Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【195】Lao Ye, You Are The God Of Wealth For The Three Of Us (Please Customize)

"I think the three points Mr. Han said are very good."

Sun Huaizhong said, looking at the other high-level officials: "Everyone, what else do you want to say? Everyone can speak freely."

All of a sudden, all the high-level executives of Penguin Film and Television spoke one after another, basically focusing on the three points that Han Zhijie just said.

In the end, Sun Huaizhong concluded the meeting: "Okay, I have already understood what everyone said, so next, I will make specific work arrangements."

Hearing this, all the senior executives present cheered up one after another.

The "Jianwang Action" suddenly launched by the National Copyright Administration and multiple departments has had a huge impact on the pattern of domestic video websites, and it is also a reshuffle.

Now Penguin Video must act as soon as possible, and must not lag behind others. Once they fall behind at this time, then Penguin Video may not be able to sit firmly in the seat of the first brother of the domestic video website.

You must know that there are many competitors of their penguin video, and the gap between those opponents and them is not that big.

Right now is an excellent opportunity for those competitors to come from behind and overtake them.

710 At the same time, several domestic mainstream video sites such as Oil Depot Video, iQiyi Video, Migu Video, and Leshi are also holding high-level meetings and making operational arrangements for the "Jianwang Action".

These several video sites have all set the goal of surpassing Penguin Video and striving to become the first brother of domestic video sites.

For a time, the field of domestic video websites was filled with smoke and tension everywhere.

When Ye Chen got off the plane and turned off the airplane mode of his phone, he saw several missed calls, all of which were from Wang Hanlin.

So Ye Chen called back.

"I was on the plane just now and couldn't answer the phone. Manager Wang, what's the matter?"

After the call was connected, Ye Chen said.

"Mr. Ye, it's like this. Several domestic mainstream video sites, such as Penguin, Youku, Migu, and iQiyi, have contacted our company. They all want to purchase the copyright of our film and television dramas and other content."

Wang Hanlin asked on the phone: "Mr. Ye, I would like to ask for instructions, what should we do next?"

"Manager Wang, what do you think?"

Ye Chen held Han Youwei in one hand, and made a phone call while walking with a mobile phone in the other.

"Mr. Ye, the 'Jianwang Action' was only launched yesterday, and the prices of domestic film and television dramas and other content copyrights have only started to rebound. What I mean is that we will wait and see what happens, and wait until the prices of film and television drama copyrights peak, before we make a move. .”

Wang Hanlin said.

"Well, do as you say.

Ye Chen said.

"What, most of the content copyrights of film and television dramas and other content produced by major film and television companies were sold to Zhongshi Wangju in the past two months?"

Penguin Video President Han Zhijie was very surprised after hearing the assistant's report.

This time, Penguin Films allocated a total of one billion yuan to him to hoard the copyrights of film and television dramas and other content. As a result, the assistant just told him that the copyrights of film and television dramas produced by major film and television companies in the film and television industry are basically sold to Zhongshi.com .

That is to say, he now holds a billion yuan in his hands, and he can't spend this money at all...

This is what he never expected.

"Yes, Mr. Han, China TV Network has invested 600 million yuan in the past two months, hoarding the copyright of film and television dramas crazily. Now China TV Network is the king of domestic new media copyright operators, and its copyright library exceeds the number one. The sum of the copyright library size of the second Huaxiu.com and the third-ranked Leshi.com.”

said the assistant.

"Then what about our Penguin Film and Television? The copyrights of the film and television dramas produced by our Penguin Film and Television over the years will not be sold to China Television Network Gathering, right?"

Han Zhijie suddenly thought of a key question.

"Uh, Mr. Han, 70% of the film and television drama copyrights produced by our Penguin Film and Television have been sold to China TV in the past two months..."

The assistant said weakly.

"What, those idiots, why don't they pack it up and sell it to (cgej] China TV Network Ju.

Han Zhijie said angrily.

"Mr. Han, the quality of the remaining film and television dramas is too poor, so China Television Network has not taken a fancy to the copyright of those film and television dramas..."

The more the assistant spoke, the lower his voice became.

"Idiots, what a bunch of bastards!"

Han Zhijie's eyes widened in anger.

"Mr. Han, please keep your voice down, the decision to sell the copyright of film and television dramas was made by Mr. Sun himself.

The assistant reminded.

Hearing this, Han Zhijie gradually calmed down, "Oh, it should be like this.

"China TV Network has invested 600 million yuan to hoard the copyrights of film and television dramas and other content. I didn't expect that Chen Tonggang would have such courage. This time, his net worth may be multiplied several times.

"Mr. Han, according to my investigation just now, I found that China TV was acquired by a venture capital company named Chenwei Investment two months ago."

Hearing this, Han Zhijie was taken aback, "You said China TV Network was acquired by Chenwei Investment?"

"Yes, Mr. Han."

The assistant nodded.

"This is not good news."

Han Zhijie frowned.

Some time ago, when a film project invested by Chenwei Investment was approved, they Penguin Films and Television made a mess at that time, which caused them a lot of trouble......

After seven o'clock in the evening.

In the box of a high-end hotel, Ye Chen met Wang Shicong, Qin Feng and Wang Xing.

In order to participate in the celebration banquet tonight, Wang Sicong even rushed over from the imperial capital.

"In just one day, the price of film and television drama copyright has increased by more than ten times, which is too crazy, because it is so exciting.

Wang Sicong grinned at Ye Chen and said, "Lao Ye, you are the God of Wealth for the three of us, tonight the three of us will toast you a glass of wine."

After finishing speaking, the three of them raised their wine glasses together, "Lao Ye, let's toast you together for this glass of wine. If you want to thank you, we won't say it. It would be too hypocritical. In short, everything is in this glass of wine." in."

"The three of you dare to invest together to acquire 63% of the shares of Huaxiu.com. With such courage and efficiency in handling things, the three of you deserve the money."

Ye Chen picked up his own wine glass and clinked the glasses with Wang Shicong and the three of them respectively, and then drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Today, the bosses of those video sites in China called the three of us, Lao Ye, you must have received their calls too.

Wang Sicong laughed.


Ye Chen nodded.

"Now the combined copyright database of our two companies has almost reached 70% of the total domestic film and television drama copyright. Lao Ye, how much do you think the price of film and television drama copyright has risen, and it is appropriate for us to make another move?"

Qin Feng asked like this.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the four of them already have a certain pricing power for the content copyrights of domestic film and television dramas.

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