Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 769: Every step of the way is startling and dangerous!

Feeling the scary big tree, Luo Li smiled and said softly:

"It seems very exciting, I'm going to have a lot of fun this time!"

The big tree didn't sense him at all. Luo Li was just like an ant to the big tree. No one would care about an ant sneaking under their feet.

The hallucination disappeared immediately and Luo Li returned to normal. He said:

"Let's go in quickly and look for the side trail!"

Five people entered the room and began to look for side trails.

But there is no side trail here at all, let alone side trails. This room is deserted, just an empty house.

Ji Guang shook his head and said: "Sure enough, this is a trap!

You see, there is no bed, no kitchen, and no daily necessities. In other words, these women will not live like us humans at all.

Everything we see is disguised, a trap to catch us! "

Luo Li nodded. Jiguang had a strong sense of observation. He always pointed to the essence and grasped the core of the matter.

Everyone searched here and there but couldn't find any mechanism to restrict them. There were no people alive or dead bodies along the sidewalk.

Master Huntuo was walking around here. Suddenly he started to cast spells and muttered:

"The Master said: A gentleman's name must be something to be said, and what he says must be practical. A gentleman is nothing more than strict about what he says.

If you can talk to someone but don't talk to them, you will miss someone; if you talk to someone you can't talk to, you will lose your words. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words.

If it is not mentioned, it is called impatient; if it is mentioned but not mentioned, it is hidden; if the color is not seen, it is called blindness. "

As he chanted, a series of ** appeared on his body, turned from virtual to real, and fell to the ground, forming a strange formation. Finally, Master Huntuo said:

"If you don't open the door yet, how long will it take?"

With a click, a gate automatically rose on the ground. Master Huntuo said: "We found it, let's go in!"

After entering the gate, Liusu said: "I can feel it. There is no interference here. I can feel the reaction of the soul on the side walk."

You can feel the soul reaction, that is, you are not dead.

But Liusu added: "It feels very strange. Although Bianlu is not dead, it doesn't feel like he is alive. Let's go, we can find him!"

Changfeng said: "Wait, I'll come first! I can sense the future situation after three breaths, I'll explore the way!"

After speaking, he walked first, and everyone followed him into the passage.

This passage is completely different from other corridors. There are no steps at all. There is a sticky feeling under your feet, as if you are walking in the trunk branches of a big tree.

Changfeng led the way, and after walking about three hundred feet, countless similar corridors appeared in front of them. After careful inspection, they were all secret passages from other houses in the city. These secret passages were gathered into one huge corridor.

This underground world is completely a mysterious and vast world, and the city is just the tip of the iceberg.

Everyone headed towards the huge corridor. When they came to the corridor, Changfeng waved his hand and everyone immediately stepped back. He said: "There are guards!"

On the ground, a voice sounded: "Intruder found, activate the fruit guard form!"

One hundred and eight buds rose up, grew rapidly, formed tree trunks, and bore fruits. Then the fruits fell and turned into one hundred and eight puppet war statues. Each of these puppet war statues was ten feet tall. When moving, The momentum is strong. Some resemble beasts, such as mountain-breaking pythons, iron-horned tigers, eight-armed demon elephants, and all kinds of strange things, but all of them are wooden war puppets.

One hundred and eight war puppets appeared. They formed a battle formation and pressed towards Luo Li and the others. At the same time, fruits continued to fall from the tree trunks. Once the fruits rolled on the ground, they turned into new war puppets and rushed towards Luo Li and the others. Come.

Finally, one thousand and eighty puppets were born, and then those tree trunks disappeared.

Countless runes flickered on the bodies of these war puppets, and in an instant, various spell attacks were shot out in front of them, including fire, ice, thunder, poison, and gas...

Facing these attacks, Luo Li's body immediately glowed with golden morning light, and several others also used various spells. At this moment, Monk Jiuguang chanted slightly: "My Buddha is compassionate!"

In an instant, he rushed towards these puppets. There were no spell fluctuations on him, but those spell attacks dissipated immediately after hitting him.

Then the little monk rushed into the group of puppets and started to attack. His movements were extremely simple and simple, just a punch, a kick, a bump, and a kick. However, his movements contained endless power, which was enough to destroy all living beings.

Those war puppets were beaten to pieces one by one. No matter what kind of attack or defense, they were all illusions in front of this little monk. In the blink of an eye, he had beaten all the war puppets in the entire corridor. broken.

Luo Li couldn't help but shout: "What a skill!"

Master Changfeng also said: "Here's another fourteen types of fearlessness, thirty-two incarnations, thousands of hands and thousands of eyes, great supernatural powers!"

In the blink of an eye, the little monk Jiguang returned to the crowd and once again announced the Buddha's name: "I am the compassionate Buddha!"

Looking at the past, there were fragments of body parts on the ground, and more than a thousand warriors were smashed!

Everyone was about to move on when suddenly Changfeng said: "Wait!"

