When I thought of this, Fang Qingshan suddenly stunned.

For the top 10 masters of supernatural powers, the rare treasures are very useful, not those in the realm of longevity, few people have magical tools. And even if they are in the realm of longevity, some of them have no means.

He not only has the aptitude, but also is not middle and lower, but two.

"Oh, it seems that it is not necessary, and these two magic swords cannot be easily used."

Qi Fang Qingshan could not help but sigh.

Even some people in the realm of longevity may not have a Taoist device. If they hold two Taoist devices and swagger across the city, it is really a three-year-old child holding a brick on the street.

People in the realm of magical powers, as long as they are not like the capital of Huatian, can't help themselves. They can't fight by themselves. If they don't fall, they can't stop anyone.

But this is just a mysterious realm. What about people in the realm of longevity?

Therefore, if you have no choice but to do so, you really can't easily use these two magic swords for making magic.

I thought of this, Fang Qingshan could not help but shook his head.

I originally thought that I could get the sword of refining magic, and finally I could use the chess board of the heavens. I have a treasure that can be used, but I didn't expect that in the end, I could not use it easily.

"At this stage, these two pure Yang swords can only be used as hole cards. It seems that I still have to get a treasure that can be obtained first."

Qi Fang Qingshan could not help but sigh, he was really a hard life.

People came back to Baoshan empty-handed. They had a treasure and did not dare to use it brightly.

"In the final analysis, all of this is because he is too low."

Fang Qingshan murmured to himself.

要 If he has the practice of Huatiandu now, what about those who face the realm of longevity?

I dare to grab his baby and teach him how to be a human in minutes.

"Fortunately, I got pure Yang Jindan."

I thought of this, and touched the jade bottle in my arms, Fang Qingshan's mouth could not help but slightly tilted.

In addition to medicine 锄, Chunyang Jindan and the refining magic flying sword, Hanxu Dongfu also received a treasure.

That is the jade box with one finger at the last moment.

There are two volumes of Danshu and two swords. The Danshus are "Ji Shi" and "Li Chen", and the swords are "Tianyi" and "Pure Yang".

Wu Jianjue will not say it, but this is not inferior to the inheritance of He Shaqi's book.

With them, the power of pure Yang Feijian can not be compared.

I want to know that before the real people of Chunyang did not rise, the demon was cut and the demon was removed, but the flying sword was frightening.

I just want to learn, but it can't be done in a short time.

As for Dan Shu, although the real person of Chunyang is not well-known in the world for elixir, but just thinking about the pure Yang Jindan he refined, you can spy on the leopard.

What's more, the Eight Immortals in Shangdong is the moral esteem of Tai Qing, which is a saint, a real immortal.

In particular, Taishang Laojun has a reputation for medicine. A nine-turn Jindan can directly let a mortal break through Jinxian.

However, like Jian Jue, wanting to learn the inheritance in Danshu is not something that can be accomplished in a short while.

I sorted out the harvest, and Fang Qingshan began to think about how to turn these opportunities into his own strength.

First of all, neither the jade containing the Shaqi Book or the sword box containing the Book of Swords Dan is not opened, nor does it need to be opened.

First, although it is quiet here, it is not safe in the end, and it is not a good place to practice magical powers. Secondly, you also want to cultivate magical powers. It cannot be completed in a short time.

For the same reason, refining elixir is also excluded for the same reason. This is not the place for refining. Refining also takes time.

And can increase the combat power in a short time, there is only magic weapon left.

Qi Fang Qingshan first practiced the sacrifice of the two-handed magic demon sword grass, so that it can be as big and small as possible, and she will stop when she is pregnant in Dantian.

Because it is not a short time to truly refine these two swords.

I can only play a part of the power of the two swords after a preliminary refinement.

At least unexpectedly, he is a master in the realm of heaven and man, and if he is not careful, he will be killed by his own sword!

After all, the pure Yang sword is the killing sword, and the sharpness of the attack is unmatched by other Taos.

Especially when dealing with demons, it is even more disadvantageous.

After Fang Qingshan conceived the sword in Dantian with force, Fang Qingshan practiced the golden silk sacrifice again.

This thing is less troublesome than the magic sword, and after a little sacrifice, Fang Qingshan can follow the instructions of his arm.

Then, Fang Qingshan did not sacrifice medicine, although it was a top-grade, even a treasure-level treasure.

But it was said earlier that this material industry has a specialization, not a magic weapon for attack defense, but a treasure dedicated to medicine.

Today, the attack is considered to have the sword of refining magic, and the auxiliary is considered to have the gold wire mesh, but the defense is a baby.

As a result, Fang Qingshan began to refine his first magic weapon.

Wuyun peach blossoms!

The materials of radon are ready-made ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The method of refining Wuyun peach blossom, and Fang Qingshan also obtained it from Hongmuling.

If it hadn't been in time for the treasures of the Snake King Temple and Sanzhe Cliff, it would have been refining long ago.

Because of the method of refining, Fang Qingshan only needs to follow the steps and draw the gourds. Therefore, the refining of Wuyun Peach Blossom is not difficult, but it only needs to consume Fang Qingshan's mind.

In fact, although it is relatively simple to make Wuyun peach blossom, it is only relatively speaking, and it can not be completed in a short time.

The difference between and cultivation is that the magic weapon for refining, because it is based on gourd painting, Fang Qingshan can stop at any time, without being interrupted.

The reason why he did not immediately return to Yuhuamen after returning to the world of eternal life, not to mention being promoted to the true disciple, at least the practice is relatively quiet and safe, but because he thought that soon after, Fang Qingxue would bring Fang Han to the ground World experience.

The so-called gentleman revenge, it is not too late for ten years, the villain revenge, all day long.

Although he is not a gentleman or a villain, he has the ability and the opportunity to take revenge, but he will never relent.

At first, I was forced to leave the eternal life by being forced by the demon god, and almost wasted a world that I managed to open. This revenge must be reported.

Although even if he was promoted to the magical mystery, compared with the demon **** and even his avatar, there is still a big gap, but if there is Fang Qingxue pinning and a pure Yang Feijian, unexpectedly, Fang Qingshan has reason to believe that he will burst out. Different fireworks.

As a result, Fang Qingshan stayed in the underground world, away from the altar of the demon god, but he could always pay attention to the moving place, while refining Wuyun Taohua, while quietly waiting for Fang Qingxue's arrival, waiting for the opportunity of revenge.

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