Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1188: joint

From the beginning, Shennong knew that his son did not have the conditions to compete for the Emperor. After he had preached to the Emperor, he was informed by the three ancestors of the tribe and Emperor Fuxi that he understood the relationship behind it.

Therefore, even for his own children, he can only help Xuanyuan.

After all, it is absolutely impossible to compete for the success of the Emperor Shennongzi, only the side of Xuanyuan or Chiyou.

If they don't stand in line, I'm afraid Xuanyuan and Chiyou will join forces to kill him before they confront each other. After all, they don't want to fight for the fisherman's profit.

In contrast, although Xuanyuan has a mysterious gate behind him, he is a human.

However, Chi You is not only impure, but also different from Fuxi. After Fuxi's testimony, there is no demon Fuxi, only human tribe Fuxi, but Chiyou is in Cao Yingxin and Han, and all his thoughts are on the Wu tribe. Want to borrow chicken to lay eggs.

At this time, whether for the sake of the human race or for their own children, Shennong has only one choice.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Shen Nong nodded, and then gave Xuanyuan a token to let him contact his son.

Others may not know about Xuanyuan and Shennong's small actions, but they can't hide Fuxi.

However, in this regard, he closed his eyes.

He was able to stand by Chi You's side to support him already because of his colleagues. After all, he and Chi You still had old hatred.

As long as Emperor Shura did not speak, or when it was decisive, Fu Xi would not take the initiative to help Chi You.

Moreover, if Chi You couldn't cope with Shennong's intervention, he wouldn't have to fight for the position of emperor.

Besides, as the son of Shennong, over time, watching Xuanyuan and Chiyou step by step away from themselves, and the gap is getting wider.

And Her Majesty Keqing, in addition to robbing resources as much as possible, fortunately, no one has the mentality of working hard to grow their power, all in the mentality of picking up and leaving.

He finally understood in his heart that he did not have the opportunity.

If there is a virtuous circle, there will naturally be a vicious circle.

The son of Shennong did not subdue the strength and name of all people. His Majesty's forces had their own thoughts. After the gap between Xuanyuan and Chiyou was getting wider, there was not much cohesion. Using the identity of Shennong's son to gain benefits, I am afraid the tree has fallen down.

In this case, Xuanyuan brought Shennong's tokens together, and it didn't take long before the sons of Shennong agreed.

Of course, although the son of Shennong knows that there is almost no possibility of competing for the emperor, in order to gain more benefits and for face, he cannot return to Xuanyuan at once.

Therefore, it is natural to form an alliance first.

The combination of the sons of Shennong and Xuanyuan instantly increased their power, and the momentum suddenly overwhelmed Chi You.

In this regard, Chi You adhering to the personality of the Wu tribe, without a word, went directly to the army.

Of course, it's not just about character. After all, if you let the two forces completely merge, the pressure on yourself will be even greater. It is better to take advantage of the fact that you have just merged now, and unexpectedly attack him.

The first step is to be strong, and the second step is to suffer.

When the son of Shennong and Xuanyuan bleed blood on Yangshan as an alliance, Chiyou took advantage of this opportunity to bravely send troops and swept the land of Shennong's son with a thunderbolt.

In order to prevent Xuanyuan from reacting, Wei Wei rescued Zhao. Therefore, Chi You did not rush to the nest, and did not need to go all out to deal with the scattered sand of the son of Shennong.

After all, compared with the mess of His Majesty's son, the Chi is managing the Jiuli tribe strictly according to the law of witch training.

Over the years, Chi You trained millions of soldiers in Jiuli with the support of the Malays.

The so-called raise soldiers for thousands of days.

In order to win the spirit of Shennong's son this time, Xuanyuan's arm was broken, and Chiyou sent a 300,000 army directly.

These 300,000 Jiuli soldiers not only have some people's a priori body and practice qi and Wu Tao, but also have the blood of the witch family. They have unparalleled refining system and are supported by abundant resources.

Under the training of Chi You, in just a few decades, the cultivation of these people has actually reached Tianxian, a little more powerful, has achieved the true immortal, and even more powerful, similar to the centurion, but also reached the Xuanxian, and Captain Wan is directly Xiuxiu.

Although it is not as good as the warriors of the ancient Lich tribe and the soldiers of the three ancient dragon and phoenix tribe, it is already commendable. It perfectly explains the sentence that Tianxian is not as good as a dog and Jinxian walks.

It is indeed the people of the fortune. In just a few decades, even with the support of the witch resources, reaching this level, it still shocked everyone.

Neither Xuanyuan nor the son of Shennong expected that Chi You would send troops at this time. The soldiers did not tire of cheating. What was even more unexpected was that the generals under Chi You were so powerful.

You know, this is no longer ancient, nor is it antiquity. Now when it comes to the era of human saints, people who walk the world are mostly disciples of saints. The most powerful disciples are only Da Luo Xiu. Jinxian can already be regarded as a master. Included in the ranks of disciples.

Compared with Xuanyuan, although he has the support of hermeneutics and even Xuanmen, he has no less than a million soldiers, but the overall strength level is lower than that of Chi.

There are two reasons for this.

One is the problem of the source of soldiers. The natural fighters of the Jiuli tribe combined the advantages of the people and witches. Then there is the blessing of clan luck and the supply of witch resources.

The so-called heaven and earth all work together, these Jiuli soldiers repaired quickly for natural ascension.

The second is the issue of resources.

Behind Chi You is the Wu tribe, Xuanyuan is behind the hereditary, Xuanmen.

Not to mention hermeneutics, the mystery of Xuanmen is not as good as that of the Wu tribe.

After all, the Witch tribe is not only taking over Pangu's relics, but more importantly, the former hegemon of the heavens and the earth, which swept through the entire Great Famine 6, the so-called demon palm and witch palm, can be seen from this.

Although Xuanmen was passed down from Hongjun, it really grew up in Sanqing, and Sanqing Xuanmen started after the Lich ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, which is only now beginning.

What's more important is that the Wu tribe can support Chi You with great effort, and it is obviously impossible for Xuanmen to support Xuanyuan without reservation.

In fact, this is the difference between a race and a sect.

Compared with the martial arts, because of their blood relationship, the centripetal force is much stronger, and centralization is more obvious.

Martial arts are not the same. Even with fellow teachers and brothers, the contention of interests is far more fierce than between races and races. Even a strong head can't control people's hearts, especially if this head is still a little eccentric. When a bowl of water is flat.

The most famous example is of course the Battle of the Gods, which was supposed to be the defeating Fang ’s interpretation, but it was lost together.

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