I saw those shattered war puppets begin to regroup automatically, dead trees sprouted, and reborn war puppets one by one. In the blink of an eye, these war puppets were all restored, intact as before!

After the resurrection, there were many strange runes on this war puppet. It seemed that they were specially created to deal with the bombardment of the little monk. It would not be as easy to break them again.

Liusu frowned and said, "Indestructible to all soldiers? Indestructible! I'll do it!"

She quickly pinched the curse with both hands, and pressed it on the ground. Endless runes appeared immediately, and she shouted:

"Five Poison Psychics, listen to my call, please invite Ten Thousand Rot Toads!"

Boom, a small toad appeared on the ground, purple and black all over, with a corrosive aura, only the size of a fist.

In an instant, the toad began to grow in size, from the size of a fist to a body of three feet.

The toad opened its mouth suddenly, puffed out, and sprayed out a purple-black venom, which immediately hit all the puppets.

Then the toad disappeared, and the purple-black venom corroded everything. Immediately, all the puppets were corroded by the venom. These war puppets began to rot, turning into rotten wood and dissipating in all directions.

But amid the decay, these war mates began to resurrect again and began to grow and assemble.

Liusu sneered and said: "The Ten Thousand Rot Toads are the Holy Spirit of my religion, and this poison is an eternal poison. Even if they can be resurrected, this poison will also be resurrected, and there will be no end!"

Sure enough, those resurrected war mates collapsed one by one, then began to resurrect, and began to collapse again, several times.

But after the seventh time, these war puppets no longer collapsed, and purple-black runes appeared on their bodies. They absorbed the eternal and endless poison into their bodies and became a part of themselves, no longer afraid of the poisonous attack.

Immediately everyone's expression changed. These war puppets are really scary, indestructible, and have super adaptability. How to pass this level?

Luo Li smiled. The reason why those war partners were indestructible was actually related to the divine power in them. Every time, the divine power was at work. Luo Li jumped up fiercely, Gong Gong Bu Zhou Kill, and crashed into him!

This collision, in this narrow passage, can be said to be a sure-kill move, destroying everything wherever it goes!

Under Luo Li's collision, those battle mates who had just recovered were immediately smashed into pieces one by one, but they would soon recover!

Luo Li shouted: "Collect it from me!"

In an instant, their divine power was restored and began to be absorbed by Luo Li crazily and injected into the forest of living beings in Luo Li's body. Suddenly, these war puppets were shattered one by one and completely destroyed.

There were fragments of limbs on the ground, and the divine power absorbed by Luo Li was equivalent to the power of two sacred trees.

Everyone let out a long breath. After passing here, the little monk Aurora suddenly turned around and found a luminous object in the stump of a war partner. It looked like a fish eye in his hand. The inside felt liquid and glowed green. Light, this seems to be the control center of the puppet.

Master Huntuo stretched out his hand to take it, looked at it carefully and said: "This object can be used as the mental core of the puppet war partner. It can be taken back to the Zhongtian Lord World. It is definitely needed by countless sects. It is estimated that one can be sold for about 100,000 spiritual stones!"

Changfeng said: "No, there are one thousand and eighty of them here!"

Master Huntuo said: "That's 100 million spiritual stones!"

Luo Li stretched out his hand and swept it, and suddenly the core of all the war partners flew up. He said: "Two hundred for each person!"

He was the one who destroyed this war partner. He has the right to distribute it. According to the rules of the immortal world, he can take half of it himself. However, the adventure has just begun and he cannot be too dark and eat alone, so the five people share it equally!

Everyone put away the trophies, and Master Changfeng said: "Luo Li, I just realized that it's good to hang out with you, but just coming here is equivalent to earning 20 million spirit stones, which is ten years longer than me refining the immortal patterns." Make more money!”

Luo Li laughed and said: "The road is still far away? Let's go, but now it seems that the side trail is probably dead!"

Everyone continued to move forward, and continued to move forward in this corridor.

This underground corridor has countless detours and forks. It is simply an underground world. Fortunately, Liusu can always sense the breath of the sidewalk, otherwise he would definitely get lost.

Walking, walking, Liusu said happily:

"A hundred feet further, the main hall in front of you, the side walk is right there."

Everyone moved forward and entered the main hall, where countless passages gathered here. There was also a small hall at the end of the main hall, with green light shining inside, and a side walkway there.

Everyone entered the hall, Changfeng immediately shouted:

"Quick, get out, this is a trap!"

But it was too late, the trap was activated, and the 100-foot corridor behind him began to shake.

In an instant, the hall, the corridor, and the walls beside the five people's feet seemed to be alive!

"Discover the intruder and activate the skin trap form!"

With a bang, the surrounding world began to rotate crazily. Countless thorn-like spikes appeared and began to twist and rub. Countless wooden thorns appeared and rotated, forming a huge trap!

It's like the giant mouth of a piranha opens, and everyone is the worm in the giant mouth. It's like everyone fell into a huge millstone, and the millstone began to stir, grinding everyone into powder! (To be continued.)

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