Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 414 Returning to the Divine Prison to save friends! (Third update, please vote for

Bi Li looked at the five of them and didn't know what to say. The other person was Jin Dan Zhen. He had been practicing hard for at least three hundred years. He had gone through countless hard training, enlightenment, bloody battles, and twists and turns before he was what he is today. But now, they are just A prisoner in his own prison.

Hundreds of years of hard work, one mistake, and it has all come to naught. The path to immortality is extremely dangerous, and one wrong step will lead to eternal disaster!

Luo Li secretly warned himself that he must be careful. If he made a wrong move, he might not be as good as them.

However, Luo Li would not let go of these five golden elixir masters. If Luo Li fell into their hands, his end would be even more tragic. Luo Li took a deep breath, turned around and left, leaving this place to Xiao Bai.

Seven days later, a robe appeared silently in Luo Li's cave. It was the robe that Patriarch Xizhao had refined for Luo Li. This robe had no trace of demonic aura and was completely white. When Luo Li saw it, he like very much.

This robe was refined by Grandmaster Xizhao and renamed the Ten Thousand Waves and Thousand Tides Sea Dang Robe. As long as it encounters danger, this robe will automatically generate thousands of water waves, spreading outward in waves, forming a powerful body-protecting tidal force. If you wear it on your body, it will be invulnerable to water and fire, and will be invulnerable to all evil spirits.

Luo Li liked it very much, and then he began to sort out what he had gained this time and decide on the next direction of his training.

"My Tongtian Peak has already mastered the Three Sacred Mountains method. There are only two remaining mountains. I must step up my practice and master all the Five Sacred Sacred Mountains. I can use the Five Sacred Mountains to blast the sky with infinite power!"

"Liu Lihai, I can't give up, at least I have to cultivate Canghai Mingyuesha to the realm of the sea, and then combine reality with reality!

"However, what I should do most now is to build all the Five Dharma Holy Lands!"

"Anyway, I can't reach heaven with one method now. I practice all five methods together, so even if the holy land is built, it won't affect anything!"

"However, I still don't want to practice in the Forest of Living Beings, Ten Thousand Hell Flames, and Golden Buddha Tu. I'd rather focus on the Glazed Sea. Although I don't have the true understanding of the Little Phaseless Realm, my goal is to kill all seventy-seven and practice it. Will not waver!”

"By the way, my training in the Butterfly Dragon Sea Explosive Killing should also be on the schedule. I have the Qianlang Sect's Langjuan Tiandi, but I don't know where to go to get the Chen Sword Sect's Sword Chao Xinghai."

"Yes, let's do this first, build the Five Dharma Holy Land first!"

Finally, Luo Li decided to start building other Five Dharma Holy Lands.

Luo Li was very unhappy with the construction of Tongtian Peak Holy Land this time, as it did not reach the super level. Although there is still hope in future constructions, Luo Li would never let this happen again.

Therefore, it was better to strike first, so Luo Li decided to build the other three holy lands first. Although Luo Li did not want to practice the three Hunyuan techniques, his main attack now was still Glazed Sea, but he planned to build them first.

With the idea in mind, Luo Li immediately started to take action, looking for the other people the master had told him about, and soon obtained the other three methods for constructing a holy land.

Then Luo Li began to build the Holy Land. In the spirit of striving for excellence and pursuing perfection, he built the three Holy Lands bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, three months later, Luo Li appeared, and the construction of the three holy places, the Forest of All Living Beings, the Ten Thousand Hell Flames, and the Golden Buddha Tu, were all completed, and all reached the super-grade realm and extreme perfection.

Luo Li took a deep breath and nodded slightly. From now on, if something unexpected happens, he won't be afraid anymore!

However, among the five Dharma Holy Lands, four of them actually reached the super level, but Tongtian Peak was not a super level holy land. Luo Li was very dissatisfied.

"No, no, this is absolutely not okay!"

He began to rebuild Tongtian Peak. The huge talisman array has been determined, at least before the golden elixir. Luo Li has no way to make it more powerful, and can only start in other aspects.

Like the Seven Wells, Eight Springs and Thirteen Eyes of Liuli Sea, Tongtian Peak also has its own auxiliary methods, but these auxiliary methods require a large amount of materials to be refined. Luo Li calculated that they are not very suitable.

In addition to these methods, there is another way to expand Tongtian Peak, and that is to add earth-type spiritual stone waste.

Ordinary spiritual stones have no attributes, so they are suitable for monks to practice. Only high-grade spiritual stones have attributes.

But this is not absolute. In some spirit stone mines, some spirit stone waste will be produced. Their spiritual energy is thin and they all have attributes, but they are extremely complex and have various attributes mixed together.

This kind of spiritual stone waste cannot be used for cultivation. Under normal circumstances, it is treated as garbage. There are also some monks who specialize in collecting these spiritual stone waste. They use special secret methods to remove the properties of the spiritual stone, inject spiritual energy into it, and disguise it as a normal spiritual stone. But the value is only one percent of the real spiritual stone.

Those monks used these scrap spiritual stones to deceive the other party by pretending to be real spiritual stones while the other party was not paying attention. This is called fake stone, a phenomenon that is often banned in the world of immortality.

However, after the Hunyuan Sect was established, the Five Dharma Holy Land of the Hunyuan Sect, the Glazed Sea could accommodate hundreds of rivers, the Tongtian Peak could accumulate sand into a tower, and the Ten Thousand Hellfires could refine impurities. These spiritual stone wastes could be injected into the holy land to increase the true energy of the holy land. quantity.

