Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1409 Ascension Colleague Hua Wuyan!

The two of them approached slowly on the ascension passage. Luo Li was very careful and used his hands to drive the two evolved iron fists of Yuanshi and Taishang.

Who would have thought that when the two of them were about ten feet away, the tauren actually shouted: "Hey, you are rich. Come on, I will take you as your guide..."

What kind of mess is this?

In fact, after monks master spiritual consciousness, they can communicate with each other even if they are from different species and have different languages.

Luo Li immediately released his spiritual consciousness to communicate with the other party, but immediately discovered that in this immortal passage, his spiritual consciousness could only be released three feet away and could not be transmitted to the other party at all. Therefore, in this environment, he could only use the most primitive method Verbal communication.

When the tauren saw that Luo Li couldn't understand his words, he changed his mind again: "Please give up the room, it's so hard, so hard for Kurgan..."

But when he saw that Luo Li still couldn't understand, he changed again: "Tao, fellow Taoist, please, I come from Pernai Xinghai, the sect of Chongxuan Sect, Chonghammer Tianqi Lower Courtyard, I can't speak the common language of the immortal world." Okay, I wonder if fellow Taoist people understand?”

Luo Li was stunned. This guy turned out to be from the lower house of Chongxuan Sect. He was obviously talking about the human language of the Zhongtian world. How could it become the universal language of the immortal world?

Luo Li also said: "Chongxuan Sect? The Chongxuan Sect that refines weapons?"

Hearing what Luo Li said, the tauren saw that Luo Li knew about Chongxuan Sect. He immediately stood up, clasped his fists and solemnly saluted and said: "Things are shining brightly outside the world, and it is too small to realize the Chongxuan Ming. I have forgotten my form and left behind, to refine the heaven and the earth to refine the universe!"

Niu Buer, the lower house of Chongxuanzong who hammers Tianqi, has met fellow Taoist! "

Chongxuanzong’s poem number! For sure!

Luo Li immediately returned the greeting and said: "One breath can produce all kinds of magic, Hunyuan can destroy the universe! I, Hunyuan Sect Luo Li, are polite!"

Niu Buer, the other party, frowned, what a Hunyuan Sect. I have never heard of this sect, it seems like it is a small sect in a remote sea of ​​stars!

Niu Fujian immediately asked: "Then are you the one who ascended to the sea of ​​stars?"

Luo Li said: "The world I live in is called the Zhongtian Lord World!"

Niu Buer shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it! It seems to be a remote sea of ​​stars. What realm did you ascend to?"

Niu Buer asked, and Luo Li replied: "Returning to the virtual realm!"

In fact, Luo Li was ascending to the Guiyuan realm, but he met this awesome guy. This person is neither a human nor a ghost. He deliberately lowered his realm, only to expose the realm of returning to the void. Now that his body has been reshaped, the other party cannot see it at all. He was originally in the world of God, and he can ascend to the realm of returning to the void.

Hearing this, Niu Buer suddenly became proud and said: "It is indeed a remote place. You will ascend as soon as you return to the void. The foundation of your world is too low!"

We, Pearl, are in the sea of ​​stars, and only in the realm of harmony can we ascend! "

Luo Li frowned and asked: "Fellow Taoist Fuji, may I ask, I have never understood that at the beginning of our world, ascension requires the Mahayana realm. In order to ascend.

Later, he fell into Hedao and returned to Yuan Dynasty. Now you can ascend after returning to the void. Why can you ascend in the same world and in different realms? "

Luo Li has always been very curious about this question!

Niu Fujian said: "This has something to do with the foundation of the world! I don't know the specific reason!

But I know that monks ascend to the Mahayana realm. Only by advancing to the virtual immortal realm can one truly become an immortal and enter the immortal world directly.

As for us, our ascension under the Mahayana realm can only be regarded as a small ascension. You can only enter the ancient world of spiritual earth in the fairy world. Although it also belongs to the fairy world, you need to cultivate to the Mahayana realm there and be promoted to the virtual immortal before you can truly enter the fairy world! "

Luo Li nodded. It seems that his ascension can only be regarded as a small ascension. He needs to first go to some kind of spiritual land and continue to practice. If he ascends to the Mahayana, he will be a true immortal!

