Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 768: A cricket shaking a big tree is ridiculous!

Chapter 768

The five people immediately took action. Liusu stretched out his hand and drew, and a three-dimensional light map suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. All the buildings in the city, as well as the seventy-two manors and thirty-six orchards, basically appeared, and everything was extremely clear.

Liusu pointed at one of the places and said, "Five days ago, the last trace of the side trail was here!"

Master Changfeng said: "Okay, let's go to that location."

Liusu immediately changed and turned into a man. The five of them set off together and came to the place where the side trail disappeared.

Liusu said: "Right here, I can't feel the soul-locking aura on his body."

Changfeng said: "Five days ago, that is sixty hours ago, I will test it, the sky, the moon and the light will reverse!"

After speaking, he reached out and took Liusu's hand and began to cast the spell silently.

Liusu's face turned red instantly when she was pulled by Changfeng, but she immediately returned to normal. Changfeng was reversing time and creating opportunities for her.

Changfeng said: "Sixty hours, sixty-one hours..."

Liusu shook his head, and Changfeng continued: "That was too early, fifty-nine hours, fifty-eight hours..."

Liusu immediately said: "Okay, I found him!"

Then the two held hands, with Liusu leading the way. Changfeng controlled time, allowing Liusu to feel what happened fifty-eight hours ago, so as to find traces of the side trail.

But two grown men holding hands, in this world where beautiful women are everywhere, is really shocking.

Monk Jiguang took a deep breath, walked behind the two of them, and silently chanted:

"I will all abide in the wisdom of the Buddha. When the deer hears it, all of them will speak out. I wish to achieve this. All brave. Because of that good root, all the people in this assembly should obtain Anuttarasamyaksambodhi. At that time, All Brave Bodhisattva Mahasattva spoke to the Buddha. If there are living beings who hear this law, their life span will be eighty kalpas."

Following his scripture, everyone ignored the existence of Luo Li and others, and they began to move forward step by step.

Go step by step. After walking through the city for about half an hour, a building appeared in front of him. Facing one of the houses, Liusu said, "The side trail is right here!"

Everyone walked over. It was a small courtyard, very elegantly arranged, with three unique two-story buildings, surrounded by a stream, with not only a small bridge and flowing water, but also a small patch of flowers and trees. There was a patch of pink flowers in full bloom, and on the green grass there was a white jade table with various fruits placed on it. It was colorful and beautiful.

Five people are here, determined to be here. Just when they were about to cast a spell to find out whether the bottom trail was here, a woman happened to be walking behind them. Among them was the girl who had been flirting with the edge trail.

When he saw Luo Li and others, he immediately said, "Are you friends of Lao Bian? Are you here to see Lao Bian?"

Master Huntuo said: "Yes, I haven't seen him at the address I gave us for five or six days. So we came here to find him!"

The woman said: "He is in the house, come on, let's go into the house together!"

After saying that, she quickly walked into the house and shouted: "Old Bian, Old Bian, someone is looking for you!"

Master Huntuo suddenly said: "She is lying. In front of my Buyanzong, no one can lie and deceive others!"

Liusu asked: "Can we enter or not?"

Changfeng smiled and said: "Longtan and tiger's den. You have to enter!"

People like Luo Li are the proud sons of heaven who come to visit, and they are very proud of themselves. They have been extremely careful these days. After countless physical examinations, there are no problems, how can we not dare to enter!

Five people entered the courtyard, and following the woman's call, three women came out of the house.

They lined up in a row and looked at Luo Li and others with smiles.

The woman said: "There are five in total. It takes some effort to lift them down!"

After saying that, she turned back and said: "I forgot to tell you, I miss you so much underground, you guys should be my companions together!"

See you in the picture!

Master Changfeng snorted coldly and said, "It's up to you!"

The woman said: "Yes!"

Suddenly she took out a fan, and Changfeng suddenly shouted: "No!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a blast of true energy came out and the woman's fan was immediately shattered by him.

Changfeng carefully used the Daluo Demon Sect's Tianchen Yueyin method, and he could feel what happened after three breaths. In his feeling, the woman took out her fan and flashed it, and all five of him fell down, so he shot them away. fan.

But the woman lost her fan, but she still had one. In an instant, Luo Li felt the peach blossom garden in his body, and the absorbed power of the tree god moved!

With this movement, the divine power immediately appeared, exploded, and locked onto Luo Li's body, causing Luo Li to collapse to the ground.

Not just Luo Li, Master Changfeng, Ji Guang, Master Huntuo, and Liusu all collapsed!

This divine power is spread throughout the Peach Blossom Spring. Whether they breathe, soak in hot springs, or practice, they breathe this divine power all the time. This tree god's divine power contains a natural and fresh flavor, which will bring endless power to the monks and has no influence on human beings. A little bit of harm.

The monks can resist the removal of poisonous things, but it can only have benefits, not harmful divine power. It can only benefit the body and has no harm. No matter how defensive the monks are, it is all the middle way.

The women laughed together and said, "It's fallen, it's fallen!"

"Hahaha, it's still down, it's down!"

Changfeng and others desperately tried to lift this seal, but no matter whether it was magic, Buddhism, or Taoism, this magical power was completely ineffective.

The divine power comes from Pangu, the god of creation, and from the source of the birth of the universe. It is an innate power, supreme.

