Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【194】\"Jian Wang Action\" Started, The Reaction Of Major Domestic Video Sites (Seeking C

Seeing Ye Chen finished the phone call, Han Youwei, who was squatting on the ground to take her pajamas from the suitcase, said casually, "Husband, Qin Feng wants to call you for dinner again?"


Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's a celebration banquet.

"Celebration banquet?"

Han Youwei raised her head and cast a curious look at Ye Chen.

"Well, an hour ago, our National Copyright Administration held a press conference, announcing that the National Copyright Administration will join forces with multiple departments to launch the "Jianwang Action" to crack down on Internet infringement and piracy from now on, and the era of Internet piracy will be gone forever. returned."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Ah? Then our China Television Network Gathering..."

Han Youwei's eyes lit up, and she couldn't restrain her excitement.

But she knows that her husband has invested 600 million yuan in the past two months to frantically hoard the copyrights of film and television dramas and other content, plus the original copyright library of China Television Network, now China Television Network is already a domestic new media copyright operator The absolute king of the game.

Now that the country has launched a special campaign against online piracy and copyright infringement, the spring of new media copyright operators is coming.

No wonder her husband said it was a celebration banquet.

This is indeed worth celebrating.

"Husband, you are so foresighted, so powerful, I admire you so much, what should I do?"

Han Youwei put the pajamas of the two on the bed, and then hung her whole body on Ye Chen like a koala.

Ye Chen turned around and pressed Han Youwei on the bed.

However, at this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang again.

Ye Chen picked up his phone and looked at it. It was Wang Sicong who called.

"Husband, answer the phone first. I'm going to take a shower. I sweat a little during the day."

Han Youwei said.

"It's okay, as far as I'm concerned, it's also Xianghan."

Ye Chen laughed.


Han Youwei stretched out her hand coquettishly and pushed Ye Chen away, then took her pajamas, "I'm going to take a shower first." 11

"Remember to wear Balenciaga."

After a reminder, Ye Chen answered the call from Wang Sicong.

"Haha Lao Ye, you are my god."

A few minutes later, the call ended. At this time, Ye Chen found out that half an hour ago, Wang Hanlin, the general manager of China TV Network, sent him several text messages, also talking about the "Jianwang Action"

Then he took advantage of the situation and patted him a few words of flattery.

"Manager Wang, if there is a video website that wants to buy the copyrights of our movies, TV dramas and other content, please remember to report to me."

Ye Chen thought about it, edited such a message, and sent it out.

"Alright Mr. Ye."

Wang Hanlin replied quickly, worthy of reply.

With China TV in his hand, he will have the capital to talk to Penguin Group next.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Next, Ye Chen received another call from Wang Xing.

After talking on the phone with Wang Xing, listening to the sound of dripping water coming from the bathroom, Ye Kang could see the outline of Han Youwei through the frosted glass.

I have to say that his wife's figure is really top-notch, it can be said to be a perfect work of art.

Taking his pajamas, Ye Chen walked into the bathroom.

More than an hour later, Ye Chen and Han Youwei left the hotel holding hands.

The two invited Yu Xiao to have dinner.

At this time, Chen Tonggang, the founder of Zhongshi Wangju, who had immigrated to the beautiful country, almost didn't spit out his old blood when he learned that the Xiaguo Copyright Bureau and multiple departments had launched the Jianwang Action to crack down on online piracy and infringement.

Two months ago, he sold his 43.8% stake in Zhongshi Wangju to Chenwei Investment, and persuaded other large and small shareholders of the company to let Chenwei Investment complete the full shareholding of his Zhongshi Wangju. Acquisition...

As a result, Xia Guo officials now launched the "Sword Net Action".

He has been waiting for this day for more than ten years, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore. He felt that this day was nowhere in sight, so he decided to sell the company.

"I have been waiting for more than ten years, why can't I wait for two more months..."

Chen Tonggang was panicked.

It's as if he knew that there was a golden mountain in front of him, so he had been walking forward for more than ten years. Seeing that the golden mountain was only a few steps away, he suddenly changed his direction, so he found such a golden mountain. Dajinshan, which has been around for more than ten years, is so close at hand, he has missed it for a lifetime...

This feeling is really too tormenting.

The next day, Monday, May 27th.

Ye Chen and others took the flight to Modu.

Father-in-law Han Ping and Wu Xiaojun also returned to Shanghai today. They did not join Ye Chen, but took a plane directly to Shanghai at the airport in the southern suburbs of Miancheng.

At nine o'clock in the morning on this day, many domestic mainstream video sites such as Penguin Video, Oil Depot Video, Tudou Video, and iQiyi issued a joint statement of support for "Jianwang Action".

This kicked off the legalization movement of domestic video websites.

Sun Huaizhong, CEO of Penguin Film and Television, presided over an emergency meeting on the legalization campaign.

All the high-level executives of Penguin Film and Television participated in today's meeting outline in the form of a video conference even if they were on a business trip.

"Old Han, you are in charge of the penguin video, so let's talk about it first."

Sun Huaizhong looked at the middle-aged man in a suit sitting first on the left and said so.

"Mr. Sun, the 'Jian Wang Action' was launched by the National Copyright Administration in conjunction with multiple departments. From the fact that the code name of this action is Jian Wang, we can see the strong determination of the country to crack down on online piracy and infringement, and we Penguin Video as the current The leader of domestic video sites is destined to get more attention from the country, so we (Zhao Qianhao) can't take any chances this time."

Han Zhijie, president of Penguin Online Video, said: "The top priority is, we have three main things to do."

"First, remove all the works on our Penguin Video Curry that have not obtained copyright authorization."

"Second, immediately contact domestic new media copyright operators to purchase content copyrights such as film and television dramas. For those traditional high-quality film and television dramas, we must spend a lot of money to purchase their exclusive broadcast copyrights."

"Thirdly, with the launch of the 'Jian Wang Action', the prices of copyrights for domestic film and television dramas and other content will naturally rise, all the way up, and now time is money. We have to seize this short time gap and spend a lot of money to hoard a large amount of content copyrights such as film and television dramas."

"Okay, Mr. Sun, that's all I want to say for now.

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