Luo Li couldn't help but ask again: "Fellow Taoist Fuji, you, what clan are you from?"

As soon as he said this, Niu Buer was slightly angry and said: "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, you are asking questions knowingly, I am a human race!"

Luo Li was immediately shocked. This bull-headed face actually said that he was from the human race!

Seeing Luo Li's expression, Niu Buer continued: "Fellow Taoist, you are so unkind. Just because we look similar to pure-blood humans, you look down on us, the mixed-blood sub-race Niu humans!"

After finishing speaking, Niu Buer looked at Luo Li carefully and said in surprise: "Bright eyes, single pupil, black hair, straight nose, both ears..."

You, you, are you a pure-blood human? "

Luo Li said hesitantly: "This, I just know that I am a human race, I don't know what pure blood is and what is not pure blood!"

Niu Buer shook his head and said: "Impossible. The world of Zhongtian Lord sounds like a remote and alien place. How can there be any pure-blooded human race! You lied, you just look like a pure-blooded human race!"

Luo Li asked: "What is the difference between pure-blood humans and mixed-blood demi-humans?"

Niu Buer said with great envy: "Pure-blooded humans are the happiest. We and other mixed-blooded subraces can only truly ascend by practicing hard in the ancient world of spiritual land, spending time to shed their mixed blood, and transform into humans.

And you, you can directly ascend in the Mahayana and enter the fairy world. Envy, envy! "

Luo Li asked: "Why didn't you spend the blood before you ascended and ascended directly?"

Niu Buer said: "It is absolutely impossible. We, the hybrid sub-race Niu Human race, will not be able to refine the Kui Niu bloodline in our bodies and turn it into a real human race until we reach the prehistoric realm of spiritual land!"

While they were chatting, three more monks suddenly appeared in front of them.

The three monks, like the two of them, were gathered together. Two of them were naked and one was wearing an illusion white robe!

When the five people saw each other, they immediately gathered together. This seemed to be the characteristic of the ascension passage, people gathered in groups!

Luo Li looked at the three people. Among the two naked monks, one had the characteristics of a rabbit. According to Niu Buer's words, this one should be a subspecies of rabbit, and the other one had a head of tiger characteristics, which should be a subspecies of tiger. Human race!

Luo Li looked at the other white-robed monk. Like himself, he should be a real human race. Looking from a distance, he could see that among the three people, two sub-race monks respected this monk very much!

But this person was very proud, almost with his nostrils turned upward, looking down on the two sub-races of humans.

Suddenly, five people gathered together, and Luo Li immediately felt that the monk in white robes was there. There is a powerful and terrifying pressure on him.

Niu Buer looked at him and said: "This, this is the true saint of Mahayana, truly ascending, directly into the fairy world!"

The arrogant white-robed human monk heard what Niu Buer said. He just snorted coldly. He was very proud and looked down on the mixed-race humans like Niu Buer.

Suddenly, when he saw Luo Li, he was stunned for a moment. He looked carefully, and gradually became surprised, and then his arrogance completely disappeared. Turning to Luo Li, he said:

"The mysterious bloom of the crape myrtle leads to the void, and each leaf and flower is in the sky! The purple myrtle sect's golden leaves and golden flowers are in bloom in the lower courtyard. Fellow Taoist, you are polite!"

Ziwei Sect? This sect is not like the Chongxuan Sect, Zhongtian Great World is this sect!

He is also from the lower court. If there is a lower court, there will naturally be an upper court. The so-called lower court is 80% similar in nature to the outer sect. It seems that this is the Ziwei Sect and the Chongxuan Sect. In the fairy world, they are all powerful sects, and they are extremely powerful!

Luo Li immediately returned the greeting: "One breath generates all kinds of magic. Hunyuan breaks the universe! Luo Li, the Hunyuan Sect in the Zhongtian Lord World, has met fellow Taoist!"

Na Hua Wuyan looked at Luo Li and said: "Zhongtian Lord World? Hunyuan Sect? Although I have never heard of it, it should be a remote small world, but fellow Taoist, you must be a pure-blooded human race!"

