Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1410: Leaving Yangguan in the west, there is no old friend!

A light gradually appeared in front of me, and the end of the road was here!


In an instant, there was a loud roar, as if it had reached the end.

The space shook, and everything gradually began to materialize, and the illusory feeling brought about by ascension gradually disappeared.

Luo Li and three other hybrid subrace human monks returned to the real world.

At the moment when he returned to reality, Luo Li took a startled look, as if he saw himself falling into a huge city.

This city is extremely huge, like an endless palace, thousands of miles long and tens of thousands of feet high.

Just at a glance, I can only vaguely see the grandeur of this palace.

Then Luo Li found himself standing on a high platform, which was thousands of feet tall and located at the highest point of the city. Looking around, he saw the magnificent palaces in the city, the exquisite gardens, the strange flowers and trees growing there, and the rare birds and beasts. The view is all gold and jade, the birds and animals on it are all pure green, and the trees are all covered with pearls.

There are immortals living there, going east and west, driving north and south, their skin is like ice and snow, their clothes are like virgins, they do not eat grains, they breathe wind and drink dew. Riding on the clouds, flying dragons, and traveling across the four seas.

What a fairy world!

Luo Li took a deep breath and started to look at himself, only to see that he was completely different from before, his appearance had changed!

He has the appearance of a young man, a delicate face, fair skin, a straight body, firm eyes, a fairy-like character, strong muscles, and thick shoulders...

The whole person's skin is white and delicate, like crystal jade, with a faint layer of purple energy flowing inside. The body is shaped like glass, and the warm light has a clear and flawless transparency.

Luo Li looked at his hands, which were extremely crystal clear and extremely white and tender.

but. Luo Li felt that his own realm was the realm of Guiyuan, the Great Perfection of Guiyuan.

In the final analysis, the ascension of the Zhongtian Lord World is ascension. It is not about advancing to the realm of Hedao. Only when you get here can you continue to advance to the realm.

The other three hybrid monks also changed, including Shen Beihu and Du Qilang. Niu Buer looked at Luo Li secretly.

This young man just returned to reality and ascended, transforming into a robe in the passage.

This robe. But only Hua Wuyan, a Mahayana ascended immortal, has appeared. At this point, this child is extraordinary!

And this kid is a pure-blooded human race!

Shen Beihu, Du Qilang, and Niu Buer all paid great attention to Luo Li. At this time, they didn't know that he was in the ascension passage. Luo Li's consciousness can extend three feet, if they knew this. I'm afraid they're all scared to death.

This is the most powerful thing. Hua Wuyan, who ascended to immortality in the Mahayana, cannot extend his spiritual consciousness in the ascension passage.

At this moment, an extremely solemn voice came, with infinite pressure. It sounds like a divine voice in my ears:

"Hello fellow Taoists, welcome to the Ascension Immortal Realm. This is Yun'an Jinglei City, the lower realm of the Immortal Realm, the Great Desolate Realm of Spiritual Land, and the 108th Ascension Extradition City.

I am leading the envoy Zhang Tianshi. I’m here to guide you to the fairy world..."

The speaker was an old man, chubby, kind, and smiling.

But behind this smile is that unfathomable strength, as deep as the sea and the abyss!

When Luo Li saw him, he could feel his power, but he couldn't see his depth. Shen Beihu on the side couldn't help but said: "The true spirit of Mahayana! Great Perfection!"

As soon as he said this, Luo Li and others were all amazed. This old man was only one step away from ascending to the throne. He was so powerful that he had to praise him.

Luo Li and others saluted together and said, "I have met senior!"

The chubby Zhang Tianshi said: "You're welcome, I'm a fellow Taoist, I'm just one step ahead of you, just call me fellow Taoist.

Everyone, welcome here. Okay, let’s follow the procedure. The first step is to introduce each sect. "

After speaking, he waved his hand, and a crystal mirror suddenly appeared in front of Luo Li and others, with various sect names written on it!

Xuanyuan Sword Sect, Creation Sect, Taixu Sect, Wuji Taoism, Daode Sect, Tianyizhai, Taihe Sect, Split Heaven Sword Sect, Haoran Zhengqi Sect, Yin Yang Sect, Annihilation Sect, Chongxuan Sect, Tongxuan Tianji Valley, Ping Yuancheng, Xiandu Sect, Shangqing Sect, Wuxingdao, Jiuxuan Sect, Kongtong, Penglai, Xixuanmen, Luofu Sword Sect, Bajing Palace, Xiantian Yiqi Sect, Bahuangmen, Jiuding Sect, Danxia Temple, Xuling Sect, Yuanzhu Sect, Ziwei Sect, Taishang Dao, Zhengyi Sect, Shenxiao Dao, Xuanling Ten Thousand Beast Sect, Tianhe Sect, Jinri Sun God Valley, Taishang Dao Zhen Sect, Xuanshui Sect, Tianxing Jian Sect, Duyin Zong, Miaohua Sect, Ksitigarbha Sect, Chiyun Sect, Heishui Sect, Senluo Sect, Tianjia Sect, Wanfa Sect, Dayan Sect, Huixuan Sect...

At a glance, there are thousands of people in this sect.

Luo Li confidently observed that it was somewhat similar to the world of Zhongtian Lord. The first column contained one hundred and eight sects, the second column numbered eight hundred, and the third column numbered three thousand.

One hundred and eight for the upper door, eight hundred for the middle door, and three thousand for the lower door!

Luo Li shook his head, could this be a coincidence? Is it the same in the world?

I thought about it again, but that was not the case. It should be that the world of Zhongtian Lord imitated the ranking of the fairy world and created a world of three thousand heretics and eight hundred heresies. There is no such thing as heresy in this fairy world.

