Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 413 The Patriarch Hall returns to its throne! (Chapter 2, please vote for me!)

Patriarch Xizhao said slowly: "Luo Li, you should go to the Patriarch's Hall to realize the Third Dao! Heavenly General Tongtian Peak and practice again.

Remember, don’t go beyond three days. Your original reward from Diyuan Tuling Sect also gave you three days of enlightenment, so don’t waste it! You must restrain your desires!

As for the Immortal Qin Secret Technique, I suggest you wait for your master and make your selection under his guidance. Your master is proficient in the six Immortal Qin Secret Techniques, so you are right to listen to him.

By the way, if you have anything else that I can do for you, just tell me! "

In the eyes of Patriarch Xizhao, there is no doubt that Master Huchan will return.

Luo Li took out the robe given to him by Lu Zhou and said, "Master, this robe is completely demonized. I wonder if you can help me clean it up?"

Patriarch Xizhao nodded, and instantly countless vines and green grass wrapped the robe, and said: "Okay, I will give it to you in seven days!"

Luo Li asked again: "Master, what is the use of the Hunyuan Immortal Yuan of our Hunyuan Sect? I once used Tianwaitai to exchange for a product from the Sinian Chamber of Commerce, which marked settlement with Immortal Yuan. This has nothing to do with our confusion. Yuan Xianyuan, is there any connection?”

Patriarch Xizhao said: "To be honest, I don't know that the Cathay Chamber of Commerce is a rare opportunity. It is a great opportunity. I have traveled to countless big worlds for thousands of years in my life, and I have only encountered the Cathay Chamber of Commerce twice. .

For you, this Hunyuan Immortal Yuan is a substitute for the spiritual stones within the sect. You can earn them by completing tasks. You can use them to exchange for treasures within the sect and use them as gifts between friends. If you want , I have three thousand here, all given to you. "

After saying that, Patriarch Xizhao handed Luo Li three thousand Hunyuan Immortal Yuan, and Luo Li now had 3,600 Immortal Yuan.

Patriarch Xizhao said: "Okay, go to the Patriarch Hall quickly. The longer it takes, the more stable Tongtian Peak will be, and it will be difficult to modify it!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Disciple understands!"

At this point, Luo Li bid farewell to Grandmaster Xizhao, flew to the central mountain peak, then took out the reward token and activated it gently. In an instant, Luo Li flashed and teleported to a world.

Here is a stone platform. This stone platform is thousands of feet long. The stone is shiny and transparent. I don’t know what kind of stone it is?

There is a huge hall on the stone platform, and Luo Li is outside the hall. The three in front and the four in back are magnificent and magnificent. The beautiful buildings and jade buildings are amazing.

The door of the Patriarch Hall was opened by Luo Li with a light touch. Stepping inside, the walls of the hall were all covered with reliefs. Stories were carved on the reliefs, as if they were recording what had happened in the past.

Luo Li looked at these reliefs, vaguely feeling that there was some secret hidden in them, but he couldn't tell.

After a long time, Luo Li shook his head. He only had three days, so he couldn't waste it. He walked forward quickly and entered the hall through these reliefs!

After entering the gate of the Patriarch Hall, I found that the hall was grand on the outside but even bigger on the inside. It’s really Mustard Naxumi.

A great avenue to the sky appears in front of you, made of thousands of years of cold iron. At a glance, there are a total of 128,621 steps. Every year the Hunyuan Sect exists, there is one more step here.

The steps go straight up, with mist lingering in the middle. At the top is a huge mountain gate tower.

Luo Li strolled among them, moving forward step by step. Each step was thirty-two feet wide and one foot high. They were all dust-free, and overflowed with a faint golden shimmer. Spiritual energy slowly rose up and filled them.

On the steps, incense smoke lingers. If you look carefully, each step is engraved with vague pictures of various events. Each step has its own shape and each step is different.

Luo Li was stunned when he saw one. It was twenty-five Hunyuan Sect disciples fighting against all beasts. Isn't this a picture of the Changzhou incident?

When he looked again, the catalog was gone. It was replaced by something else. Luo Li shook his head and continued to move forward.

Luo Li moved forward firmly step by step without hesitation, looking at the 120,000 steps, but for some reason, Luo Li only took eight steps and climbed to the top of the long steps. This coincided with Luo Li's entry into the Hunyuan Sect. The number of eight years!

In front of you is a hall, with a huge plaque inlaid with spiritual stones hanging in the middle. There are three golden ancient seal characters in it: "Ancestral Master Hall".

Luo Li pushed the door with his hand, and it suddenly opened. He walked in slowly and saw that the ancestral hall was made of fine gold pillars, purple jade as the top, and spiritual stones paving the floor. There was an immortal energy contained in it.

Luo Li entered the Patriarch Hall and moved forward step by step. The door automatically closed behind him. Light appeared everywhere. Six passages appeared in front of Luo Li!

Refining the vitality when just starting out, building the foundation without leakage and guarding the essence, opening up the mysteries and entering the Tao, the golden elixir arises, the pure green elixir gives birth to a baby, the yin and yang gods transform into gods, and return to the original nature and the true one.

But of those six passages, five quickly dimmed, leaving only the last one! Establish the foundation without leakage and guard the essence!

Luo Li followed this avenue and entered slowly. A stone room appeared in front of him. A ray of light swept over Luo Li's body several times, and then a spiritual consciousness was transmitted into Luo Li's mind:

"Disciple Luo Li has the qualification to cultivate in the Patriarch Hall for six days. During the six days, please seize the opportunity yourself and don't waste the Patriarch's hard work!

