Xi Tianbo is thankful, it is hard to stay in the summer!

The wind is blowing in the sun, and the scenery is flowing!

Qi Fang Qingshan was immersed in the refining of Wuyun peach blossom, but he did not know the age.

Three days!

Although it is just the frame of Wuyun peach blossom, just now, but in terms of power, although it is not a treasure, but any magical tool or spiritual artifact is stained by this Wuyun peach blossom, it will immediately become a pile of waste iron.


At one moment, a rush of momentum suddenly passed from a distance, sweeping the entire underground plain.

Qi Fang Qingshan was naturally not alarmed, but he was not alarmed.

Because he knew that the opportunity he had waited for finally came.

This momentum is no stranger to Qingshan, because he was forced to cross the world by it.

"Hey, good and evil are reported in the end, just come late and come early!"

Fang Qingshan chuckled, stood up and moved his hands and feet, reached out a move, Wuyun peach blossoms fell into his hands, followed by a slight shake, a colorful cloud of smoke wrapped Fang Qingshan into a rainbow. Galloping away in a wanton place.

When I came to the neighborhood, Fang Qingshan collected Wuyun peach blossoms, mainly because it was too windy, and it was easy to expose himself.

Carefully approached the battlefield. However, a woman was seen like a sea reef. Although the spirit was soaring into the sky, it seemed to be blowing in the breeze, but she looked at the altar of the demon **** in the distance slightly.

This person is Fang Qingshan's cheapest sister, Fang Qingxue.

On the other side, it was Fang Han's sudden outbreak that was comparable to that of Shura.

"Fang Qingxue, you are very good. You are a true disciple. You dare to come to the demon altar and want to destroy the altar. You have the courage. No wonder Ying Tianqing didn't even listen to the innate words for you."

The voice of the demon god's clone, such as thunder, exploded in his chest.

Although Fang Qingshan broke through the mysterious state of magical power and the physical strength was also very strong, but could not help feeling a suffocation, let alone Fang Han, covering his ears, lying on the ground fiercely, the pain was alleviated a little.

"But it's too much for you. If you don't teach you something today, wouldn't you be ridiculed?"

The words fell away, but seeing the demon **** detached and threw the big sleeves, a trick was devoured by the demon to swallow the sun!

In a short time, the underground world, which was not so bright, was like Tianguo swallowing the moon, the dark mist was diffused, all the light, all disappeared, and no fingers were reached.

"Good guy, really amazing."

When Fang Qingshan saw this scene, he couldn't help but secretly whisper. Although he had not seen Hong Changbao's shot, he knew that Hong Changbao was far less than the demon god. Compared with the dragon elephant, I'm afraid it would have to be tried before I knew it. Only at the last moment can the atmosphere sensed in Chunyang Zhenren Dongfu depress him.

Qi Fang Qingshan could not help but secretly rejoice, the last time, fortunately, he walked fast, otherwise I'm afraid it's more formidable.

Of course, momentum is back to momentum, in the end this is not the demon **** itself, just a clone, otherwise Fang Qingxue already fled in the wind.


At this moment, in the darkness, I heard a frivolous sound.

He followed, and it seemed as if the dawn had flashed, Fang Qingxue's figure reappeared, flying white, surrounded by purple electricity.

The two purple electric yin and yang snakes suddenly changed their shape. They actually grew deer-like horns, and their lower body also had eagle-like claws. Above their lips, long beards added their old, desolate, and ancient atmosphere.

Double snakes to transform dragons!

I followed, and saw two dragons rising up into the air, head-to-head like a scissors, tail-to-tail like a strand, cut a long way towards the shadows!

I stab it!

The black screen is broken and the light is reproduced.

Although Fang Qingxue tore the darkness, it was not without cost, but she saw her face pale, blood on her white clothes, and a little bit of peach blossom.


Obviously, Fang Qingxue did not expect that the demon **** avatar was so powerful. With her four levels of supernatural powers, she was hurt by the demon **** avatar.

Fortunately, the purpose of this time has been completed. Leaping forward to challenges, overcoming the demon, and having seen higher levels of power. After returning, finding a place to retreat and break through the realm of heaven and man is just around the corner.

Therefore, Fang Qingxue said nothing, grabbed Fang Han and left.

"Leave? My demon **** altar is where you want to come, do you want to leave?"

The voice of the demon god's avatar, like a mountain, is pressed down!

This is not a metaphor, but a fact. The voice of the demon **** actually condensed into mountains, slamming Fang Qingxue fiercely, and smashing the purple electricity around her.

"Give me back!"

He followed, and saw a big hand covering the sky, like Fang Qingxue, tied Fang Qingxue in his hands.

"Heaven is like a sword, kill it all"

Xi Fang Qingxue first slashed her palm into a knife, and severely chopped it down, which is her usual purple electric thunder knife.


However, Fang Qingxue also knew that relying solely on the purple electric Yindao knife was simply useless.

Fortunately, she did not use this magical power to break the shackles, she just wanted to get some time to serve her next magic power.

After three breaths ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But when I saw the huge yin thunder knife exploded, it turned into tens of thousands of rotating knife lights. In the light of the knife lights, there were countless scenes, houses, palaces. , City, trees, flowers, mountains, immortals, thunder, flames, sky wind, dragon and tiger, everything is in it.

At the same time, when Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingxue fought, they had quietly touched the demon god's altar.

But at this moment, the demon **** altar was empty, and Shura was overcast by Fang Han. Wang Molin was killed by Fang Qingshan with heavenly chess pieces a few months ago. Fallen in the hands of Fang Qingxue.

"God help me too!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan was immediately overjoyed.

When I looked back, I saw that there was a crack in the hand of Zhaotian Demon, followed by a purple light.


Qi Fang Qingshan took a deep breath and drank aloud, pouring all the mana in his body into a pure Yang Feijian.

He then did not sacrifice the sword to the human, but let the sword take himself, and the human and the sword became one, and directly cut it towards the demon **** on the altar of the demon god.

"Look for death!"

The demon **** originally thought that Fang Qingxue was bold enough, and the true disciple actually dared to scratch his tiger's whiskers. He still regretted that Fang Qingxue escaped from his own hands, but did not expect that there would still be someone who dared to break the ground on the head of the year old. But like a poisonous snake, biting towards himself.

Of course, these are not the key. The key is that from the glorious sword light, the demon **** actually felt a crisis of death.


Originally, Fang Qingxue, who was about to take Fang Han to leave the underground world, suddenly felt a grand sword, and his snow-like face couldn't help showing a little surprise.

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