Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【187】Han Youwei: Husband, Don't Press Your Head (Please Customize)

"Mr. Ye, being able to marry you in this life is also my greatest happiness."

After calming down a little, Han Youwei looked at Ye Chen and said, at this time Han Youwei did not call Ye Chen her husband as usual, but called Ye Chen Mr. Ye for the first time.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then hugged each other tightly.

It was midnight when I got home.

The two came to the big balcony in front of the living room, did not speak, just looked at each other, then Han Youwei squatted down with her back to the floor-to-ceiling glass

On the other side, Han Youchu returned home in a daze.

Zhang Li, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching a movie, immediately realized that her daughter was not in the right state, so she quickly picked up the remote control and pressed the pause button on the TV, "Chuchu, what's wrong with you?"

"Mom, spit "four one two" and he probably doesn't like me anymore...

Han Youchu said with flushed eyes.

"What happened, tell Mom quickly.

In this way, Han Youchu came to his mother, sat down, and then told his mother what happened by the Huangpu River.

"Advertising on the big outdoor screen of the Citi Tower will cost at least tens of millions. This Ye Chen is really not taking money for money."

Zhang Li said with some distress, as if Ye Chen spent her money.

Seeing that her daughter was very depressed, Zhang Li quickly smiled and comforted her: "Chuchu, don't think too much, I think Ye Chen's love is deliberately shown to you, after all, you abandoned him before, he Naturally, he has some resentment towards you in his heart, so he deliberately pretended to be very affectionate with your sister, so as to tell you that he is living happily now. Men, all want face, the more successful a man is, the better for you. His own face is even more serious.

While talking, Zhang Li couldn't help laughing, "Chuchu, I feel that you and Ye Chen are tormenting each other now, Ye Chen has been waiting for you, and you are thin-skinned and refused to take the initiative to find Ye Chen, so You torture each other, this is a sadomasochism, just like in many urban romance dramas nowadays, the hero and the heroine have to go through a sadomasochistic relationship, repeatedly dragging each other, and finally they will achieve a positive result and come together .”

"Mom, is it really like this, but why do I feel that Ye Chen really likes my sister now.

Han Youchu said so.

"Daughter, don't think about it, listen to your mother, you are right, sadomasochism, sadomasochism, the key point is the word abuse."

Zhang Li smiled and said: "You abused Ye Chen before, now it's Ye Chen's turn to abuse you, when the resentment in Ye Chen's heart is over, if you show weakness a little at that time, Ye Chen will definitely come back to you by my side."

After more than half an hour.

Han Youwei covered her mouth and left from the balcony directly to the bathroom, while Ye Chen went to the closet to get his and Han Youwei's pajamas, and then went to the bathroom.

The two took a comfortable bath in the double smart thermostatic bathtub.

It was past one o'clock in the morning when the two returned to bed after taking a bath.

Han Youwei huddled in Ye Chen's arms and fell asleep soon after talking to Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen couldn't fall asleep for a while, so Ye Chen didn't force himself to sleep, but picked up his phone.

Opening WeChat, Ye Chen found that there were dozens of group chat messages in the university class group, and he was also @@ed. However, because Ye Chen set the message do not disturb mode for the class group, his WeChat did not ring before.

Clicking in, Ye Chen took a look, and found that someone took a picture of the love words he said to Han Youwei on the outdoor screen of Citigroup and posted it on Douyin, and then one of his college classmates brushed it on Douyin. It was shared in the university class group, which attracted many discussions among students.

The so-called discussion is nothing more than all kinds of flattery about him.

Everyone lifts the sedan chair.

Classmate X: "@ Ye Chen, Mr. Ye, how much did you spend to express your love on the big outdoor screen of the Citi Building, please let me know. I recently dated a girlfriend, and I plan to spend it on Qixi Festival. I proposed to my girlfriend, but I never thought about the proposal ceremony. I saw this video of Mr. Ye today, and I suddenly found inspiration. I plan to use the big outdoor screen in the Citi Building on the night of Qixi Festival. "

Ye Chen replied by typing: "The usual price is 500,000 yuan, and it will be more expensive on special holidays. I spent 1 million yuan tonight. If you are on Qixi Festival, the price will probably go up even more."


Classmate B: "Holding the grass, Mr. Ye actually replied."

Classmate D: "If you say a word of love, you will lose a million dollars.

Yes, this kind of romance belongs only to the rich (laughing and crying)”

Classmate G: "Boss Ye is awesome!"

Classmate F: "It's so late, President Ye hasn't slept yet.

Ye Chen: "Insomnia."

Classmate X: "Thank you Mr. Ye for your late-night reply (handshake)"

Classmate X: "Help me successfully get rid of my thoughts (crying)"

Ye Chen: "You're welcome, we are all classmates."

Classmate W: "Good guy, so there are so many night owls (smiley face)"

Classmate F: "Night owl +1."

Classmate J: "Today is May 20th, so it's normal to have a lot of night owls.

After chatting with classmates in the group for a while, Ye Chen became tired, so Ye Chen quit the group chat, put down his phone, and fell asleep with his wife in his arms.

However, at this moment, Han Youwei who was in her arms suddenly said something in sleep, "My husband, don't press your head."

Ye Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard it.

What a mess of dreams this is.

the next day.

Ye Chen received a call from Cai Haoyu, one of the three founders of Mixiayou and the then president of Mixiayou.

It turned out that Mi Xiayou had already developed the Honkai Academy. Cai Haoyu hoped that Ye Chen would ask Chenwei Chuan 1.2 Media to help promote the Honkai Academy.

At this time, the Honkai Academy that Cai Haoyu is talking about is actually the first part of the Honkai Trilogy, Honkai 1.

Sure enough, with Ye Chen investing 10 million yuan, the progress of Mixiayou's game development has been much faster than the development progress mentioned in the future email.

For Cai Haoyu's request, Ye Chen naturally agreed, after all, it was what he had promised before, and a large part of the reason why Cai Haoyu and the three accepted Ye Chen's request was because they liked the weapon in Ye Chen's hand Chenwei Media.

With Chenwei Media here, it will be of great benefit to the promotion of Mixiayou games in the future.

However, the future email said that after the launch of Honkai 1, the market response was mediocre, and the number of daily active users was less than 100,000.

The fortune of Mi Xiayou started from the launch of Honkai 2.

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