Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,623 Sharpening the knife against the pigs and sheep!

Luo Li said slowly: "Don't repair the central hall yet, let me repair the last item, the defensive array system!"

Sword Spirit was stunned and said: "Sir, that is the least important for the repair of Feicheng. Such repair is completely reversing the procedure. You should think twice!"

Luo Li said: "Listen to my order and repair the defensive array system!"

"Yes, sir, your order is the meaning of my existence!"

Following the Sword Spirit's answer, twelve options suddenly appeared in front of Luo Li, all of which were various defensive formations with great restrictions!

Luo Li took one look and immediately chose the most dazzling and beautiful one!

All the immortals who were looking at Taichu City from outside suddenly found that Taichu City began to shake.

"It's moving, it's moving, what are you doing?"

"I don't know, just watch, I don't know what to do!"

Suddenly, with a bang, a golden light flew out of Taichu City, circled around Taichu City, and with a whoosh, it was inserted in the northeast of Taichu City!

Instantly, the city wall changed, and a huge stone tablet slowly rose until it was thirty feet high.

The stele is completely golden, with thousands of immortals embossed on its surface, and its whole body exudes a faint golden glow.

On top of the stone tablet, there is a statue of a supreme immortal wearing a battle armor and drawing a bow over the moon!

His muscles were tangled all over his body, filled with infinite strength, his face was like a knife, his eyes were like lightning, and his brows were filled with anger.

Four golden seal characters appear and disappear on the stone tablet, and Hou Yi shoots the sun.

In an instant, all the immortals and immortals who saw this stone tablet felt a divine thought pouring into their minds!

"Taichu City is under great defensive restrictions, Hou Yi shoots the sun!

The range is one hundred and three thousand miles, and one thousand and one arrows can be fired every day. The distance of one hundred thousand miles can be reached in an instant. With one arrow, the spirit immortal will perish! "

It's a pity that this one is just a showpiece, like other buildings. They are not manufactured, lack follow-up support, and cannot shoot an arrow!

But the immortals and fairies who were watching the excitement didn't know it, and they were all stunned!

"Good guy, is this a defensive immortal formation?"

"What? This is the attacking immortal formation. All the flying cities now are passive defensive immortal formations. This is the only attacking immortal formation!"

"Immortals can be destroyed with one arrow. Is it true? There are no earthly immortals here!"

"Yes, yes, it is so powerful. With such a magic formation, the most terrifying holy water spirit in Muyang Tide would not even dare to come within 100,000 miles of this flying city!"

"With this magic circle, Taichu City is safe and invincible!"

"This is just one of the magic circles. There should be other magic circles in Taichu City. It's too safe, too safe!"

Countless immortals and immortals are envious, and they are determined to come to this city to have a look.

At this time, Luo Li chose the second defensive circle, the Great Restriction. Following his choice, it was located in the southwest of Taichu City. It was also a roar!

A ray of silver light fell, and immediately another stone tablet rose!

This stone tablet is exactly the same as the stone tablet just now, except that it is silver and there is a figure on the stone tablet. It's a dominating giant!

This giant has endless momentum and power. He has a supreme momentum that makes him want to turn the world upside down!

"Taichu City is under great defensive restrictions, Kuafu is chasing the sun!

All immortals and immortals who are qualified to live in Taichu City are supported by this restriction. Within 200,000 miles from Taichu City, their flight speed will be doubled immediately. Within 30,000 miles, their flight speed will be tripled. Within, you can teleport back to the city immediately! "

Upon hearing this explanation, many immortals were immediately shocked!

"What, double the speed within 200,000 miles? Triple the speed within 30,000 miles? Is it true or false?"

"Yes, it is said that when there is a big tide, danger comes, so the faster the better!"

"With this speed, it's an extra life!"

"Two hundred thousand miles, the coverage area is very far. Even if I don't live in this city, I still want to buy a qualification to accelerate the two hundred thousand miles!"

"Yes, yes, I also want to buy a qualification. Anyway, this Feicheng Poxian Mansion is uninhabitable, so just qualify!"

Seeing these two great defense restrictions, countless immortals and immortals were excited! Originally I just wanted to take a look, but now I want to buy a residence permit.

