage.

Then the director, the prototype character Cheng Yong, and several investors also took the stage to give speeches.

Everyone's time is controlled within three minutes.

In the end, the leader of the cultural department of Jinling City announced that I am not the king of medicine, and the start is auspicious.

Following the sound of firecrackers from the firecracker machine, Zeng Maojun, Xu Zheng and several official leaders lifted the big red cloth covering a camera.

The opening ceremony is now complete.

The last thing to do is the group photo session.

I saw a long and antique table case in the center of the venue.

There is a big red cloth on it that says "I'm not the king of medicine 167 and I'm good luck starting the machine".

There is a large incense burner in the middle of the table.

Various fruits and traditional pastries are piled up on both sides of the censer.

Ye Chen and other investors, as well as the director Xu Zheng took two assistant directors and a group of leading actors to pick up a stick of incense one by one. After lighting it, they put them in the incense burner, and the whole venue was filled with smoke.

This is the first time Ye Chen participated in the film's opening ceremony.

Ye Chen missed the opening day of Dragon Warrior 2 last month because he was busy.

For this opening ceremony, Ye Chen thinks it is quite fresh, especially the incense.

It seems a bit superstitious, but it is a kind of inheritance of the ancient culture of the Xia Kingdom.

Immediately afterwards, all the investors, the main creative staff of the crew, and the guests who were invited to the scene stood in three rows, facing the camera, and took a group photo.

After the group photo is over, I'm Not the King of Medicine will officially start filming.

Some of the invited guests left first if they had something to do, and if they had nothing to do, they would have a meal together at noon later.


In a fancy restaurant nearby.

"I'm going to catch a plane back to Shanghai after dinner, so I won't drink any more. You guys have a good time drinking."

Ye Chen laughed.

"Lao Ye, why are you in such a hurry to go back? There are many interesting places in Jinling City. Let's play for another day and go back tomorrow."

Wang Sicong said.

"Old Wang, it's May 20th today, and our old Ye has to rush back to spend May 20th with my wife."

Qin Feng laughed.

"Damn it, I killed the dog."

Wang Sicong exaggeratedly exclaimed.

When the dinner was coming to an end, Ye Chen said to Xu Zheng: "Director Xu, I'm not Yao Wang's filming job, so I entrust it all to you.

"Mr. Ye, I will do my best to make this movie a good one."

Xu Zheng said seriously.

I am not the king of medicine is his transition work, and he also takes it very seriously.

If he succeeds in filming this film, then not only will his filming path be widened, but his director's path will also be widened.

At that time, his status in the film and television industry will surely rise to a new level.

"Come on, let's all have a toast together, to celebrate I'm Not the King of Medicine and have a good start, and at the same time wish the filming goes well and the box office is hot!"

Wang Sicong raised his glass and stood up.

Seeing this, everyone picked up their wine glasses and stood up.

"I will replace wine with tea."

Ye Chen laughed.

After drinking a glass of wine, two crew members refilled everyone's wine glasses.

Wang Sicong raised his glass and looked at Ye Chen, and said with a smile: "Let's toast Mr. Ye together. If Mr. Ye hadn't provided the script, then there would be no drama like I'm Not the King of Medicine."

"I just provided a script for the project approval later, thanks to the efforts of you guys.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Also, I think (cgfb) is the hardest working member of our crew. I didn't drink alcohol today, which is really a bit of a disappointment for everyone. I will talk to you next time after I am not the king of medicine. Let's all have a drink."

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Chen and Xia Jun arrived at Jinling Airport.

Qin Feng and Wang Xing will play with Wang Sicong in Jinling City for another day, and return to Shanghai tomorrow.

At five o'clock, Ye Chen returned to Chenwei Media to pick up Han Youwei who had left the company, and it was their first five twenty together.

The two first came to the IFC.

After shopping for more than an hour, the two found a restaurant to settle their dinner, and then they went to the cinema to watch a movie together.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening when I came out of the movie theater.

Passing by a milk tea shop, Han Youwei stopped, "Honey, I want to drink milk tea."

"Okay, I'll buy it for you."

Since today is May 20th, there are many young couples shopping, so the business of the milk tea shop tonight is particularly good.

Ye Chen waited in line for more than ten minutes to buy a cup of milk tea.

back to the car.

"Honey, I'll treat you to milk tea."

"Drink it yourself, you know I don't drink that much."

"Today's milk tea is different, today I invite you to drink imported milk tea."

While speaking, Han Youwei took a sip of the milk tea with a straw, and then moved towards Ye Chen's mouth.

At 10:40, Ye Chen drove back to COFCO Seaview One.

After coming out of his garage, Ye Chen took Han Youwei's hand and said, "Honey, let's go for a walk along the Huangpu River together."


Han Youwei smiled and said, "Honey, speaking of it, we have always lived by the Huangpu River, but we have never been to the Huangpu River."

After leaving COFCO Sea View No. 1, they walked for two minutes and came to the bank of Huangpu River.

If it was this time in the past, there would be no one on the bank of the Huangpu River.

But today is different, today is May 20th, so even though it is almost eleven o'clock, there are still many people on the banks of the Huangpu River.

Basically a couple of couples.

After walking a few steps, the two saw a young couple hugging each other, kissing passionately as if no one else was around.

"These two are really serious. They want to go home and kiss each other. There are still children here."

Han Youwei whispered.

Not far away, Han Youchu was walking along the shore alone.

Seeing couple after couple of young lovers passing by her side, Han Youchu couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Every May 20th in the past four years, she spent with Ye Chen.

Every May 20th, Ye Chen prepared a small surprise for her.

But this year's May 20th, she is alone...

That big boy was lost by her......

As he was walking, Han Youchu's eyes suddenly froze.

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