"The avenue is up, today I am a poisonous prince / Mrs. Baihua ... I swear an oath and promise that as long as the Pangu chaos world does not deliberately target myself ... I will never actively disclose any information about the pangu chaos world To the heavens and the world, the offender, it will die! "

"The avenue is up, and today Hongjun takes the vow here, promising that as long as the poisonous gods / Mrs. Baihua ... do not actively disclose any news to the heavens and the world, it will not destroy the chaotic floodland ... ... nothing can be calculated against it, offenders.

The stronghold of the poisonous gods and others, this time the operation was very smooth. Everyone had a discussion, seek common ground while shelving differences, and win-win cooperation. The corpse of Hongjun and the poisonous gods and others jointly made a vow on the road.

Since then, Poison God Hou and others can be regarded as half of Pangu's chaotic world. They can walk freely in the flood and chaos, and will not be targeted.

Of course, how much benefit each party can gain still has to be attributed to a fair and balanced platform.

Ten people from both sides of the mixed Yuan, six from the early Yuanyuan, three from the middle Yuanyuan.

If the Pangu Chaos world wins, then the poisonous princes and others need to tell Hong Jun the basic information in the heavens and the world without any reservation, and they will break through the secret method of the mixed Yuan and practice it after the mixed Yuan. Laws, evasion, and methods of breaking through the faintness of nature and man, and breaking through the immortal secrets must be informed one by one without any concealment and calculation.

And if the poisonous gods and others win, Hong Jun needs to pay for Chaos Lingbao, congenital treasure, avenue, heavenly luck, and so on.

Don't look at the poisonous gods and others. Although they come from all the realms of the heavens and countless voids, most of the spiritual treasures they cast are made by the day after tomorrow. Even if the title of Poison God Hou Yuan is mixed, it is nothing more than an innate treasure.

The reason for this is mainly the congenital Lingbao, the supreme treasure, and even the chaotic Lingbao are too rare, especially the high-grade, powerful Lingbao is even more difficult to find. Basically, one is born, They were divided up by those great forces.

Do n’t talk about the immense void, look at the floods. After the Zixiao Palace, for the corpse sacrifice, in order to plan the congenital things, how big a wave has set off. After ancient times, it is a saint disciple. In addition to rumors and personal transmission, it is also slightly Someone uses Congenital Lingbao.

Therefore, on the piece of Lingbao, Poison God Hou and others may not be as good as Zhen Yuanzi and others.

Of course, this is not to say that innate is better than acquired. But the innate treasure contains a trace of the origin of heaven and earth, the power of the law can assist in spiritual practice, and the space for improvement is greater than the spiritual treasure made by the day after tomorrow.

The power of Lingbao refined in the day after tomorrow is great, but it is very easy to keep up with the rhythm. As soon as the host cultivates, the magic power may not work. To improve the quality of magic power, you need a special refiner method. , Also need better equipment, can not guarantee 100% promotion success.

The innate treasure does not need to be so troublesome. As long as it is a spiritual treasure that fits its own avenue, it can pass through the constant sacrifice of the law avenue, subtly and steadily transform, and the difficulty of promotion is only one tenth of the acquired lingbao.


When Hongjun's corpses and poisonous gods and others took vows, Hongjun's deity began to plan with the natural will of the heavens and the world, how to select talents, how to train talents, and the tactics to deal with poisonous gods and others .

Although even if they fail, what they need to pay is only some spiritual treasures and luck, and they will not hurt their muscles.

But for Hong Jun, the secret method of poisonous gods and others about dodging, breaking through the heavens and the earth, and breaking through the immortal realm is what he is determined to obtain.

If you can't get it through a fair platform, and you want to trade in the future, then it will not be easy. Even if the poison **** prince and others are willing to trade, the price he needs to pay will certainly be far beyond the limit.

As for the way to go to the infinite void through the way when the poisonous gods and others came, Hong Jun didn't think about it.

Because not to mention the various dangers in the immense void, even if it is shocking, it is not easy to obtain the secret method of immortality. This kind of thing is basically looking at the whole world It is a top secret and must be indispensable to the great forces. I haven't seen Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat, but also connected some parts of the world, but even the practice method of the mixed realm is rarely obtained?

As for joining these great forces, not to mention how much time it takes to exchange for such a secret method, more importantly, Hong Jun is worried that once he is exposed to the strong, he will expose his own details. Trouble and danger.

Therefore, the most appropriate way is to trade from the poisonous gods and others, through fair trading.

Regarding all this, the entire famine was unknown, and Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei were no exception. Both of them are now preparing for the last thing.

In addition to Fang Qingshan preparing as much as possible for Xiuluo, the Blood Sea clan, to improve their strength, is to wait for the reincarnation of the Xuan turtle to testify to the Emperor.

And since Yang Mei got the eternal blessing origin that Fang Qingshan handed over to him, he did n’t know what he had learned, but he has n’t contacted for a long time. It is now, his condition is good, and obviously, he has benefited a lot.

As for the others, at this moment they are all focusing on the confrontation between Xuanyuan and Chiyou.

This time the game was not just Xuanyuan and Chiyou, the witches and hermeneutics, and even rose to the battle of Xuanmen, Tiandao and Blood Sea, raising eyebrows.

Today, the human race stands on three feet, two strong and one weak.

Xuanyuan and Chiyou are somewhat indifferent.

Chi You even has a slight advantage.

After all, the Jiuli tribe's personnel contained the blood of the Wu tribe, but were born fighters.

In addition to the ninety-nine Xuanyin simplification, which is simplified by the Duten Shensha formation.

Even though Xuanyuan used the Xuanmen Taobing refining method and Daobing formation, in contrast, it still seems to be slightly weak.

Faced with this situation, foreign aid is naturally needed.

At this time, it is not time for the decisive battle, and because of the human race, it is not a last resort, so don't ask other fairy families to shoot.

And if Xuanmen's masters can't be shot, but only secretly supported, Xuanyuan will definitely be slower and slower.

Fortunately, today ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xuanyuan is not fighting alone, besides him, there is also the son of Shennong.

Today the situation is somewhat similar to the Three Kingdoms, Cao Weiqiang and Sun Liuhe.

In order to win over Shennong's son, Xuanyuan went to the temple dedicated to the saints of the human race to pray for Shennong.

He talked about the current situation of the human race and asked Shennong to help him.

To put the facts, reason, and pull relationships, the most important thing is to stand on the human race.

Xuanyuan did everything possible.

In this regard, what else can Shennong do? Xuan Yuan has said this, and he has only one choice.

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