Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【190】As Far As Han Ping's Background Is Concerned, Wu's Family Is On The Top Of His List (

"Grandma Qian, I want to join the Chenwei Guild. When Miss Xiaojun comes back, help me say something in front of Miss Xiaojun."

Sun Lingshuang said with a smile: "Hai Li Lao and Chen Wei Guild are the same boss, Miss Xiaojun is the management of Hai Li Lao, if Miss Xiao Jun comes forward, I think the Chen Wei Guild will sell our sister Xiao Jun, right? "

"It's not Ling Shuang. You now have 200,000 fans. If you want to join the Chenwei Guild, why don't you apply directly? Can they not want you?"

Although Qian Jingxia is a university teacher who has retired for several years.

But she has been keeping pace with the times and is willing to accept new things. She usually plays Douyin a lot and has a certain understanding of the operation of the anchor guild.

Generally, wild anchors like Sun Lingshuang with 200,000 fans, not to mention small guilds, even those big guilds will rush for it.

So in her opinion, if Sun Lingshuang wants to join the Chenwei Guild, he can just apply directly, and there is no need to ask her daughter for a relationship.

"Grandma Qian, you don't know, this Chenwei guild is different from ordinary guilds, the big anchors under this Chenwei guild are basically cultivated by this guild itself, so this guild is super super powerful, now want to There are really too many anchors joining the Chenwei Guild, and the signing criteria of the Chenwei Guild when choosing an anchor is not based solely on the number of your fans, they will consider many aspects to decide whether to sign you, I actually submitted the application for 443 last week, but the backend keeps showing that it is under review, and I am so anxious to death now."

Sun Lingshuang said.

"Okay, then when Xiaojun comes back, I'll talk to her and see if she can say something to the Chenwei Guild."

Qian Jingxia said so.

"Okay, thank you grandma."

After about twenty minutes, the doorbell rang.

"Sister Xiaojun must be back, I'll go and open the door."

While Sun Lingshuang was speaking, he got up and ran towards the door quickly.

Qian Jingxia, Wu Xuezhi and Zhao Qiongfang also stood up at this moment.

The door opens.

"Hello, Miss Xiaojun!"

Seeing the girl who opened the door for him, Wu Xiaojun smiled: "Ling Shuang is really getting more and more beautiful the longer she grows.

"Sister Xiaojun, is this (cgfi) your boyfriend?"

Sun Lingshuang's gaze fell on Ye Chen at first, and she was taken aback. This boy is so handsome, and he looks familiar...

But this young boy is definitely not Xiaojun's second-married old boyfriend, so Sun Lingshuang's gaze shifted from Ye Chen's face to Han Ping's.

It should be him.

Sun Lingshuang's eyes lit up.

Obediently, such a handsome and stylish uncle.

At this moment, Qian Jingxia who walked to the entrance said: "Xiaojun, come in quickly, don't stand outside the door.'

"Ling Shuang, get out of the way, don't block the door."

Zhao Qiongfang said unhappily.

Just like that, Ye Chen, Han Youwei, Han Ping and Wu Xiaojun walked into Wu's house together with big bags and small bags in their hands.

Putting on the shoe covers, the group went directly to the living room.

"Dad, Mom, his name is Han Ping."

"Hi Uncle, Aunt."

Han Ping said quickly.

Originally, according to his age, he should call Wu Xiaojun the big sister of his parents, but it is obviously inappropriate to call him that...

"Xiao Han, it's fine for people to come, why bring so many things here.

In fact, Wu Xuezhi and Qian Jingxia had already noticed their future son-in-law when their daughter was still outside the door.

The two are still very satisfied with the external image of this future son-in-law.

Although he was almost fifty, he looked like a young man in his early forties. Standing with their daughter, he was a good match, and he looked a little like a husband and wife.

"Dad, Mom, this is Han Ping's daughter and son-in-law."

Wu Xiaojun introduced Ye Chen and Han Youwei to his parents.

"Hello, Uncle and Aunt."

The two shouted with a smile.

"Okay, okay, what a pair of golden boy and jade girl."

Seeing Ye Chen and Han Youwei standing side by side, Qian Jing sighed from the bottom of her heart.

Next, Wu Xiaojun introduced the granddaughters Zhao Qiongfang and Sun Lingshuang to the three of Ye Chen.

"Xiao Han, put your things down quickly and sit down."

Wu Xuezhi greeted.

Zhao Jingfang's face changed slightly when she saw the famous cigarettes and wines and some precious supplements in the hands of Han Ping, Ye Chen and Han Youwei.

After a while, all the people sat down in the living room.

Qian Jingxia made a cup of tea for Ye Chen and the others, and brought a fruit plate.

"Xiao Han, I heard that you and Xiaojun are colleagues, so what position do you hold in Haililao now?"

As soon as everyone was seated, Zhao Qiongfang asked Ping curiously.

Being able to buy so many famous cigarettes, wines and precious supplements, this Han Ping is obviously not an ordinary employee of Haililao.

"General manager."

Han Ping replied.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Jingfang was greatly surprised.

She knew that Han Ping would not be an ordinary employee, he must be a management.

But she never thought that Han Ping was actually the general manager of Haililao...

Xiaojun still has eyesight.

Originally, Xiaojun, whom she watched growing up, dated a second-married boyfriend, "She still feels a little unworthy for Xiaojun.

But now she doesn't think so anymore.

This Han Ping has a good image, a good temperament, and is the general manager of Haililao. Although he has a marriage history, he is completely worthy of Xiaojun.

Wu Xuezhi and Qian Jingxia are more and more satisfied with Han Ping now.

"You...are you Mr. Ye Chen, the boss of Chenwei Media?"

At this moment, Sun Lingshuang stared at Ye Chen suddenly and asked.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded.

Seeing Ye Chen nodding and admitting it, Sun Lingshuang couldn't calm down, and immediately became excited, "My God, you are really Mr. Ye."

"Xiao Han, is your son-in-law the boss of Haililao and Chenwei Media?"

Zhao Qiongfang was shocked.

Even when she first learned that Han Ping was the general manager of Haililao, she was not as shocked as she is now.

"Uh, yes."

Han Ping nodded.

Wu Xuezhi and Qian Jingxia were also shocked when they saw this.

In fact, when they first learned that their daughter's boyfriend was a second-married man, they also had some pimples in their hearts, but they didn't show it out of respect for their daughter's choice.

But now, the knot in their hearts has completely disappeared.

As far as Han Ping is concerned, they feel that their daughter is not worthy of others...

In the future, if their daughter really married this Han Ping, then their Wu family would be the one to climb the ladder.

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