As soon as he said this, the other three mixed-blood human races. They all envied Luo Li extremely.

Luo Lichi asked: "Fellow Taoist, what is the difference between this blood and miscellaneous blood?"

Hua Wuyan said: "Whether we are human beings or demi-humans, we are all created by the great alliance of ancient immortals and Qin cultivators who opened up the plane world.

Legend has it that at the beginning, in the developed planes, the Xian Qin pioneers created pure-blood human races in these worlds.

There were too many worlds opened up later, and many of them were extremely dangerous. Just like the Pernai Star Sea where this awesome man was born, it was completely a world of sea of ​​thunder. Pure-blood humans could not adapt there at all, so they used the mythical beast Kui Niu and human mixed blood , the hybrid subspecies Kuiniu human race was born, adapting to the thunder and lightning characteristics of the plane there, and using this to open up fertile territory!

As long as the mixed-blood human race ascends and refines their mixed-blood in the spiritual world, they can become true immortals! "

Luo Li nodded to express his understanding!

Hua Wuyan said again: "Since we are destined to meet here, according to the rules of the immortal world, we are colleagues who have ascended to the first level. If this is the path to immortal cultivation, the reason why everyone gathers together!

No matter how high or low you are, we are all colleagues of the same class. Let’s take care of each other in the future! "

This guy ascended into the Mahayana and became an immortal directly. He was two or three realms higher than Luo Li. How could he not respond to such polite remarks?

Just as Luo Li was about to answer, Niu Buer immediately replied: "Okay, okay, great! I am Niu Buer! Perl is Xinghai, born in the lower courtyard of Chongxuan Sect, Chonghammer Tianqi, and has soared to the realm of Hedao.

Please take care of me, seniors! "

Hua Wuyan gave him a cold look. The person he really wanted to make friends with was Luo Li. He looked down on this awesome, mixed-blooded person.

The rabbit man also timidly said: "I, I, Du Qilang, was born in Dujuan Red Star Sea, I, I have no sect, and I have ascended to the realm of Guiyuan!"

Hua Wuyan was stunned and said: "Du Shiniang, the wonderful rejuvenator, what does it have to do with you?"

Du Qilang said: "That, that is my ancestor!"

Hua Wuyan nodded and looked at Du Qilang, his expression changed a bit, no longer disgusted.

Luo Li hurriedly said: "I, Luo Li, was born in the Hunyuan Sect in the world of Zhongtian Lord, and I have ascended to the realm of returning to the virtual world!"

The tiger man finally said: "I, Shen Beihu, was born in Hanyin Mountain Xinghai, founded the Tianhu Sect, and ascended to the realm of integration!"

This tiger man is also like Luo Li. He belongs to the small world and has no family or sect. He has no power to protect him in the fairy world.

When Hua Wuyan heard Shen Beihu calling himself this person, he frowned with a look of disdain, and then said:

"Everyone, we are destined to meet each other. We are promoted in the same class. If you come to the fairy world in the future, you can come to me. I should have a firm foothold by then!

In addition, let me give you a suggestion. In the human world, in your own homeland, you may be an indomitable hero, a hero who shocks all directions, an ancestor and emperor respected by countless people, but remember, in the fairy world, you are just a small ascension. Ants, put away your arrogance in this world and behave honestly with your tail between your legs!

Otherwise, someone will make you reincarnate as a human being! "

As soon as these words were said, everyone was speechless. Although the words were not nice to hear, they were rough but not rough!

Everyone nodded and said, "I'll understand later!"

Suddenly, the passage shook, and now it reached the end. Eighteen points of light appeared in front of them. Before they could make a choice, the five of them went straight towards one of the points of light in an instant!

A huge city appears from a distance, turns from virtual to real, and ends with everyone ascending!

But Hua Wuyan was no longer on this list. He continued to fly upwards, flying over the giant city!

That is the real fairyland!

Before leaving, Hua Wuyan suddenly and quietly said to Luo Li: "Remember, don't join any organization in the city, don't accept any benefits, be careful when you leave there, the city is a trap, go to practice elsewhere!

Ascend to the fairy world, come to me, I will protect you! "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!


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