Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 767 Looking for the true secret in the dragon's pond and tiger's den!

Soon, all the rats in the manor were killed. To be more precise, they all fled. Although these rats did not know how to fight, they could not be caught up by Luo Li when they ran away. They rolled on the ground and disappeared without a trace.

There were 72 such manors in total, and rats were everywhere. Some people immediately chose the task of removing rats from other manors, while Luo Li chose the task of exterminating insects in the orchard.

Under the guidance of the guiding woman, Luo Li and others came to a Tianling orchard.

This place is completely different from Lingtian Manor. It is a three-dimensional ecological orchard. The space is a hundred feet high and is full of various exotic fruit trees.

The top layer is a fruit tree vine similar to a grape vine, covering the entire sky, and various exotic fruits on the vines are hanging in the air.

In the middle of the Tianling orchard are various fruit trees of different heights. They are arranged in order, staggered and orderly, and the layout is reasonable, which maximizes the utilization rate of space. Underground are fruits and melons like melon vines, which are spread all over the land, everywhere, densely packed.

On the ground, there are lava springs that are like springs, and there are bubbles of lava there, but the lava springs are completely sealed by magic.

Luo Li reached out to touch it, but he could not feel any heat. The heat was absorbed by the orchard, which was the driving force for the growth of these fruit trees.

In this orchard, there is a kind of earthworm. It is called an insect, but it is actually very similar to a snake. Each one is about three feet long, scaleless, sticky, without eyes and other organs, only a big mouth.

This kind of earthworm can come and go freely in the stone wall of the earth, and can be integrated into the fruit tree without any trace. If you are bitten by them, you will be infected with a strange snake venom that is difficult to remove.

Killing snakes and insects in this orchard is more difficult than killing rats in the manor. It is also dangerous, but there are many benefits here.

Killing snakes and insects here can steal the mature spiritual fruits in the orchard at will. These spiritual fruits contain a lot of spiritual energy, which is very beneficial to cultivators. Just put them in the storage bag, and then take them out, they will lose spiritual energy and can only be eaten on the spot.

There are 36 orchards like this, and each orchard has its own special fruit tree. They produce different spiritual fruits. For example, the ten thousand year old peach wood heart and the five thunder spirit wood are all cultivated here.

Luo Li took on the tasks one by one and wandered around. He visited all these spiritual fields and the Tianling orchard. But what he wanted to go to most was the peach forest above the magma.

But for some reason, the task here did not go there to eliminate the three evil fire monkeys in the so-called fairy peach fire pool.

After a busy day, they gradually went down to the cave. The light was dim. Here, like the Zhongtian main world, there was a distinction between day and night. Everyone returned to their residence.

Along the way, many monks who had harvested began to buy various goods in those shops. As long as these goods were taken out, they were priceless.

Among these shops, the most popular one was the bookstore, which sold various books, including many immortal cultivation secrets, and many monks chose them here.

Luo Li and the other two also came here and looked at those books:

"Xian Qin Textual Research", "Gao Zang's Records", "Yin Yang Reversal and Harmony", "Dual Cultivation Secrets of Inducing Dragons and Riding the Wind", "Compendium of Materia Medica", "General Theory of the Sword Sutra", "Taiqing Jinye Shendan Secret", "Qi Jue Shanren's Quatrains to Ode to Xuanniao", "Zhongshanjing in Shanhaijing", "Shuowen", "Sanyang Yiqi Sword Secret", "Yushui Xuanjing", "Taibai Poetry Collection", "Bodhi Qingxin Mantra"...

Many cultivators here are buying books. These books are divided into several categories, including travel books left over from the Xian Qin era, some ancient poems or lyrical articles written by the Liu family here, and many secret books of cultivating immortals.

Many cultivators attach great importance to the method of cultivating immortals, which is a secret book left over from the Xian Qin era. But after looking around, there are not many truly valuable ones, because the cultivation environment in that era is completely different from now. Some very common auxiliary materials for cultivation at that time have long been extinct, and some are priceless.

Among those immortal cultivation secrets, there is a kind of secret that is still useful now, that is, the "Yin Yang Reversal and Harmony Method" and "Dual Cultivation Secret of Inducing Dragons and Riding the Wind".

This kind of magic, no matter what era, one man and one woman are enough, and it will not lose its effectiveness due to changes in the external environment.

Immediately, many cultivators bought a few books and began to read them. Luo Li shook his head. He had no interest in this.

Jiguang was also picking books. The books he picked were completely different from others. He was looking for ancient poems or lyrical articles written by the Liu family here, such as "Seven Quatrains of the Mountain Man to Ode to the Black Bird", and he read them with relish.

The three left here and returned to their residence. After returning, they naturally went into the hot spring and took a good bath.

In this hot spring, people chat with each other in groups of three or five or seven or eight:

"How much willow wood money did you earn today?"

"One hundred!"

"Haha, I earned three hundred!"

"Why do you have so much? There are too many people in the fields, and the mice run too fast, so it's too hard to kill them!"

