"I'm going, it's scary for women to quarrel. They always compare their chest muscles with each other. Then what should we men quarrel with? Hehehe." Ma Hongjun tugged at Oscar's arm, forced him in a low voice, and showed a wretched smile.

Oscar secretly glanced at Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing in front of him, and after seeing that they didn't seem to hear the two of them talking, he couldn't help but sighed in relief, and immediately glared at Ma Hongjun: "Don't pull me, you are heard to look at them. If you don't fight, your face is full of flowers."

"How many women would I be afraid of? Heh." Ma Hongjun turned his nose up and looked like the boss of the sky and the second child.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing glanced over coldly, and his eyes were a little unkind.

Ma Hongjun immediately shrank his neck and said calmly, "Ah! Tonight is such a beautiful night, Lao Ao, would you like to accompany my brother to go for a walk and admire the moon? I remember that there was a newly opened restaurant that was especially delicious." ~~", the service is attentive, and the "food" can make you cry!"

When Oscar heard it, his head shook like a rattle on the spot. Why didn't he know what Ma Hongjun was talking about, but who was Oscar?

In the past, when Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai were casual outside, he was always guarded like a jade. It could be said that he was a pure-hearted gentleman of Shrek Academy.

He, Oscar, wants to save the gold soul coins and marry a wife later!

"If I don't go, I won't go, how is it possible that I am a pure-hearted person like Oscar"

"My treat!"

"I suddenly felt that it would be good to go out to reward next month once in a while." Oscar said seriously without blushing or panting.

"What restaurant? Is it really that delicious? I just happen to be hungry, why don't we all go to have a late-night snack?" Xiao Wu blinked, and when she heard something delicious, her face became excited.

Tang San's face darkened, and he gave Ma Hongjun and Oscar a speechless look. If it were before, he might not be able to hear the meaning of their words, but now Tang San is different. He learned from Ye Zhiqiu. After a lot of things, it was no longer that pure Tang San.

Many things, Tang San can understand immediately. How could he let Xiao Wu go to that kind of place.

"Xiao Wu, it's getting late, it's easy to gain weight by eating supper, so let's go back to the academy." Tang San said.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar also quickly agreed, "Yes, yes, the restaurant we went to has special rules and girls are not welcome."

Xiao Wu glanced at a few people suspiciously. Although she was innocent, she was not stupid. She always felt that these guys had something to hide from her.

Tang San didn't want to tell her, Xiao Wu couldn't help but looked towards Ye Zhiqiu with a puzzled expression.

"Cough cough." Ye Zhiqiu could only pretend not to see Xiao Wu's eyes, looked at Oscar and Ma Hongjun and said, "You can go play, remember to go back to the academy early, don't delay tomorrow morning's class."

"No problem! I will obey the vice-principal's orders. Boss Dai, are you going?" Oscar Ma Hongjun and Ma Hongjun responded happily, then looked at Dai Mubai again.

"Don't go, get out. My taste is not as bad as yours!" Dai Mubai said angrily.

"Che" Ma Hongjun muttered, "I didn't know anyone who was more diligent than me before." After that, he walked away with a wretched look on his shoulders with Oscar.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Dai Mubai with a look of contempt, and left a cold sentence, "A bunch of scum is really disgusting", and then walked towards the academy alone.

Zhu Zhuqing's back is lonely, but his style shows the arrogance and ambition of one person who is not stained with mud to the fullest, like a cold plum in the cold winter, or a white lotus on the top of a snowy mountain. Unfortunately, few people can understand her mind.

Dai Mubai stayed where he was, his face was gloomy, and he took a deep breath. Since Zhu Zhuqing came to the academy, he has worked hard to restrain himself, why did he still get this attitude?

What kind of shit doll kiss, don't worry about it. It's not that he can't find a woman, so the two twin sisters last time were not bad.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, and without saying hello, chased in the direction Oscar Ma Hongjun left.

Only Ye Zhiqiu, Ning, Rongrong, Tang San and Xiaowu were left in silence.

"Isn't it okay just now? Why is it all of a sudden?" Ning Rongrong looked puzzled.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were also a little confused, why did it feel like they suddenly parted ways? Are they so temperamental?

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head helplessly and said, "It's complicated to talk about, it's better not to talk about it. Let's go, let's go back to the academy."

"Brother Qiu, where did they go to eat? Are there any restaurants that don't welcome women and only welcome men?" Along the way, Xiao Wu kept chasing this question, making Ye Zhiqiu and Tang San feel helpless.

In fact, Ning Rongrong was also very curious. For five years in the academy, she was so well protected by Ye Zhiqiu. She was still pure-hearted and didn't understand many things.

However, when Ye Zhiqiu was around, she would put away her little witch character and be more obedient. Since Ye Zhiqiu didn't want to talk about it, he naturally had his reasons, so Ning Rongrong wouldn't go to the bottom of it.

The four took some time and returned to the academy.

At this time, the Shrek playground had disappeared from the shadow of Flender, and at the same time disappeared the golden soul coins all over the ground. It seemed that Flender had recovered from the state of being a fool.

"You guys go back first. I'll go to the dean to report the situation tonight. By the way, discuss something." Ye Zhiqiu ordered with a smile, and walked towards Flender's residence.

The door on the first floor was tightly closed, and Ye Zhiqiu didn't bother to knock on the door, so he jumped to the balcony on the second floor with a slight jump, and looked in through the window, Ye Zhiqiu's face immediately turned black.

He felt that he might have overestimated the old guy Flander.

At this time, the floor of Flender's bedroom was full of golden soul coins, and under the light of the oil lamp, the whole room was gleaming golden.

In the center of the bedroom, a pile of gold soul coins was piled up in a mess, and Flender was lying on it and sleeping soundly. Beside him, Ye Zhiqiu also saw Zao Wou-Ki

"Bang Bang~" Ye Zhiqiu didn't bother to go in, so he knocked on the outer frame of the wooden window and woke them up.

Flender and Zao Wou-Ki thought that a thief was coming. The moment they got up, their soul power surged. After seeing clearly that it was Ye Zhiqiu, they leaned over with a smirk.

Flender said cautiously, "It turned out to be Vice-President Qiu. What's your order so late?"

"." Ye Zhiqiu stroked his forehead and said speechlessly, "President, you need to change your greed for money, so as not to infect other Shrek teachers." Zao Wou-Ki, who scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed smile.

"Also, I've been level 40 for a while, and I plan to go to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt for spirit rings tomorrow. You guys."

"Don't worry, it's absolutely fine to help. How many years of spirit rings do you need? Fifty thousand years or sixty thousand years?" Before Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, Flender patted his chest, with an expression that you can rest assured that I will definitely help you. .

"No, what I meant to say was actually."

"Vice Dean Qiu, don't talk to us anymore, we are ashamed of our college for charging you so much money! I really feel sorry for not doing something for you, besides, you are still half of our Shrek. As for the students, it is our duty to help, so don't refuse." Flender's face was so enthusiastic that even Zao Wou-Ki nodded, as if the dean was right.

"." Ye Zhiqiu.

"Okay, since you are so enthusiastic, I will reluctantly ask you to help." Ye Zhiqiu gave the two of them a strange look, shook his head, and went back to his dormitory.

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