Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1622 Fat sheep are flying all over the sky!

Luo Li decided on the name of Taichu City. Following Luo Li's order, three pale gold seal characters on the top wall of the city gate were engraved with the words "Taichu City", which began to change, and the words Taichu City were automatically made.

Suspended in the air, Taichu City is in the shape of a huge elliptical sphere, with an area of ​​about a hundred miles, and countless rivers flowing out of it.

Although the river has drained out, there is still a thin flow of water flowing out.

Now the entire city is supported by Luo Li's hand. If Luo Li lets go, it will continue to sink into the Muyang River. Even the most basic ability to float in the air, this Taichu City has been lost.

However, Luo Li was not afraid at all, because this Taichu City was a sixth-level immortal treasure. This sixth-level immortal treasure had an ability, which was the power of self-recovery.

Luo Li slowly ordered: "Open the seal and repair Taichu City."

Following his order, a burst of colorful brilliance suddenly shot out from the gate of Taichu City and covered Luo Li. The brilliance was extremely dazzling and began to spin slowly.

Luo Li took out all the immortal stones on his body, injected them into this brilliance, and then began to input the power of Hunyuan.

With the input of Luo Li's Hunyuan power, the brilliance gradually began to change.

That is to say, Luo Li, whose magic power reaches the sky, can input like this. Gradually, the light group shot out a ray of light, reaching straight into the sky.

The clouds in the sky began to roll, breaking through the layers, and there was a huge earthquake. Endless immortal energy, like tides and pillars, slowly poured into Taichu City!

All kinds of brilliance flickered throughout Taichu City, and you could vaguely see countless nebulae changing inside.

In Luo Li's mind, countless spiritual thoughts suddenly appeared, like countless images appearing out of thin air.

Each of these images is an image of a flying city, and each flying city is different!

These flying cities. It's up to Luo Li to choose, the one he chooses is the one!

Some flying cities are vast and majestic, like the temples of gods; Mysterious and unpredictable, like temples and sacred places, some flying cities are majestic, like a peak embracing the moon, and some flying cities are simple and unpretentious, like a stubborn stone...

Behind these flying cities, there are written explanations. What are the characteristics and strengths of these flying cities? Explain them one by one!

Each flying city has its own characteristics and its own strength.

They silently wait for Luo Li's selection!

Luo Li looked at them and finally chose a flying city. This flying city had the most balanced functions among them. The most simple Feicheng, and the appearance of Feicheng. There is a natural feeling of heaven.

When Luo Li saw him, he just liked him, so that was it!

Luo Li pointed and said, "That's him!"

Suddenly, the huge Taichu City began to glow. Tremble!

The entire Taichu City suddenly exploded, forming a shock wave, followed by numerous rumbling noises, and the entire city collapsed. The original sphere city was reduced to ashes, and a new city was slowly born!

The entire city has a radius of seventy miles, and is surrounded by a towering city wall, which is made of milky white stone.

Among them, the city gate is majestic and the city wall is majestic. Looking at it, it makes people feel comfortable.

This city wall and gate is Luo Li's Taichu City, the first line of defense.

Don't think that this is a simple city wall and gate. In fact, this is the embodiment of two worlds. They are not the real city wall and gate, but the isolation zone between the world in the city and the outside world!

And in that city, there are seven pillars of light, standing high in the sky and on the ground. They constantly absorb the traveling immortal energy in the world and strengthen themselves.

This is the lung of Taichu City, which automatically absorbs free immortal energy and strengthens itself.

Seeing this scene, the countless immortals and immortals were dumbfounded. This flying city is so majestic. Compared with this, other flying cities are just dirt and small thatched houses in the countryside.

Luo Li nodded and walked to the city gate. The city gate slowly opened with a loud roar!

Luo Li slowly entered the city, and the city gate slowly closed amidst the roar!

Suddenly, white clouds fell from the sky, and the endless clouds began to increase.

The cloud became a huge cloud, completely covering the entire Feicheng.

In front of all the other immortals and immortals, there is only a floating city in the sky.

"Good guy, this, this, is amazing!"

"Yes, it looks like this is the real Feicheng. I want to go and have a look!"

"It's so beautiful outside, it must be extremely beautiful inside!"

"It is said that this is a flying city technology from 13 million years ago, and it has been lost long ago."

"Compared to him, other flying cities are just doghouses! I want to go in and have a look!"

"Well, I think so too. It costs money anyway. I want to rent a room in this flying city!"

"Yes, I think so too!"

Countless immortals and immortals were interested, but Luo Li was not in such a good mood at this moment!

After he entered Feicheng, he immediately found that except for the surrounding white city walls that were dozens of feet high and the cloud top outside, there were no buildings in the city and it was empty.

Although the seven beams of light are constantly absorbing the fairy energy, the amount of the fairy energy is too small, and it is of no use in repairing the entire city.

In the entire city, except for the four walls, there are no buildings in the city. It is endless as far as the eye can see, and there is light on all sides!

It can be said that one is poor and the other is destitute, down and out!

Luo Li frowned and said, "Why does it look like this? There is nothing?"

The sword spirit of Taichu City slowly reported: "Sir, the Immortal Stone you provided can only be used to build the last three buildings!

If I want to continue repairing, I need you to provide fairy stones to evolve! "

Luo Li frowned and said, "Without the Immortal Stone, it means you can't evolve?"

The sword spirit replied: "Yes, sir!

Although I can automatically repair Taichu City, without the support of immortal energy, it is impossible for me to create something out of nothing! "

Immortal Stone, Immortal Stone, Luo Li frowned. All the Immortal Stones he had harvested from Xiantian Yiqi Sect had been used up just now. The damage to Taichu City was too great and a huge amount of Immortal Stones were needed.

Luo Li scratched his head and said, "What should I do?"

Sword Spirit replied: "Sir, I suggest you repair the central hall first, and then follow the procedures to repair Tianji Pond, Tianfa Pavilion, Treasure Collection Hall, Shennong Hall...

Luo Li shook his head slowly and said: "No, no, there are not many immortal stones left. If you hold the sky like this, you can build a central hall, but other halls cannot be built at all!"

Sword Spirit said: "Yes, sir, but if you don't repair it in this order, the entire flying city will not be able to start up at all. The diagram is false. If it encounters a big tide in the Muyang River, it will collapse immediately!"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case!"

He looked at the sky, and the immortals and spirits looking at Taichu City from all directions came into view. Luo Li smiled and said:

"There is a way. There are so many fat sheep, fairy stones and so on, they don't matter!" (To be continued...)

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