If you don't want to waste time, leave the stone room immediately. The ancestral hall will be closed automatically. The remaining time can be used in the future, but it must be based on a whole day. "!

But how to seize the opportunity? Luo Li didn't know that he slowly sat down in the stone room, and six hourglass illusions appeared in front of Luo Li's eyes. One of them began to leave grains of sand, representing the beginning of the day.

Luo Li sat there, not knowing how to use the Ancestral Master Hall, but when he sat down, Luo Li was immediately in a strange state, with murmuring words ringing from his ears, and countless lights flashing in front of his eyes, as if he was While practicing hard, it seems as if I am wandering in a world of light, as if I am killing powerful enemies, as if I am flying in the air, as if I am swimming in the sea.

In a state of chaos, clearly and so, life and death, illusory and illusory, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterflies, complicated and confusing, like a big dream, there are several cool autumns in life.

In a daze, Luo Li seemed to have returned to the place when he understood Tongtian Peak, and everything started over again!

However, this time there is no time limit of ten days. Luo Li practiced again, rebuilt the Five Magic Holy Land with twelve magic methods, and re-practiced one hundred and eighty-eight magic spells. The Lingxi transmission method was no longer carried out, but became Luo Li's own practice. .

Then he began to practice the Five Mountains Method, and soon Luo Li mastered the Five Mountains Taishan, the Five Mountains Hengshan, and the Five Mountains Huashan!

In the illusion, Luo Li seemed to have experienced more than ten reincarnations and deaths, life and death, life and death, life and death, and everything became clear in the blink of an eye. Finally, Luo Li woke up from this trance. When he looked up, he saw that three hourglasses were already leaking light. Three days will be enough here soon.

At this point, Luo Li's Tongtian Peak was completely rebuilt. He checked carefully and found that his Five Dharma Holy Land Tongtian Peak had reached the first-level realm, overclocked by 150%, and was no longer the third-level realm he had just cultivated.

However, because it was only the third level when it was refined for the first time, even if Luo Li reshaped and rested again, he could only reach the first level, and would not be able to reach the super level like Liulihai.

Luo Li has mastered all the other one hundred and eighty-eight methods. This is not like the last time he swallowed everything. He has completely mastered it. It has completely become Luo Li's instinct, engraved in his life and blood. Will never forget.

Of all the exercises I have learned, none of them have such a profound feeling. It is like after a person learns to ride a bicycle, no matter how many years he has not ridden a bicycle, he will never forget that feeling. It doesn't take long to ride it away.

In addition, Luo Li is also proficient in the Taishan Method, Huashan Method, and Hengshan Method among the Five Mountains. Not only was he only proficient in the Taishan method before, he will never be able to overwhelm himself with the Taishan method.

This is the power of the Ancestral Master Hall. Luo Li still has three days left. He can't wait to continue practicing. Whether it is cultivating Tongtian Peak or Glazed Sea, he can gain endless rewards.

But at this time, he remembered Patriarch Xizhao's warning: "You must restrain your desires!"

Luo Li took a long breath, but he suppressed his desire and shouted: "I don't want to practice anymore, I want to go out!"

Suddenly his body was empty, and Luo Li was instantly moved out by a tyrannical force and returned to the teleported void.

Returning to his own cave in Tianqing Peak, Luo Li took a long breath and moved slightly, and suddenly the Five Mountains and Mount Tai appeared above Luo Li's head, and a huge mountain slowly transformed!

He stretched out his hand and pointed, Mount Tai disappeared and appeared as Mount Heng! Then it turns into Huashan!

At this point, the third of the Five Mountains Dharma has been completed, and the Tongtian Peak has been completely completed. As long as he completely practices all the Five Mountains Dharma and succeeds in practicing the three mountains, Luo Li will completely reach the Tongtian Peak and enter the Golden Elixir realm.

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. It seems that this Ancestral Master Hall must strive for more time to practice in the future. It is really a good thing!

After practicing for a few times, Luo Li slowly sat down and began to summarize his gains and losses these days.

Think carefully about everything that happened these days, how you dealt with it, what you gained and what you lost.

Thinking about it, Luo Li returned to the Taichu Cave Heaven and came to the White Tiger Prison, where five golden elixir masters were imprisoned!

The five Jindan Daoists were locked in a prison and were trapped tightly. Not to mention resisting and escaping, it was difficult to even move. From time to time, Xiaobai and Xiaohong were in front of the White Tiger Prison, controlling the White Tiger Prison to torture them and force them to surrender.

The creatures trapped in the White Tiger Prison can only be incorporated into the Taichu Cave World after surrendering wholeheartedly, or they can be refined into holy land magic spirits, completely becoming part of the holy land, and permanently increasing the power of the holy land. Or control and tame it, bring it into the forest of living beings, and become Luo Li's spiritual beast. You can also organize, sell, and trade with others to exchange for spiritual stones or treasures.

If the other party would rather die than surrender, they can only be locked here.

Those five Jindan Daoist people were not like sea monsters. They surrendered immediately after being tortured. They had strong minds and knew that as soon as they surrendered, they would be completely destroyed and would never be reincarnated. Therefore, none of them surrendered, even if Xiaobai and Xiaohong urged them to do so. Countless tortures and restraints tortured them, but they would never give in!

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