Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【188】Is The Conquest You Mentioned Serious? (Please Customize)

With this little time, Ye Chen could still afford to wait.

Moreover, the small fire of Honkai 2 has a certain relationship with the accumulation of Honkai 1.

Therefore, Ye Chen knew that the response of Honkai 1 was mediocre, but he did not stop Cai Haoyu and others from developing Honkai 1.

After all, the growth of a game production team requires a process.

Ye Chen believes that if there is no accumulation of experience in making Honkai 1, then Cai Haoyu and the others will not be able to make Honkai 2, which will be followed by a small fire.

There is no Honkai 2 with a small fire, and there is no way to talk about the Honkai 3 with a big fire later.

After finishing the phone call with Cai Haoyu, Ye Chen personally came to Chen Pengbo's office to promote the matter of Honkai 1, and asked Chen Pengbo to communicate with Mixiayou.

After returning to his office, Ye Chen suddenly remembered that he forgot to check his QQ mailbox today.

In the past, the first thing he did when he woke up every morning was to take a look at his mutated Koukou mailbox.

But I slept too late last night, and my mind was a little groggy when I woke up in the morning, so I forgot to check it.

But it's not too late to think about it now.

"Well, there is indeed a new future email.

Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

[At the end of this year, domestic pork prices will skyrocket. In the next three to four years, the price of pork will go up and down, and will remain at a relatively high price (XXX⇒ is omitted here)...]

Ye Chen is not surprised that domestic pork prices will rise.

Because since the beginning of this year, the black continent swine disease has broken out in China, causing many large pig farmers to lose their money. Even now, the black continent swine disease has basically disappeared in China

However, pig farming is still regarded by capital as a high-risk industry.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the price of pork will rise at the end of the year.

However, the skyrocketing price was a bit of a surprise to Ye Chen.

Because the country has meat reserves.

The biggest role of reserve meat is to stabilize domestic pork prices.

In addition, the country can also import pork from abroad.

For example, pork in the beautiful country is cheaper, and their country also imports a certain amount of pork from the beautiful country every year.

It stands to reason that even if the black African pig disease broke out in China this year, the price of pork will definitely rise, but it will not skyrocket.

However, after reading this future email, Ye Chen also knew the reason.

So it seems that if you invest in pig farming now, you will be able to make money in the next few years.

However, pig breeding is a technical job, and the technical content is still very high.

If he invests in the construction of a pig farm, it seems difficult. After all, he has no way to do this. If he is not careful, the money invested in the early stage may be wasted, and the layout is a bit late now.

So the best way is to invest directly in a hog farming company.

But there are so many domestic pig breeding companies, which one or which pig breeding companies are worth investing in?

This is also a very critical question.

It does not mean that so many domestic pig raising companies will be able to make money if the price of pork rises sharply in the future.

Pig farming companies that should lose money will still lose money at that time.

Because whether a company is profitable or not is related to many factors.

Specifically which company to invest in or invest in multiple pig breeding companies at the same time, this requires market research and inspection.

This is not a small project, but also quite time-consuming.

"By the way, there is an attachment in this future email that has not been downloaded."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen quickly downloaded the attachment and opened it.

[Ranking list of future domestic pig farming enterprises]

Seeing this watch, Ye Chen's eyes became brighter and brighter.

With this future ranking table, wouldn't it be possible to quickly screen out the pig breeding company that is most worthy of his investment by comparing it with the current ranking of domestic pig breeding companies?

Just do it.

Ye Chen immediately turned on the computer and searched online.

In less than ten minutes, Ye Chen locked on his target, an old pig breeding company from Rongcheng, Sichuan Province.

On the way back from get off work.

"Husband, the day after tomorrow, my dad will go to Miss Xiaojun's house. Do you have time that day? If you have time, let's go there with my dad."

Han Youwei, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said.

"ok, no problem.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "It just so happens that I plan to go to Sichuan Province soon."

"Why are you going to Sichuan Province?"

Han Youwei asked curiously.

"I plan to invest in the pig breeding industry, and there are several pig breeding companies in Sichuan Province, so I'm going to check it out."

Ye Chen said while driving.

"Husband, there was an outbreak of Black African swine disease in China this year. Now that the pig farming industry has entered the winter season, why do you think about investing in pig farming at this time?"

Han Youwei asked with some doubts.

"Because I predict that the price of our domestic pork will skyrocket by the end of the year, and it will remain at a relatively high price in the next few years. At this time, buying the bottom and investing in pig farming will not lead to a low rate of return in the future.

Ye Chen said.

"Well, I don't understand either. You just need to decide on these husbands. Anyway, husband, you have completely conquered me now."

Han Youwei looked at Ye Chen with a smile and said.

"Is this conquest you speak of serious?"

Ye Chen laughed.

"It must be serious, or else? 400"

Han Youwei looked provocatively.

"Someone was talking in his sleep last night."

Ye Chen laughed.

"Did I talk in my sleep last night? What did I talk in my sleep?"

Han Youwei looked at Ye Chen curiously.

"Husband, don't press your head."

Ye Chen said calmly.

Han Youwei: "..."

Two days passed quickly.

Honkai 1 has been online for three days.

Despite the vigorous publicity of the anchors under the Chenwei Guild.

But Honkai 1 still didn't make any splashes.

After three days, the daily active users of Honkai 1 are only over 10,000.

This is because the anchors of the Chenwei Guild jointly promoted this data.

According to what was recorded in the future email, if Honkai 1 wants to reach the achievement of more than 10,000 daily active users, it will take nearly two users to accumulate.

It can also be seen from this that the promotional effect of the anchors under the Chenwei Guild is still quite good.

On this day, Ye Chen received a call from Cai Haoyu.

"Mr. Ye, since the launch of Honkai 1, the response has been mediocre, and the results have been mediocre. Mi Xiayou has failed your trust and let you down."

Cai Haoyu's voice seemed a little weak.

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