Among the many sects in the Zhongtian Lord World, there are many sects that appear on this list, such as Haoran Zhengqi Sect, Yin Yang Sect, Chongxuan Sect, Tongxuan Tianji Valley, and Luofu Sword Sect, but in the Zhongtian Lord World , Chongxuan Sect and Tongxuan Tianji Valley are both upper gates, but in this world, they are only the middle gate.

In addition, what about the Five Elements Sect, Golden Sun Sun God Valley, I wonder if it is the Five Elements Sect and the Sun God Palace? The name of the sect is missing one or two characters. I wonder if there is any difference between the two?

Finally, there are some Sects that have long been lost in the world of Zhongtian Lord, but they also exist in this immortal world, such as Shangqing Sect, Daode Sect, Yuanzhu Sect, Bajing Palace, Xiantian Yiqi Sect, Bahuang Sect, Jiuding Sect...

The first among them is the Xuanyuan Sword Sect! Legend has it that the founder of the Hunyuan Sect, Hunyuanzi, was the illegitimate son of Chenglan, the great Luo Hunyuan Jinxian of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. He taught him the way of cultivating immortals. I wonder if the Hunyuan Sect is considered a branch of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect?

Zhang Tianshi then said: "Okay, everyone, if you are from the lower courtyard of these sects, please input your true energy into your sect, confirm your identity, and your own sect will take care of the affairs. Come and guide you."

After saying this, the four of them looked at each other. Niu Buer immediately found Zhongxuanzong and input his true energy into Zhongxuanzong.

Suddenly the three characters "Chongxuanzong" lit up, and Niu Buer immediately smiled and said:

"Dear ascended colleagues. The elders of my master's sect should be here to pick me up soon!"

Luo Li thought for a while, the Hunyuan Sect was spread by Patriarch Chenglan of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, and could be considered a branch of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. Can he give it a try?

He also tried to inject Qi into the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, but there was no response!

I don’t know if it’s because the Hunyuan Sect didn’t follow, or because Luo Li ascended. By cutting off the Holy Land of Five Laws, the original true energy characteristics of Hunyuan Sect were lost?

Luo Li sighed deeply, it seemed to be ineffective.

In less than a moment, a teleportation array on the far side of the platform suddenly glowed with white light. A white-bearded Taoist walked out there.

Taoist Whitebeard arrived and shouted: "Where are the younger disciples of Chongxuan Sect?"

Niu Buer appeared immediately and started chatting with the man. The two of them conducted introduction and confirmation. After a while, they confirmed that Niu Buer was a disciple of Chongxuan Sect.

"Dear Ascension colleagues, I'm leaving. I'm going to Wujin White Tiger City. It's one of the lower courtyards of our Chongxuan Sect, where we practice our ascension.

If you have any problems in the future, create a magic weapon or something. Feel free to find me wherever you go, come to me Niu Fujiu. "

After saying that, Niu Buer left with the steward of Chongxuan Sect.

Zhang Tianshi said again: "Okay, the second step is to introduce the clan! Everyone, do you have any relatives or friends from the clan to introduce you? Please state your name. We will contact the person who will introduce you."

Du Qilang said nonchalantly: "I, I am a descendant of the Du family of Dujuan Red Star Sea. Du Shiniang, the master of rejuvenation, is my ancestor."

Zhang Tianshi heard this and said, "Okay. Just wait a moment."

Immediately he started to contact, and within a moment, another person appeared in the teleportation array, and the person said:

"That one is a child of the Du family. I am Tian Longzi, the manager of the Tiandan Chamber of Commerce. The Du family has an agreement with our chamber of commerce. We will train the younger generations of the Du family to ascend."

Du Qilang immediately went over to talk to the other party. After some confirmation, Du Qilang said goodbye to Luo Li and Shen Beihu.

"I'm leaving too, I'm going to Tiandan Chamber of Commerce, where I will practice and ascend.

If you want to refine and buy medicine in the future, feel free to contact me through the Tiandan Chamber of Commerce. "

After saying that, Du Qilang also left.

At this point, only Luo Li and Shen Beihu were left. They had no family or sect, and no relatives or friends to pick them up. Zhang Tianshi smiled and said:

"Okay, you two, please come here and register your name. You can practice in Yun'an Jinglei City, or you can leave yourself and find another place. It's all up to you."

As he said that, Luo Li had a feeling when he took the two of them out of the Shengxian Platform and out of this place.

This world is completely different from the past!

In the past, in the world of Zhongtian Lord, Luo Li could reach a hundred thousand miles with one spiritual thought, and ten thousand miles with one flying escape. With one blow, the continent collapsed and the sky collapsed.

But in this world, all materials here seem to be ten thousand times harder. That punch that explodes the world will never appear. The power is still there, but the world has changed. The amount of infuriating energy required to cast a spell has increased without limit. A hundred times a thousand times.

Not only him, but Shen Beihu also felt the same way. Zhang Tianshi smiled and said:

"Do you have a feeling that the supreme divine power in the past is gone now?

Hahaha, ascend, ascend, this is the fairy world, not the lower realm, the lower realm of the human world, the way of heaven is loose and extremely fragile. In this world, everything is different.

In the human world, you can control the wind and the earth, destroy the heaven and earth, but here you can only start all over again, just like you returned to the time when you first cultivated immortality.

However, in this fairy world, you regard it as a treasure in the human world. This is just mainland goods, which are everywhere. You regard it as the supreme law. This is just ordinary law. You can practice it at will. In this fairy world, you can go further and be promoted. Higher power, get true immortality, and enjoy endless happiness!

Gradually, you will discover that only this fairyland is the real paradise. Your hometown is the rugged countryside and ravines. You will never regret your ascension!

Otherwise, whoever is still cultivating immortality will be able to ascend! "(To be continued)



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