Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1190: Mysterious shot

Guang Chengzi taught Xuanyuan and Emperor Shura to teach Fuxi, and Master Xuandu taught Shennong differently.

Emperor Shura had Fang Qingshan's instructions behind him, and the most important thing for Fuxi was to understand the innate gossip through the Luoshu River map, which can be done easily by the sea of ​​blood.

As for Shennong, the most important thing is to taste herbs, and grass is the medicine, and the medicine becomes Dan, while people teach, Lao Tzu is just the best at practicing alchemy.

Xuanyuan was not the same. He severely felled, started fighting, and completely unified the people.

So, there is a lot to know.

Fortunately, there is the Master Xuandu, the help of Yuanshi Tianzun, and Xuanyuan's own talents, Guang Chengzi only stumbled without any problems.

If it is in the original trajectory, everything is naturally shocked and there will be no setbacks.

But today it is different.

In addition to training troops, marching and fighting, and governing the country, the more important thing is that the levels are different.

The confrontation between Xuanyuan and Chiyou has come out of their own control.

This battle, don't say that they have even gone beyond the boundaries of the human race, just like the battle of the gods, it is just a fairy war started under the name of the human race.

This battle was the confrontation between Xuanmen and the Witch tribe after the Lich War.

At that time, the slaughter of the demons was a test of the tribe. The tribe came through. After the Lich defeated, the luck of the demons was transferred to the tribe with Fuxi.

Now that humans and witches are fighting, only when the human race defeats Chi You can they enjoy the indiscriminate luck of the two Lich races and their lives, and they can become the protagonists of heaven and earth.

Outside of the first time, this is also Sanqing, Citing, Zhunti, the son-in-law and the clan of the Wu tribe and even the blood sea Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist.

Although Guang Chengzi had no confidence or grasp of himself, obviously he could not show it.

And I ca n’t do it. I do n’t have a teacher. The key is that he could n’t solve the problem, and Yuanshi Tianzun reminded him long ago that he could not solve the problem, or when it was critical, he went to Yuxu Palace. .

Therefore, Guang Chengzi behaved very calmly,

"The other person has a lot of people, and when you go to the Yuxu Palace to ask for advice from the teacher, you must find a safe way, and you must be foolproof when dealing with Chi."

Xuanyuan knows that Guang Chengzi alone ca n’t solve Chi You at all. He has always given her faith in hermeneutics, Xuanmen, sages, and so on. When she heard this, she was overjoyed and said, "Thank you for your help, disciples are grateful Endless. "

Although Guang Chengzi asked for foreign aid, Xuanyuan also knew that he couldn't put eggs in a basket, and couldn't pin his hopes on others.

And the iron needs to be hard.

Although he fell into a disadvantage in the face of Chi You, but the strength of the single fighting people themselves is not necessarily inferior, at least they can stand still.

Moreover, the power of the son of Shennong, the tribe, he must rescue.

Now, that is his power. After all, the son of Shennong has promised to transfer it to him. If he can fully integrate that power, his chance to deal with Chi You can increase by one point.

There is righteousness. Others don't say it. In name only, he and the son of Shennong are allies. Although the son of Shennong has given up on his own, he cannot fail to say nothing.

Therefore, Xuanyuan soldiers.

He did not encircle Wei to rescue Zhao. He knew Chi You would definitely take precautions.

Therefore, he directly sent troops to the site of the son of Shennong, and came out of the nest.

Chi You counted so many things that Xuanyuan hadn't counted him so much. The same was hit by a surprise.

In the end, the smashing offensive came to an abrupt halt, and in order to prevent Xuan Yuan from swallowing up this strength, the 300,000 army was immediately defended on the spot, and the 700,000 army in the rear was immediately launched.

For a time, Yan Yan was around, and a decisive battle was coming.

Besides, after Guang Chengzi left the Youxiong tribe, he drove directly to the Kunlun Mountains in the clouds, and within a short time, came to the Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace.

Yuan Shi Tianzun has the most face, even if Guang Chengzi is the most beloved disciple, he does not dare to lose his etiquette. Please ask Bai He boy to go in and report. After a while, Bai He boy will come out, saying that Yuan Shi Tian Zun let Guang Chengzi enter the hall, Guang Chengzi entered The main hall, after paying homage to Yuanshi Tianzun, he reported to Jiushi Lizun tribe and Chiyou.

Primarily, this matter was well prepared.

First, let Guang Chengzi ring the golden bell to convene the same door, and let them go to help Guang Chengzi.

But at the same time, he also knew that Chiyou could never be dealt with by himself.

After all, he is the witch family. Although the Lich War caused heavy losses to the witch family, the others are not the only big witches, and their strength is above quasi-sanctity.

Xuanmen now, in addition to the Master Xuandu broke through the quasi-sanity by virtue of the last master of the emperor, that is, the burning lamp with the investment cast is still spinning at the peak of Da Luo.

Moreover, Chi You is not only the Wu tribe, but also the Blood Sea Shura tribe.

Chi You's division, also Fuxi's division, is now a quasi-sanitary strength.

Fortunately, before the Yuan Dynasty, the strength of the fighting force did not only depend on the realm, but also on magic weapons, magical powers, formation methods, and elixir.

There is no way for magical powers, but magic weapon, formation method, and elixir are their special skills.

After all, Lao Tzu is good at practicing alchemy, primitive is good at refining, and Tian Tian is good at array.

So, in order to keep Guang Chengzi from facing the Witch tribe, Lao Tzu has given all kinds of panacea, those with increased combat power, those with healing powers, those with defense, and those with mana restoration, but the sky is a blessing. All kinds of exquisite formations were performed, what ten perfect formations, Jiuqu Huanghe formations, etc. At the same time, all kinds of treasures of the Three Religions, the exquisite pagodas of the heavens and the earth, the Taiji map, the Pangu 幡, the four swords of the fairy tale were all given by them. Down.

At the same time, in order to ensure foolproofness, Lao Tzu and others also personally invited some old friends in the Zixiao Palace, such as Kun Peng, such as the top ten demon saints of the demon clan, such as Zhenyuanzi, such as Hongyun.

For a while, the chase, which is where Xuanyuan and Chiyou confronted each other, saw the atmosphere more and more dignified as more and more masters were invited by the two parties.

After Chi You came out of Xuanyuan's nest, she knew that the decisive battle was imminent, and she even sent a signal for help to the Wugu Pangu Hall.

For a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The entire Wu tribe, even the Luzhou site in the North, did not care about consolidating, and dozens of big witches came together to help Chi You.

At first they didn't care about Xuanmen.

After all, Xuanmen has only a few peaks of Da Luo Jinxian except for a master of Xuandu, so the big witches naturally dismiss it.

But then, their faces began to change.

Because in addition to the three religious saints' disciples, there are actually their old counterparts, masters of demons, Kun Peng, Shang Yang, Bai Ze and others. In addition, Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun also came.

Seeing this, Xing Tian and others suddenly changed their looks.

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