Walk around Douluo Dalu with the Naruto System

Chapter 90 This dish can't be seen by Xiao Wu

Ye Zhiqiu, who returned to the door of his dormitory, pushed the door, but found that he couldn't get in.

emmm seems to be locked.

"Bang Bang~" Ye Zhiqiu knocked on the door.

"Who!" Ning Rongrong's voice seemed a little flustered, and it was accompanied by a "rushing" sound of water.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes lit up, this girl is not taking a bath, right? Ye Zhiqiu has never seen the appearance of Ning Rongrong taking a bath. In the past, Nuoding College had exclusive women's bathrooms, so Ye Zhiqiu couldn't shamelessly break in, right?

"Rongrong, it's me, open the door."

Hearing Ye Zhiqiu's voice, it was quiet for a while, and then the footsteps of "dengdengdeng" sounded, and the voice was a little hurried.

After a "click" sounded behind the door, the footsteps ran back at a faster speed, and then there was a "crawl" sound of entering the water.

Ye Zhiqiu pushed the door in a funny way, and put the door last back in with his backhand. Shrek Academy is basically this kind of old-fashioned wooden door with spigots. If a spigot is attached to the inside, it cannot be opened from the outside unless it is violently broken.

"Hehe." Ye Zhiqiu deliberately let out a lewd laugh. After lifting the curtains in the hall and bedroom, he looked inside.

Sure enough, Ning Rongrong was bathing in the tub, with his back to him, only showing half of his small head.

Ye Zhiqiu came to her face with a smile on his face, with both hands crossed, lying on the edge of the tub, and glanced down.

However, Ye Zhiqiu was suddenly disappointed.

There was a thick layer of rose petals floating on the water, and I couldn't see anything, only a faint scent of virginity emanating from Ning Rongrong's body mixed with a strong rose fragrance.

Ning Rongrong stared at him from the surface of the water, with a sly look in his eyes, his mouth bulging and spitting bubbles under the water.

"You think you can't see the roses if you block me? Naive!" Ye Zhiqiu was about to fiddle with the rose petals floating on the water with a smile. Ning Rongrong was startled, and hurriedly covered the vitals with both hands, and his body It also shrunk to the surface.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhiqiu just stretched out his hand to measure the water temperature, and then tapped her little head lightly, "Just kidding, remember to heat the water to a higher temperature next time. It's not good for girls to take a cold bath."

After speaking, Ye Zhiqiu came to the bed and started to undress, as if he was going to bed.

Ning Rongrong secretly turned her head to take a look, and after seeing that Ye Zhiqiu did not seem to mean to peep, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the two often cuddled and slept together and Ye Zhiqiu was often dishonest, they were all under the covers after all. Looking at it like this, Ning Rongrong was easily shy.

Just when Ning Rongrong turned around and planned to continue enjoying the bath, Ye Zhiqiu finished taking off the last piece of clothing on his body, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the early morning of the next day, as soon as the sky was bright, Ye Zhiqiu had to get up under Ning Rongrong's pull.

This girl seems to be more active in class than him.

In fact, ever since Ning Rongrong found out that the difference between her and Ye Zhiqiu's strength was getting bigger and bigger, she had been working hard for her cultivation.

She didn't hope that one day she couldn't even see Ye Zhiqiu's back and could only be a vase. At least, he must be qualified to assist him in battle, right? Since this is the case, then her soul power cannot be dropped.

Unfortunately, Ning Rongrong was not born full of soul power. Even if Xiantian level 9 is very high, there is still a big gap between Xiantian's full soul power cultivation speed. She is the same age as Tang San Xiaowu, but it is not long after entering level 28. Tang San and Xiaowu are both It's been quite a while since I entered level 29.

This was the difference between the innate full soul power and the innate level 9 soul power. The only thing Ning Rongrong could do was to practice harder.

The two simply washed up and walked towards the dining hall together. Now that Shrek Academy is rich, the food should also be updated!

After arriving at the cafeteria, the two found that Tang San had already had breakfast here.

The food in the cafeteria is indeed as rich as expected, it is only breakfast, but there is no shortage of all kinds of meat. When he saw one of the dishes, Ye Zhiqiu twitched the corner of his mouth and hurriedly put it into the black jade bracelet.

This is a special plate of roasted rabbits that Ye Zhiqiu is familiar with, so that Xiao Wu will not make trouble when he sees it. No, this kind of thing has to be reminded, and it can't be done again in the future.

Ye Zhiqiu asked Ning Rongrong to sit down and eat by himself, then walked towards the back of the kitchen.

In his memory, he also had some impressions of Shrek's other teachers. If he remembered correctly, the person in charge of the cafeteria was a level 71 food-type soul saint named Shao Xin.

When he came to the back kitchen, Ye Zhiqiu saw a fat figure, like a ball, weighing at least 300 pounds. This person had met with Zao Wou-Ki during the test that day, and it should be Shao Xin.

"Mr. Shao." Ye Zhiqiu greeted politely.

Shao Xin turned his head and saw that it was Ye Zhiqiu, his face suddenly narrowed with a smile, "It's Vice President Qiu, is there something wrong?"

"." Ye Zhiqiu always felt a little strange about the title of this vice president, but it was forcibly given to him by Flender, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Mr. Shao, can you stop making roasted rabbits next time? I have been allergic to rabbit meat since I was a child, and I feel sick when I see rabbits." Ye Zhiqiu took out the plate of roasted rabbits from the Moyu bracelet and put it on the workbench on the side. With a distressed look on his face.

"Okay, okay, I'm really sorry, Vice President. I didn't know you had this taboo. Next time, I won't buy rabbit meat." Shao Xin's attitude was very good.

This is a nice big fat man.

In fact, if Shrek Academy was most grateful to Ye Zhiqiu, Shao Xin should still be ahead of Flender.

You can tell by looking at his figure. He used to eat porridge and pickles to gain so much weight, which shows that he is very delicious. Now that the food has improved, Shrek Academy will probably benefit the most from him. Moreover, thanks to Ye Zhiqiu's blessing, he has received the first salary of being a teacher at Shrek for N years.

These are all thanks to Ye Zhiqiu. Who else can Shao Xin thank Ye Zhiqiu? Flanders that iron rooster?

"Then I'll trouble Teacher Shao, I'll go out first." Ye Zhiqiu greeted with a smile, and returned the same way.

When they came to the hall, except for Oscar who was not there, the other Shrek Seven Devils had already arrived, and they were sitting and eating the breakfast in front of them.

It's just that the atmosphere seems a little wrong. Ma Hongjun's nose was blue and his face was swollen, his eyes were black, but the swelling seemed to subside a lot. He was probably beaten last night, and he was looking at Dai Mubai with resentment.

Dai Mubai stared at Zhu Zhuqing viciously, as if sparks could spew out of his eyes. It's just that Zhu Zhuqing didn't pay any attention to what he meant, and nibbled at the chicken drumstick in his own small mouth.

Tang San, Xiaowu, Rongrong and the others gathered together with helpless expressions on their faces.

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