But they don’t know that this is just a fake product and is of no use!

Luo Li smiled and said: "Okay, open the door, hide the real situation inside the fairy city, invite them in, and we will start renting out the fairy house!

Luo Li asked again: "Sword Spirit, what is the scale of our Taichu City and the fairy mansion for guests to live in?"

The sword spirit replied: "Sir, don't worry, as long as there are immortal stones in our immortal mansion, they will be born automatically!

Our Taichu City is a sixth-level immortal treasure with unlimited space!

The fairy mansion opened for guests completely surpasses all the fairy mansions in Feicheng now!

A first-class immortal mansion consumes ten immortal stones a day and can be transformed into a space of three hundred feet, including the main building, the servant building, the martial arts hall, the training room, the tea house, the alchemy room, the medicine garden, the spirit animal house, the open-air spirit pond, and the back garden. , all owned.

A second-class Immortal Mansion consumes five Immortal Stones a day and can be transformed into a space of 100 feet. It has a main building, an alchemy room, a martial arts hall, and a training room. All the leisure buildings among them have been cancelled.

A third-level Immortal Mansion consumes one Immortal Stone per day and can create a fifty-foot space, but it only has the main building and the training room. "

Luo Li nodded. This was a sixth-level immortal treasure back then, so it could transform countless immortal mansions into it.

The current Feicheng is just a patchwork of fourth-level immortal treasures, and naturally does not have that many functions. In order to make more money, the immortal mansion is getting smaller and smaller.

Luo Li said: "Let's do this, change the original third-class immortal mansion into a first-class immortal mansion, and pay a rent of two thousand immortal stones at a time, one period for six months!"

This price is exactly the same as that of ordinary Feicheng First-Class Immortal Mansion. It's just that other Feicheng's period is once every three years, and Taichu City's period is every six months. The cost of this Immortal Mansion Luo Li is one hundred and eighty Immortal Stones, but the income is two thousand, a huge profit of five times!

Luo Li said again: "Then divide the main building of the third-class immortal mansion into four average rooms. The training rooms are shared and become a second-class immortal mansion. The rent is 500 immortal stones at a time, and one period is six months!

Then the main building of the first-class immortal mansion is divided into ten rooms to become a third-class immortal mansion. The rent is one hundred immortal stones paid at a time, and one period is six months! "

That third-class immortal mansion is for the poorest ordinary immortals and immortals.

Minimum consumption, anyway, there are plenty of rooms, as long as you have immortal stones, you can be born.

Luo Li thought for a while and then said: "At the same time, the original First-Class Immortal Mansion was renamed Jinxian Cave Mansion!

The one-time rent is 10,000 immortal stones, which is also a six-month period. You can move in. There are only three sets of Jinxian Cave House advertised to the outside world!

You can also rent it on a daily basis. For one hundred and eighty immortal stones a day, you can enjoy the golden immortal treatment!

That second-class Immortal Mansion was renamed Tianxian Cave Mansion. The one-time rent was 5,000 Immortal Stones. It was also rented every six months. It was available for move-in. There were only twelve units advertised to the outside world!

This can also be rented on a daily basis. With ninety immortal stones a day, you can enjoy the treatment of immortals! "

After Luo Li gave the order, Sword Spirit said hesitantly: "Sir, is this okay?"

Luo Li smiled and said: "Come on, don't underestimate the spending power of the immortals. They have plenty of money. Those who are willing will take the bait!"

"Don't worry, the more expensive it is, the more people want to live here. Maybe the supply of the Golden Immortal Celestial Cave Mansion exceeds the demand!"

Immediately, countless immortals who paid attention to Taichu City found that the gate slowly opened.

When everyone arrived at the city gate, they discovered that the city wall was not only tall and majestic, but also very beautiful in appearance. The city wall was made of three-foot-square pieces of white marble, and there were cloud patterns on the surface of each piece of marble, which were exquisite and elegant. The uncanny craftsmanship is truly astonishing.

In the city gate, everything inside was completely unclear, but there were countless introductions to the Immortal Mansion, showing the price of living in this flying city! (To be continued...)

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