Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1621: Moving mountains and reclaiming Taichu City!

Luo Li looked around. Since all the flying cities did not allow him to enter, it was best that he would not enter their flying cities!

To be honest, Luo Li can destroy these flying cities, but what's the point?

Because in one breath, he acted like a bully, bullying all living beings, which was completely inconsistent with Luo Li's consistent philosophy. @,

Here, I am invincible, but when I leave here and go to the normal star field outside, these sects are all a bunch of earthly immortals, which can make me want to die, so I still don't want to be domineering, make people angry, and bully everyone. .

But Luo Li couldn't swallow this breath, so he decided to build a flying city of his own!

If you don't let me enter the city, then I will build a city myself!

As Luo Li slowly confided, the sound spread in all directions, and the other Lords of Feicheng were stunned when they heard it.

"Hahaha, this guy is crazy! Build a flying city by yourself?"

"Are you kidding me? This flying city was built with thousands of efforts and polished by countless immortals. It has supreme restrictions, large and small worlds, and defense against the Five Emperors. It's not just any city, it's a flying city!"

"Let him build it. I'm probably thinking of bringing a piece of land and building a city on it. It will be a flying city. Wait until the tide of Muyang and see how he cries!"

"Yes, yes, when the big tide breaks out, let's see how he cries!"

Luo Li didn't care about their cynicism and slowly fell down and re-entered the Muyang River.

He headed straight for the Sha'ao City, the home of the Shark Clan, where there was a complete flying city. Luo Li wanted to bring this flying city to the surface of the water and return it to the world.

When we arrived at Aa'a City, we found the Sword Spirit of Aa'a City. It is strictly guarded, and no water spirit is allowed to come within three hundred miles of A'ao City.

Luo Li went over and walked all the way to the front of A'ao City and touched the hard gate of the city wall.

The Sword Spirit of Aa'a City immediately reported: "Reporting to the Master, Aa'a City is guarding the gate. No water spirit can invade the city!"

Luo Li said: "Can Fei City be built again in A'ao City?"

Aa'a City is different from other flying cities. It is a complete sixth-level immortal treasure. The immortal treasures have the ability to self-recover, so Luo Li asked like this!

"Sir, A'ao City entered the water and was eroded by the Muyang River. It took too long and has lost its ability to recover.

Please ask the lord of the sect to send the A'a City out of the Muyang River. After getting rid of the invasion of Muyang River, and then inputting fairy energy, A'ao City will automatically regain its recovery ability and turn into a flying city again!

But this is too difficult. Aa'a City is a sixth-level immortal treasure, which is not weaker than the Earth Immortal Realm. When Aa'a City fell, many immortals from various major sects came here. Want to occupy A'ao City.

The result was a failure, unable to send A'ao City out of Muyang River! "

Luo Li smiled. Said: "They can't do it, but I can!"

Then he flew to the bottom of the city, looked at the city, and pushed with both hands, pushing the city out of the Muyang River.

But Na'ao City remained motionless. Over the years, it has reached the point of perfect integration in the Muyang River. Pushing it will shake the entire Muyang River. Difficult to do.

"Sir, please don't bother, you can't push me! Please rest."

"Sir, this is impossible. Only flying immortals may be able to push me, but there cannot be any immortals above spiritual immortals here, so you can't do it, sir."

"Sir, please give up. It's impossible, don't waste your energy!"

This sword spirit was very talkative and kept talking.

But Luo Li didn't care at all, he just used his strength and pushed slowly.

He has countless experiences in this matter. After three years of pushing mountains, nothing is impossible!

Pushing and pushing, Luo Li suddenly exerted his strength and shouted: "Let's go!"

Boom, the whole A'ao city trembled, and the sword suddenly shut up, as if he was stunned and speechless!

After a tremor, Luo Li continued to push, and the Aa'a City began to move slowly. At first, there was only a slight movement, and then gradually accelerated, inch by inch, foot by foot, foot by foot, in the Muyang River, it began to move towards the water surface. promote.

