Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

[191] Mr. Ye, Do You Want To Inspect Our Company? (Please Customize)

The next time, Qian Jingxia went to the kitchen to prepare meals.

An hour later, Zhao Qiongfang and Sun Lingshuang declined the Wu family's invitation to stay for dinner and left from Wu's house.

Today is the first time the future son-in-law of the Wu family came to the house. It is not appropriate for them two outsiders to stay for dinner.

At twelve o'clock, the doorbell rang.

"My brother must be back."

Wu Xiaojun got up and walked over to open the door.

After a while, a man with a pair of silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, who looked a little like Wu Xiaojun, followed Wu Xiaojun back to the living room.

The man was wearing a suit and was carrying a laptop bag in his hand. His face was a little haggard, and he looked dusty.

This man is Wu Mingxu, his younger brother who is three years younger than Wu Xiaojun.

After some introductions, Ye Chen and the others and Wu Mingxu were considered to be acquaintances.

This Wu Mingxu has already married. He and his wife both work in Rongcheng, and they are in the same company. The couple also bought a house in Rongcheng. The family of three usually lives in Rongcheng.

Due to the busy work, I can only come to Miancheng to see my parents during the holidays, and even some festivals, I can't come back.

"Mingxu, why didn't your siblings come back with you?"

"Sister, the company's project is in a critical period. As you know, Rongrong and I are the backbone technicians of our company. It is very difficult for us to ask for leave during this period. It's not easy."

Wu Mingxu said.


Wu Xiaojun expressed his understanding.

My younger siblings are all engaged in technology, and they are really busy at work.

At half past twelve, a group of people came to the restaurant for dinner.

"Originally, I didn't plan to make spicy food, but Xiaojun said that you can eat spicy food, so I cook these dishes in the same way as usual. You guys have a taste. If you think it is too spicy, I will fry it a few more times. a dish.

Qian Jingxia said with a smile.

"It's hard to come to Sichuan Province, if you don't eat spicy food, it's not in vain.

Ye Chen laughed.

"Xiao Chen is right."

Han Ping agreed.

Next, Ye Chen put on disposable food-grade transparent plastic gloves, picked up a spicy rabbit head and ate it, "It is indeed spicy, but it is very spicy."

This lunch only made three southerners, Ye Chen, Han Youwei and Han Ping, sweat profusely.

These sweats are completely spicy.

But as Ye Chen said just now, although it is spicy, it is very spicy, and the rhythm is a bit unstoppable.

This is the charm of Sichuan cuisine.

I obviously feel that it is very spicy, but the more I eat it, the more I can't stop it.

"Brother-in-law, I'm going back to Rongcheng early tomorrow morning, so I can't accompany you. When I'm not busy next time, you come to Rongcheng to find me, and I'll accompany you to have a good time in Rongcheng.

At the end of the dinner, Wu Mingxu said to Han Ping.

"I've only heard your sister say that you and your younger siblings are all engaged in technology, but I don't know which line of work you are in.

Han Ping smiled.

"Brother-in-law, Rong Rong and I are both studying the method of cross-breeding high-quality meat pigs and how to raise pigs scientifically."

Wu Mingxu said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly asked Wu Mingxu, "Angkor, which company do you work in in Rongcheng now?"

"It's New Hope Group, Mr. Ye, have you heard of our company?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled, "Not only have I heard about it, but I'm planning to visit your company in the next two days."

After comparison a few days ago, the hog breeding company that he locked in for investment was the New Hope Group located in Rongcheng.

In the [Future Domestic Pig Breeding Enterprises Ranking List] sent by the future email, New Hope Group ranked third.

But now New Hope Group only ranks 16th among domestic pig breeding enterprises.

"Boss Ye, do you want to inspect our company?"

Wu Mingxu was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted and said in surprise: "Are you planning to invest in our company?"

The black continent pig disease that broke out this year almost destroyed the pigs in their company's largest pig farm. Even if they bought insurance, their company still suffered a relatively large loss, which directly led to difficulties in their company's cash flow. .

So he also heard recently that their company plans to raise funds externally.


Ye Chen smiled and nodded, "Angkor, we are not outsiders anymore, do you think your company is worth investing in?"

"Yes, why not, it's simply too much."

…… Ask for flowers O………

Wu Mingxu said: "Mr. Ye, the team I belong to in our company is currently researching a new method of cross-breeding of meat pigs. At present, many key breakthroughs have been made at the technical level, so our team is fully confident that we can successfully complete this project." project."

"As long as our company masters this new cross-breeding technology for meat pigs, the meat yield of the meat pigs raised by our company will increase by at least five percentage points."

"In addition, our team is still studying scientific pig raising, and has achieved a number of phased results. Once it is fully promoted and applied later, it will reduce our breeding costs and reduce the incidence of pigs during the breeding process."

"So Mr. Ye, I really think our company's future prospects are bright, and our company has great investment value."

"Okay, with Angkor's words, I'm relieved a lot."

Ye Chen smiled, and continued: "Well, Angkor, I will go to Rongcheng with you tomorrow."


In fact, Ye Chen already formed a professional team in Shanghai yesterday, and asked this team to rush to Rongcheng today, and then wait for him in Rongcheng.

After three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Qiongfang and Sun Lingshuang came to the Wu family again.

Sun Lingshuang came here specifically to find Ye Chen this time.

Regarding Sun Lingshuang's desire to join the Chenwei Guild, Ye Chen had already heard from Wu Xiaokan's mother during lunch.

For this reason, after the meal, he specially opened Douyin, found Sun Lingshuang's Douyin account, and looked at some works on her homepage.

Sun Lingshuang took the funny girl route.

Although the short videos shot on the homepage are still immature to Ye Chen, but this Sun Lingshuang is already somewhat talented to be able to shoot such effects without a professional team leader.

In addition, this Sun Lingshuang has a playful and cute appearance, and there are two obvious dimples on his face when he smiles, which can be regarded as some of his own characteristics.

Therefore, Ye Chen thinks that Sun Lingshuang is a potential stock, and it should not be a big problem to run it well and become an anchor with millions of fans.

So Ye Chen agreed on the spot to let Sun Lingshuang join his Chenwei Guild.


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