"Why kill mice? I'm doing a bloodline mission. I get thirty coins for each time I slept with ten girls. If there is a bloodline left, I will be rewarded with another ten thousand coins!"

"No way, aren't you breeding sows?"

"Don't talk nonsense, those girls are all very pretty, and each one is gentle. I can do whatever I want to them. They are all good furnaces that are hard to find outside. I practiced dual cultivation this afternoon, which helped me improve my cultivation a lot. If I practice here, I can be promoted to Yuanying in one year!"

"There is such a good thing. I won't kill those mice tomorrow. It's a pity that I don't have a good dual cultivation secret method!"

"Go to the bookstore and buy it. There are many there, and they are extremely cheap! One of the girls is particularly interested in me. I plan to live in her house and focus on her. I must make her pregnant with my blood!"

"Then I'll go buy it. The girl from Yingbin has come to me secretly several times and asked me to go to her house to play. I haven't gone. It seems like I should go and play!"

"Go, go, even though the reception girl doesn't pay, the quality is much better."

"It's so nice here. I don't even want to leave. It's like heaven!"

Hearing them talking, Luo Li shook his head. This place always gave him a weird feeling!

Ji Guang also heard what they were saying. He looked solemn and said quietly:

"Actually, there is really a problem here!"

Changfeng was stunned and said, "What's the problem?"

Ji Guang said: "Remember when you came in, there were big pillars engraved with the Liu family's deeds?"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Seventy-two in total!"

Aurora said: "The history on that pillar was up to 47,000 years ago, and then there is no record!

And this poem was only written 47,000 years ago. Since then, there has been no new poem! "

As soon as he said this, Luo Li rang out the words that guided the woman: "There has been no fighting for 47,000 years."

Luo Li suddenly frowned and felt a chill in his heart!

Changfeng also let out a long breath and said: "It doesn't matter, let's be careful. Before using any food here, we must carefully check and take precautions to see what they are up to!"

Luo Li said: "Yes, the soldiers will block the water and use the soil to cover it up! Look what tricks they are playing!"

So everyone settled in. These people originally gathered together temporarily, calling friends, and spending time together.

On the fourth day, some people began to stop coming back to sleep and moved into the homes of those girls.

Then the number of people began to increase sharply. The person in charge of the Liu family here emphasized it once, and then stopped caring about it, just casually!

On the fifteenth day, there were six to seven hundred people not resting in this residence.

On this day, two real Jindan people suddenly came here to pay their respects to Changfeng.

One of those two people was Zhenren Huntuo. When he saw Luo Li and the others, he said directly to their faces:

"Three fellow Taoists, we are in danger now. The other side has started to take action. Those monks who are not coming back to sleep are probably finished!"

These words were straightforward. Changfeng smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist Huntuo, you are a bit alarmist!"

Master Huntuo chuckled and said: "Fellow Daoist Changfeng, do you dare us to investigate together and see what happened to the disappeared Master Jindan?"

Luo Li looked at Master Huntuo and asked: "Why did you come to us? There are three thousand Golden Core Masters here, including the seven major alliances of your Nine Provinces Alliance. Why don't you come to them?"

Master Huntuo shook his head and said: "There are only 2,265 people left!"

Master Jin Dan, who came here with him, took off his disguise and said, "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, I haven't seen you for three years. How is everything?"

This was clearly a woman. Luo Li looked over and frowned, saying, "Five Poison Sect, Tassel!"

It was Liusu Zhenren of the Five Poison Sect of the Chu Nan Heroes Association, who later defeated Duan Yuanya of the Nine Nether Ghost Ming Sect.

Liusu said: "Luo Li of the Hunyuan Sect, Fan Changfeng of the Da Luo Demon Sect, the Aurora Monk from Cihang Temple, and the Three Thousand Golden Elixir Masters, you are the top ten proud ones. If I don't look for you, who else will I look for?"

When he said this, he knew it was just flattery, but Luo Li and the other three were still very comfortable!

Changfeng said: "Okay, let's take action, but how?"

Master Huntuo looked at Liusu, and Liusu said: "It's very simple, go find a Taoist friend and see his current situation, then you will know the situation of other people!"

Luo Li said: "Who should we go to?"

Liusu said: "Bianjiao!"

The trail on this side is the long and obscene Demon Jindan Zhenren.

Master Huntuo said: "He was the first one to stay out at night. Although he appeared and came back several times in the following days, no one has seen him since five days ago!"

Liusu said: "This person is a monk from the Green Demon Sect, who once became my disciple and became my lackey!

He has my soul-locking method, but I don't know what interfered with it. I can't find any traces of him. However, fellow Taoist Changfeng took action and with the power of Da Luo Demon Sect's time pushback, I was able to find him again. Mark of! "

Master Changfeng looked at Luo Li and the two of them. The three of them nodded. Master Changfeng said, "Okay, let's take action immediately and find the side trail!"

The five people took action immediately, targeting the side trail, and began to secretly explore this place to see what kind of dragon pond and tiger den this place was!

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