Luo Li continued to exert his strength under Na'ao City, go, go, go!

Aa'a City is slowly floating, and it is still thousands of miles away from the water.

As if feeling that Aa'a City was about to leave him, Mu Yanghe was very unwilling. Suddenly, huge waves and countless undercurrents were surging around Luo Li. Suddenly, Aa'a City seemed to be ten times heavier.

But Luo Li suddenly burst into laughter and said loudly:

"If you want to stop me, how can I, your little Mu Yanghe, be able to stop you!"

Suddenly he raised his voice and sang:

"With a sword in my hand, I am walking alone. I don't have to look back in the world of mortals. The road ahead is rugged, I have to cut through thorns and break bones, and I don't have to look back.

In the body of a good man, I strive to live in emptiness. I will cut off all the hesitation and melancholy. Even if I am afraid that the red lotus will be extinguished before my eyes, I must move forward. "

As he sang loudly, the Aa'a City became faster and faster, rushing towards the water!

On the water surface, countless immortals and immortals all heard this forward song!

This song is said to be a song, but in fact it is a sound transmitted by divine consciousness, resonating between heaven and earth, resounding for hundreds of thousands of miles!

They looked around to see who was singing, so powerful and invincible!

Suddenly, a huge whirlpool appeared above the water, and then a huge shadow appeared in the water along with the singing!

Countless immortals and fairy spirits retreated in fear, and the flying cities nearby stayed away!

"No, there's a monster out of the water!"

"What kind of monster is this? It's so big!"

"I don't know anymore. It's all Luo Li. After he went down, he attracted this monster. It's likely that he has been eaten by this monster!"

In the midst of everyone's discussion, boom, I saw a huge city rushing out of the water!

This city is a hundred miles in circumference, and at first glance, it looks majestic and huge!

The city flew out, and in the city, endless water flowed out!

Looking over, under which city, there is a small immortal who can hold up the huge city and carry it out of the Muyang River!

Countless immortals and fairies were stunned and dumbfounded!

"This, what is this?"

"This is a flying city. He said he wanted to build a flying city of his own. This is it!"

"Are you kidding? This is Feicheng, it's impossible, it's impossible!"

"This, this, is indeed a flying city, and it is also a sixth-level immortal treasure flying city!"

"Sixth-level Immortal Treasure Flying City? What do you mean?"

“Legend has it that 13 million years ago, our place was filled with powerful flying cities of this kind of sixth-order immortal treasure.

Later, the materials for refining this kind of flying city became less and less, and then some earth immortals discovered that the sixth-level immortal treasure flying city had greater significance to the earth immortals, so our Muyang River Basin could no longer Without the sixth-level Immortal Treasure Flying City, only our current flying city is left. "

"To be precise, our current flying city is just a piece of flying city made up of fourth-level immortal treasures. Compared with this flying city of sixth-level immortal treasures, it is countless times worse!"

"I didn't expect this guy to actually build his own flying city. Damn it!"

Luo Li carried the city and flew into the void. As it separated from the Muyang River, the endless water of the Muyang River began to flow out of the city, like a celestial river falling.

Gradually the water in the river ran out, and the Sword Spirit of Aa City sent a message:

"Sir, Sect Leader, A'ao City has been freed from the invasion of Muyang River and has started to repair itself after being exposed to the immortal energy of the immortal world!"

"But sir, the automatic repair of A'a City will take a lot of time. If you can input the power of fairy stones and Hunyuan, the recovery of Aa'a City will be accelerated!"

"Please support me, sir, and reply to A'ao City as soon as possible!"

Luo Li smiled and said, "That's no problem!"

"However, the first step is not to call it Aa'a City, it's too ugly!

From now on, you will be called Taichu City to commemorate the city of Taichufang where I made my fortune! "(To be continued...)

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