Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【186】Han Youchu Lonely: Is This Kind Of Favor Really Enjoyed By A Substitute? (Please Customize)

Because she saw her.....big boy...

But the big boy is now holding another girl's hand.

Both boys and girls had smiles on their faces, especially the girl's eyes were crescent-shaped, and the happiness contained in the smile was about to overflow~.

At this moment, Han Youchu felt a pang of pain in his heart, and felt an unprecedented sense of loneliness.

Han You Chu turned sideways silently, she didn't want the boys and girls to see her like this...

Yet she was found after all.


Han Youwei was taken aback, she didn't expect to meet her twin sister here.

Han Youchu turned around and smiled, but the smile seemed somewhat forced, "Sister."

"Are you here alone?"

Han Youwei said and looked around.

"Well, come out for a walk to blow some air and get some fresh air.


Han Youwei said: "But it's very late now, you'd better go back early, or it won't be safe."

"Well, I'll go back after walking."

Han Youchu nodded and said.

"Okay, then Ye Chen and I will go to the front first."

"Well, you go your own way, don't worry about me, after all, I don't want to be that light bulb by your side.

Han Youchu said with a smile.

However, when Ye Chen and Han Youwei really continued to walk forward and stared at their backs, the smile on Han Youchu's face suddenly turned into endless disappointment, and his eye sockets turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Chen didn't say a word to her, just like a stranger.

At this moment, she couldn't help wondering if Ye Chen really still loves her?

If there is love, why can Ye Chen be so indifferent to her.

Or did Ye Chen have hatred in his heart and deliberately punish her with indifference?

"Ye Chen..."

Looking at the back that was getting further and further away in front, Han Youchu's vision gradually became blurred.

At this moment, Han Youchu's eyes were filled with mist.

"Husband, I think the night view of the Huangpu River is better when viewed from our balcony.

Han Youwei said.

"Indeed, holding your waist from behind and looking down at the Huangpu River view will make me feel heroic."

Ye Chen laughed.

"Honey, don't be shy."

Han Youwei shook her finger at Ye Chen, squinted and smiled.

As they walked, Han Youwei suddenly tightened her body, and then said: "The night wind blowing by the river is a bit cold, my husband, let's go home.

Relatives have visited these days, and her body is a little weaker than usual.

Hearing this, Ye Chen took off his coat and put it on Han Youwei's body, "Today is May 20th, let's walk a little longer."

"Okay, but give me your clothes, aren't you cold?"

"Your husband has a body of pure yang, so he is not afraid of the cold."

Ye Chen laughed.

After walking for a while, Ye Chen checked the time on his phone, and then said to Han Youwei beside him: "Honey, look there.


Looking in the direction of Ye Chen's finger, Han Youwei didn't see anything unusual.




Ye Chen started the countdown.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

Han Youwei was a little confused.




When the number 1 fell, I saw that the opposite side of the Huangpu River suddenly became brighter.

It turned out that the super outdoor large screen in the opposite Citi Building was opened.

【Ye Chenlove Han Youwei, Forever and forever, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten】

Coupled with special lighting effects, the entire sky is shone brightly for a while.

The group that had been walking along the Huangpu River all stopped now, and rushed past the Citi Building on the opposite bank.

Soon the crowd became restless.

"Wow, so romantic."

"Honey, I want to find one too, can you arrange it for me?"

"Honey, we really can't afford this."

A man with glasses smiled wryly.

"Hmph, you just don't want to part with the money, you're too picky."

"Honey, I work in the Citi Building, do you know how expensive an outdoor projection screen like this is?"

The girl next to the man with glasses shook her head blankly.

"Let me tell you, five hundred thousand soft sister coins!"

"What, five hundred thousand, so expensive..."

The girl was a little scared.

The man with glasses nodded and continued: "And the 500,000 yuan is still the usual daily price, like some special holidays, the price will be higher, especially during the Spring Festival, Valentine's Day, Qixi Festival

There is also the 520 like today, the price is even more expensive, starting at least one million.

"My God, this is too expensive, well, I take back what I just said."

The girl said with some frustration.

"This is a romance exclusive to the rich, we ordinary people just look at it."

"This girl named Han Youwei is too happy."

Along the Huangpu River, many young girls looked up at the name of Han Youwei on the outdoor screen of the Citi Building, with deep envy in their eyes.

Is there any girl in this world who doesn't like this kind of romance.

At this time, Han Youchu, who was planning to go back, was also attracted by the movement of the big outdoor screen of the Citi Building.

After seeing the content on the large outdoor screen, Han Youchu felt as if he had been hit hard, and his face quickly turned pale.

this romance...

She has been with Ye Chen for four years and has never owned...


"Ye Chen, my boy, have you really moved on and fell in love with my sister?"

According to her mother's analysis before, she once thought that the reason why Ye Chen married her twin sister was just to use her sister as her substitute...

But now, the idea in Han Youchu's heart couldn't help but start to waver.

If her elder sister was just her substitute, then her elder sister would have enjoyed too much as a substitute.

If there is no love, how could Ye Chen specially prepare the current romance for the doll on this special day of pentadiol?

How could this kind of favor be enjoyed by a double.

On the other side, Han Youwei's beautiful eyes were already filled with mist.

Two drops of clear tears fell silently from the corners of the eyes, dripped down the cheeks and onto the ground.

These are tears of happiness.


Han Youwei wanted to say something, but was choked up and unable to speak.

Seeing this, Ye Chen reached out and took the girl beside him into his arms, "It is my greatest happiness to be able to marry you in this life."

In fact, Ye Chen is not a person who is good at talking about love.

Although he would usually say something like wife, I love you in front of Han Youwei.

But when Ye Chen said those words, he basically said them with a smile.

However, when Ye Chen spoke just now, his expression was extremely serious, without any smile, and his eyes were extremely gentle.

(Brothers who have monthly tickets and flowers, vote for some, thank you, your support is the greatest encouragement to the little author.)

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