Walk around Douluo Dalu with the Naruto System

Chapter 91: The Journey to the Star Dou Great Forest Volume 1

"What's wrong? It's like eating gunpowder one by one. Don't you want to eat breakfast?" Ye Zhiqiu calmly sat down next to Ning Rongrong, picked up a pig's trotter and nibbled it.

The moment Ma Hongjun saw Ye Zhiqiu, his eyes filled with tears, and he cried with a tragic expression: "Boss Qiu, Vice President Qiu, you have to decide for me, second child Dai beat me up last night, look at the old man who beat me. Terrible." Ma Hongjun said again and pointed to the horrific look on his face.

Ye Zhiqiu continued to eat pig trotters calmly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Ma Hongjun's current appearance is so funny that he almost couldn't recognize the one who was beaten. If he came back last night, Ye Zhiqiu might still not recognize him. Now that the swelling has subsided, he can barely recognize him.

"I said Fatty, why did he beat you, you have to find your own reasons! If you ever expose someone's bottom line, I'll beat you too" Ye Zhiqiu said with a smirk.

"I don't know." Ma Hongjun whispered, feeling that he was being beaten very wrongly.

"Okay, don't make a fuss. If it's a big thing, hurry up and eat, you won't be able to eat such a delicious meal tomorrow." Ye Zhiqiu looked around, his face stern.

Then everyone sat down and started to eat breakfast peacefully.

Ning Rongrong was eating red bean buns, her cheeks bulging, she moved a little distance to Ye Zhiqiu's side, and asked in a low voice, "Did the dean reveal to you a class in advance? Why can't you eat it tomorrow? Delicious food?"

Ning Rongrong's question was also what Tang San and the others wanted to know, and they all pricked up their ears immediately.

"Cough cough." Ye Zhiqiu threw away the pig's trotters that had been eaten and straightened his expression, as if he wanted to say something important.

Tang San and the others sat up straight, looking at Ye Zhiqiu expectantly. Ever since seeing Ye Zhiqiu's combat power, everyone's heart was imminent, and they could not wait to come to a few difficult training sessions.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu looked at the expressions of everyone, but the corners of his mouth were full of wickedness, and he said mysteriously, "You~ guys~ Guess~"!

"." Everyone.

[Add 266 to the negative emotion value from Tang San]

【From Xiao Wu.】

A group of people were all looking at Ye Zhiqiu's teeth itching with anger.

Don't make such a misleading expression if you don't say it, you bastard! So annoying. If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't beat you, I would definitely beat you today with a full face.

"Boring." Zhu Zhuqing's originally curious face turned cold. After drinking the last bit of soy milk in the bowl, he walked towards the outside with an elegant catwalk.

"Brother Qiu is not reliable at all" Xiao Wu tugged at Tang San's collar, followed behind Zhu Zhuqing, and left angrily.

Even Ning Rongrong couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Ye Zhiqiu.

"Hey, today's young people have no sense of humor at all." Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and sighed, then continued to bury his head in destroying the breakfast in front of him.

Not long after, the bell rang for the morning class at Shrek Academy, and the few people left in the cafeteria hurriedly finished their breakfast and came to the playground to gather.

Ye Zhiqiu and the others were the last to arrive, Tang San and the others were already waiting, even Flender and Zao Wou-Ki were already there, but it seemed that Oscar was not seen.

Flender first smiled at Ye Zhiqiu, then turned to look at Dai Mubai and the others and asked, "Where's Oscar? Is that kid sleeping late again?"

"I guess I was tired last night." Ma Hongjun whispered.

"Huh?" Flender frowned.

Seeing this, Tang San hurriedly explained: "President, when I went out in the morning, Oscar was still cultivating and meditating, maybe he entered a state of deep meditation, and he hasn't woken up yet."

Tang San's words to excuse Oscar had just finished, when a voice sounded in the distance.

"Come here." Oscar waved his hands and ran towards a group of people. There was no panic of being late, but an excited expression on his face.

Flender's eyes widened immediately, "Oscar, do you think that 20 laps were too few before? Would you like to give you 40 laps this time?"

Oscar's expression stiffened, and he sneered: "Lord Dean, I'm late for a reason, I just broke through to level 30!"

"What?" Flender was taken aback. Not only was Flender stunned, even Zhao Wuji, Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others were stunned.

In Douluo Continent, food-type spirits are one of the most difficult to cultivate. Even if Oscar is a food-type spirit full of innate soul power, the speed of cultivation must be reduced, and it is probably the same as other spirit masters. The cultivation speed of innate eighth-level ninth-level soul power is about the same.

Oscar can reach level 30 at the age of just 14, which is already considered a top talent among the Seven Devils.

Of course, this product still can't be compared with some evildoers, and it is easier to be hit.

But both Flender and Zao Wou-Ki were obviously satisfied with Oscar's speed of cultivation. They looked at each other and laughed a few times.

"Okay, Oscar, you're very good, you didn't disappoint us as teachers. Originally, I wanted to help you, Vice President Qiu hunt down the fourth spirit ring today, and by the way, I'll take some of your new juniors to the Star Dou Great Forest. Seeing the world. I didn't expect you to give me a surprise. Now I can help you hunt down a spirit ring directly." Flender said with a look of relief.

"By the way," Oscar, who was originally excited, suddenly lost his temper. Can he not be so hurtful when he speaks?

Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others looked stunned. So Ye Zhiqiu was hiding this matter when he was eating in the cafeteria?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that when Ye Zhiqiu and Zhao Wuji competed the day before yesterday, he said that he was level 40, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with hunting spirit rings.

"Okay, I'll give you half an hour to go back and prepare. I'll go to Soto City to rent two carriages, and I'll set off later. Target: Star Dou Great Forest." Flender said with a smile on his face. , summoned his own owl martial spirit, and flew away in an instant, looking at the direction he was going, it was the city of Soto.

Now Flanders has a lot of money, so he naturally has to choose a way to enjoy himself. According to Shrek's previous economic situation, Flender is likely to let them run all the way.

Shrek was not far from the Great Star Dou Forest, but it was still more than 500 miles away. If he ran over with his legs, it was estimated that few of the Seven Devils could stand it.

Ye Zhiqiu, Ning Rongrong, and Tang San all had soul tools for storage, and most of the things were inside, so there was nothing to prepare.

Dai Mubai and the others had no such goodies, so they each went back to the dormitory to pack up a set of changed clothes and carried them behind their backs. After all, they went to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt soul beasts. If they were unlucky and couldn't find a suitable soul beast, they would probably stay there for a long time. They had to make some preparations, and they also had to bring some emergency dry food.

About half an hour later, two luxurious carriages in the direction of Soto City slowly drove over. Each carriage was pulled by two vigorous horses. It seemed that Flender must have spent a lot of money. .

At the gate of Shrek Academy, everyone had already arrived. Counting the two teachers, Zao Wou-Ki and Flender, there were 10 people in total.

Exactly 5 people in a carriage.

Thanks to the book friends of Creation (I am not a loser) for the thousand rewards.

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