In this way, fake stones gradually disappeared from the market. This kind of spiritual stone waste was purchased by the Chamber of Commerce, sorted out by categories, sent to Xuanzhou, and sold to Hunyuan Sect monks. !

Gradually, this formed a huge industrial chain, with several chambers of commerce collecting waste spiritual stones for the Hunyuan Sect, and then selling them here. Luo Li went to this chamber to buy waste earth spiritual stones.

The fake stone, which originally had only one percent of the value of the real spirit stone, could be exchanged for a spirit stone in Hunyuan Sect for ten yuan, and the value increased tenfold, but there was no way. In any case, it was still cheaper than the real spirit stone, and Acquisition and long-distance transportation all require costs, and the Hunyuan Sect monks have also adapted to this price.

Luo Li came to this chamber of commerce to buy fake stones. He first took all the gains he got in Liangzhou, the proceeds from countless rescues, as well as the magic weapons and various resources seized from the Jindan masters, and sold them all to the market. .

Then he turned them into pieces of earth-based waste spiritual stones, and according to the secret method of Hunyuan Sect, he squeezed them one by one and injected them into his holy land.

Although this fake stone lacks spiritual energy and has mixed attributes, among the holy places, three fake stones can still hold up one real spiritual stone. Thirty thousand fake stones are equivalent to injecting one high-grade spiritual stone, and the number of holy places will increase. After producing spiritual energy equivalent to one spiritual stone, the investment will be recovered after ten thousand days.

Luo Li did not wait until later to inject the more than 300 magic weapons obtained in the Jinglin Sect's warehouse into the Golden Buddha Tu. Instead, he sold them all, replaced them with earth-based pseudo-stones, and injected them into the Holy Land of Tongtian Peak.

In this way, Luo Li replaced all his miscellaneous harvests. In addition to the six heaven and earth spiritual objects, there were also three magic weapons, as well as some special treasures, such as platinum dragon eggs, Xian Qin keys, and the last emergency one. Thousand Spirit Stones, everything else that was left was consumed.

In the battle of Liangzhou, all the good virtues were used up, and only eighty-one good deeds were left in the end. However, the hard work was not in vain. Tongtian Peak expanded by a full 30% on the original basis!

In this way, Luo Li's Tongtian Peak is actually the most powerful of the Five Dharma Holy Lands and the one that provides the greatest amount of Qi. Luo Li smiled, so happy!

For three months, no matter how much Xiaobai tortured them, the five Jindan Daoist people did not give in at all. It seemed that this would take time and effort, so take your time.

Luo Li practiced hard for three months. After leaving seclusion, he went to meet his friends, especially Feng Zixu. I wonder if he is cured now.

Lu Zhou was in retreat, and Bai Youyou was also in retreat, but Bai Youyou sent a lot of thirty-six pills and seventy-two liquids. These are good things for cultivating forest clones of living beings, so Luo Li carefully collected them.

He walked around to see Feng Zixu. Feng Zixu had been in a coma since the last time he assembled the Dao Demon Formation. Luo Li was very worried, but with the strength of the Hunyuan Sect, he should be able to heal him intact. As before.

Arriving at Zhengyi Mansion where Feng Zixu was, Luo Li frowned. Feng Zixu was still unconscious!

According to Feng Zixu's master, all the secret healing methods of Hunyuan Sect have been used once. Feng Zixu has no problems with his spirit, soul, or body, but Feng Zixu just can't wake up.

Looking at Feng Zixu motionless on the hospital bed, Luo Li couldn't help but frown. After having the Xian Qin key, Luo Li would not forget all the memories of the gods. He felt that Feng Zixu could not wake up for a long time, and it was definitely related to the gods. .

Fan Wujie, Lu Zhou, Bai Youyou and himself are all so-called evildoers, so neither the Taoist nor the Demon God appeared in the Dao Demon Array. In the end, they turned into the God of Wisdom, Nanado Wen, Feng Zixu Ke He was not a sinner, so during the battle, his consciousness never appeared. When the formation disintegrated, he began to fall into coma. This was definitely related to himself and others.

Don't know how to revive him? Luo Li couldn't help but use his magical power to reward good and punish evil to find the answer:

"The sky is above, the earth is below, good things are certain, and rewards for good deeds are behind!"

Among the eighty-one good deeds, one good deed was slowly decomposed into a strange force, and the mighty power of heaven and earth was injected into Luo Li's body.

Suddenly the power of heaven and earth fell, and Luo Li was in a trance. In the confusion, Luo Li found that he was in a dead zone, with dead giant trees visible from time to time, and the ground was full of cracked rocks and dry floating soil. Sometimes, there are some sharp stone pillars standing on the ground.

There are also some cliffs. Under those cliffs, there is a terrifying bottomless underground abyss. It turns out that there is an underground river here, but now, the river has dried up for who knows how many years, and it can only be found at the bottom of the valley. In the shadows I saw some moss growing with a strange light.

Among them were countless ferocious beasts, ugly big money toads with three legs and six eyes, which seemed to be staring at him, as if they were laughing!

This is the Divine Prison, this is the place where Luo Li was born. It was here that Luo Li escaped the Nine Transformations Sect’s roundup last time!

In an instant, Luo Li woke up. He knew that if he wanted to save Feng Zixu, he had to return to the Divine Prison of Shenwei Sect!

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