Walk around Douluo Dalu with the Naruto System

Chapter 92 Journey to the Star Dou Great Forest Volume 2

In the first carriage, Flender was working as a coachman. Under his control, the two horses seemed to be not very obedient, and they were twisting and turning.

The dignified level 78 Soul Saint powerhouse was actually a driver, and he couldn't drive the car, Ye Zhiqiu and the others couldn't help but grinned.

The second carriage was driven by a young man in his 20s. He was honest and honest, and he looked quite familiar.

"Hey, this guy seems to have had a fight with me last time, he seems to be called Baolai." Xiao Wu tilted her head, thinking hard.

"Sister Wu, it's me, Qingbao! I didn't expect you to be a student of Lord Soul Saint, you really have a fate." Qingbao smiled.

"Little Dancer"

Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others looked at the two strangely, this guy is in his 20s, a big guy called a little girl, Xiao Wujie

The picture is too inconsistent!

However, Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, she didn't care at all, instead she raised her head proudly and said, "I remember, it turns out it's you, Tie Hanhan."

Ye Zhiqiu ignored the two funny faces who were reminiscing about the old with excitement, looked back and forth, and decisively pulled Ning Rongrong into the second carriage. .

The second person to react was Zhu Zhuqing. She almost followed behind Ning Rongrong and rushed in with a swoosh.

The other Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others were all stunned. After that, they all reacted and ran to the second carriage, only Ma Hongjun was still dumbfounded.

Xiao Wu was chatting happily with Qing Bao, Tang San was inseparable from her again, and the two were naturally closest to the carriage.

Tang San immediately pulled Xiao Wu's arm, grabbed ahead of the others, and hurriedly climbed onto the carriage.

Just when Dai Mubai Oscar and the others wanted to climb inside, Ye Zhiqiu lifted the curtain of the car, and a penetrating smile appeared on the probe, "It's full, it can't hold any more. Who of you two want to squeeze in? I'll let him know what cruelty is!"

"Gulu~" Dai Mubai and Oscar both swallowed their saliva, snorted, and ran to Flender's carriage, reluctantly climbing up.

In fact, these two carriages are quite spacious, and there is no problem with 10 people in a single one. Flender mainly considered that it would take two days to travel by carriage from Shrek Academy to the Great Star Dou Forest, so he rented two carriages so that he could barely lie down and rest in the carriage at night.

After all, along the way, there are no towns where you can rest. Only about a hundred miles away from the Great Star Dou Forest was there a rather large gathering place.

That is where the spirit masters form teams and replenish their supplies.

The destination of Ye Zhiqiu and others was also to rush to this gathering place first, and then enter the Star Dou Great Forest after resting for a night.

Along the way, Qingbao's car pulled smoothly, and he seemed to be very good at driving. You must know that Douluo Continent is not like modern times, where there are flat concrete roads everywhere. There are more gravel and mud roads here, and there are potholes everywhere. Only in the city will there be floor tiles.

Under such road conditions, Ye Zhiqiu didn't feel any bumps, but Flender's carriage would complain a few times from time to time, and sometimes there would be Oscar's yelling, but after that, They'll be scolded by Flanders, be honest.

On Ye Zhiqiu's side, it was very calm.

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue mischievously, "Little San, it's fortunate that you responded quickly, otherwise we might get into the dean's black car."

"Black car." Tang San was stunned for a moment, then chuckled lightly: "Xiao Wu, what you describe is quite apt."

The corners of Zhu Zhuqing's mouth were also slightly upturned, but she seemed to be too happy too early. It didn't take long for Zhu Zhuqing to stop laughing.

Sitting on her left were Tang San and Xiao Wu. These two guys were chatting and laughing. Tang San always answered Xiao Wu's various questions patiently.

As for the one on the right, it's even more extreme. Ye Zhiqiu lay down directly, resting his head on Ning Rongrong's lap, crossed Erlang's legs, and squinted his eyes with enjoyment.

Ning Rongrong smiled and massaged his head gently.

The two of them weren't as secretive as Tang San and Xiao Wu, this was a show of affection in an open and upright manner.

"." Zhu Zhuqing.

This dog food was really caught off guard, full of mouth. After her identification, although this car is not a black car, it is not a serious car either.

A black car, an indecent car. Which car do you take? emmm this question is hard to think about.

In the evening of the third day, the group finally arrived at their destination.

After getting off the bus outside the gathering place, the two groups gathered together and walked towards the entrance of the gathering place not far away.

This gathering place is like a small city, except for the tall walls without the city, it seems to be no different.

On both sides of the street, there are many shops built of wood, selling everything.

And the entire gathering place has a lot of people, both soul masters and ordinary people. Many spirit masters were still shouting the slogan of forming a team and entering the Star Dou Great Forest tomorrow to hunt for spirit rings.

Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and several other rookies were all curiously watching around.

At this time, Flender looked at everyone, pointed to the small restaurant on the second floor not far away, and said, "Let's rest here tonight, and at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will enter the Star Dou Great Forest on time."

After the words were finished, Flender and Zao Wou-Ki walked towards the hotel with their lunch boxes, looking like they were familiar with the road. After they entered, they opened a two-person room, ordered dinner and sent them upstairs, then took care of themselves. went to rest.

Ye Zhiqiu and the others discussed it. They also opened four double rooms, one for two of them. Then, they sat down in a corner of the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. They had already ordered dinner. The dishes are basically ordered.

Since Ye Zhiqiu paid the money, they didn't feel bad at all. The Shrek Seven Devils only knew that Ye Zhiqiu was the God of Wealth, and the gold soul coins seemed to be inexhaustible. Although they didn't know where Ye Zhiqiu's money came from, it didn't prevent them from working hard and spending happily.

The eight people sat around the same round table, chatting and laughing, eating vegetables, chatting and spanking. The atmosphere was not bad.

At this time, eight people walked in outside the hotel door. The leader was a middle-aged man in his forties. He had an ordinary appearance. The moustache around his mouth was similar to his back-combed oily hair, which was particularly conspicuous. . Wearing a moon-white robe with silver thread embroidery, the silver threads flickered as he walked, and he looked a little sassy.

Behind him were seven students, six men and one woman. They were dressed similarly to him, except that the silver embroidery was missing on their clothes. They were all about 20 years old.

The only thing they have in common is probably a cyan circular mark on the left shoulder, and two big red letters are embroidered in the circle: Canghui.

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