Whether it is magic, Buddhism or Taoism, they are all acquired through acquired cultivation. In nature, they are one level lower than the divine power. The opponent's divine power is specially prepared to deal with cultivators. They have already absorbed it into their bodies and have been hit, so they are completely sealed by the divine power.

But there is one person who is completely fine, it is Luo Li. After he fell, he immediately began to absorb the divine power, and slowly injected this tree god power into his own living beings forest, which was absorbed by Cao Ren.

In an instant, the divine power disappeared, but Luo Li had not yet stood up. The woman felt something was wrong, and she shouted at Luo Li:

"No, this man is weird, the supreme power of our great master has disappeared in him!"

A woman shouted: "I feel it too. He can absorb the power of our great master, kill him!"

Instantly, a woman shouted:

"Remove the flower department's confusing form, load the spider department's combat form!"

The four women began to change. They immediately turned from beautiful women into four strange monsters with human heads and spider bodies. The body was extremely terrifying. The eight tentacles, like blades, emitted metallic light. On them, invisible restraints flew out and turned into a spider web. It was about to trap Luo Li and others.

What they said about not being good at fighting was a lie. These four women were completely experienced and decisive in killing!

Luo Li returned to normal, stood up immediately, and looked at them. He said: "Monster! Die!"

Then he sent out a palm, and a palm of heaven and earth!

In an instant, the power of the Taichu Cave Heaven, a hundred miles away, turned into a mighty and irresistible force, gathering in Luo Li's palm. Suddenly, a huge golden palm appeared, a full ten feet in size, with Buddha light flashing and endless Sanskrit sounds!

One palm down! A huge palm fell from the sky. The speed was so fast that there was no time to dodge. With a puff, the four monsters with human heads and spider bodies were all beaten into meat patties.

Luo Li slapped the four monsters to death with one palm. He immediately helped Changfeng up and checked Changfeng's body. It was indeed the divine power that was at work. Luo Li's mind moved. Since the Forest of All Living Things immediately absorbed the divine power on his body, why couldn't it absorb the divine power on others?

Luo Li slapped Changfeng and sucked it. Suddenly, the divine power on Changfeng was absorbed by Luo Li and injected into his own Forest of All Living Things.

Changfeng immediately let out a long breath, stood up and said, "What kind of seal is this? It's so powerful that even my Daluo Tianni Time Body Protection Technique can't block it?"

Luo Li began to absorb the divine power of the other three people, and the three of them immediately returned to normal. They were all amazed. They had already used various protective methods, but they were all ineffective in front of this divine power.

They all looked at Luo Li, seeking answers.

Luo Li said: "This is not magic, this is divine power, to be precise, it is the divine power of the ancient tree god!"

After saying this, Master Hun Tuo frowned and said: "Wait, the divine power of the ancient tree god?

According to the ancient text of "The Theory of All Races" by I Bu Yan Zong, among the ten thousand races, there seems to be a race called Xie Lianzhong, which is the descendant of the ancient tree god. They are one world, and each member of the tribe is a ten thousand year old ancient tree, absorbing the souls of all the souls to warm and use for themselves.

This evil Lianzhong has twelve systems such as buds, leaves, willows, branches, flowers, fruits, roots, skins, and stems, which are responsible for the construction of the internal world. It has eighteen combat systems such as sparrows, eagles, bones, spiders, butterflies, insects, snakes, and armor, which are used to seize the souls of other creatures and expand its own world.

This evil Lianzhong is very evil. In the era of ten thousand races, it has repeatedly set off catastrophes. In the end, the Council of Ten Thousand Races mobilized the power of ten thousand races to completely destroy and strangle them all. Before the immortal race rose, they all perished!"

After saying this, Luo Li and others were dumbfounded.

Aurora said: "There are many records of the Liu family's 72 pillar murals that have successfully resisted foreign enemies since then!

Forty-seven thousand years ago, there were no more murals. It seems that they failed to resist the invasion of foreign enemies at that time, and were successfully invaded by the evil clan!

Forty-seven thousand years later, those exploring monks opened the passage to the Liu family's Peach Blossom Spring. The evil clan found new food, but the Zhongtian main world was too powerful, so it did not dare to attack, so it set up a cage, and we were fooled!"

While speaking, Luo Li found that four divine lights began to rise from the four women who were beaten into meat paste by him, and they were about to fly up to the sky.

This is not okay, the divine power must not leave!

Luo Li sucked, and the four divine powers were immediately absorbed by him into the Forest of All Living Beings! The divine power absorbed from the five people of Changfeng, plus the divine power from the four women, the combination of these divine powers is surprisingly equivalent to the divine tree power that Luo Li absorbed at the beginning. If there are 299 more of them, Cao Ren can evolve into a tree god.

At the moment of absorption, the divine power merged, the mind and spirit connected, and in a trance, Luo Li saw a magnificent tree!

The tree stood tall and infinitely high. The so-called fields, manors, orchards, and cities were just tiny parts of its body. It was the whole world, the whole world. It had countless branches, and each branch was an existence like these women!

Compared with the giant tree, he was like an ant. If the other party pinched it lightly, he would be crushed to pieces!

Fighting against this tree, Luo Li had a sentence in his mind:

It is ridiculous for an ant to shake a tree!

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