Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1191: sky Road

The witches are fighting against each other, and they are not afraid of anything. At that time, before they saw the strength of the Sage of Yuanyuan, and after they got Du Tian Shen Sha, they all dared to challenge one or two.

Nonetheless, this does not mean that they have no self-knowledge.

In the Lich 1 war, the two Lich families suffered heavy losses, and their strengths remained the same.

But everyone who has survived the calamity has actually benefited a lot.

Kun Peng broke through from the late stage of Zhunsheng to the peak of Zhunsheng, and Shang Yang, Bai Ze, and others also cut off two corpses.

Xing Tian, ​​Xiangliu, Jiufeng, Yu Shi, Feng Bo, and others also broke through to the quasi-sheng Xiu, a life-long combat force, not weak to cut the two quasi-sheng.

To tell you the truth, few people can reach the world, but they are stronger, Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun, Kunpeng and others are stronger.

What's more, they are not only cultivated into realms, supernatural powers, exercises, and spiritual treasures are all at the top.

With the exception of Emperor Shura, almost no one can compete with them.

As for the punishment day, it may be possible to threaten the existence of Xun Peng and others under death.

After all, in the original trajectory, Xingtian rebelled against Haotian because the Wu clan fell against heaven. Although he was beheaded, he was blessed because of misfortune. He used milk as the goal and umbilical as his mouth.

As for Chi You, if he did not reincarnate, he might be better than Xing Tian.

After all, Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​and Hou Ji were also called Sanjie of the Wu tribe. Indifferent.

In particular, Chi You later purified Luzhou in the northern part of the island, and gained merits and luck. If it is not reincarnated, it is not difficult to break through the quasi-holy period.

For the time being, because of the arrival of Zhen Yuanzi and others, the Witch tribe has fallen into a disadvantage for a while.

Seeing this scene, Chi You and others naturally looked extremely ugly.

They did not expect that Lao Tzu and others were so fierce that they invited Hongyun and West Queen Mother and others to come over.

In fact, in addition to wanting to be done once and for all, a lot of effort is also needed to prevent Chi You from having a god.

After all, it can arrange all the heavenly gods and call out the peerless battle of Pan Guzhen.

Even if the people in the battle array are not the Twelve Patriarchs, there are Chi You and the Twelve Veins. Even if it is not as good as the genuine one, I am afraid it is invincible under the saint.

"Xun Peng, Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun, do you want to be my enemy against the Witch?"

Chi You shouted loudly.

"I am a son-in-law and have to come."

Kun Peng said very lightly.

Of course, in addition to this reason, there was another year when Emperor Shura snatched the Luoshu River map from him. Although he gave a nine-day wind whip that was more suitable for him, it was unhappy in the end, if there was no opportunity Nowadays, there is a great opportunity. How can Peng Peng, who will report you, let it go?

"The saint invited him personally, and it was difficult for my brother to refuse."

Zhenyuan Zi and Hongyun smiled bitterly for a while.

In the end, they are also the source of Xuanmen. Sanqing asked each other in person. Can they not give face?


When you heard this, Chi You could only snor.

No matter what they are for, but since they are here, they are hostile to the witches. After today, let them know what a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse.

At the time when the Lich was at its peak, even the saints had to retreat from their homes. Now it is better. Even the town's Yuanzi and others dare to blame the saints for their saints. Sure enough, they are not as good as chickens.

He secretly wrote a note to Xun Peng and others. On the surface, Chi You was not alarmed except for his ugly face.

Although it now seems like they are falling into the wind.

However, they still have a killer, that is, the deity of the gods who purified and repaired the Luzhou Island of Beiju. With this treasure, they can join the other eleven-lined witches who are present today to arrange a township of the Wu tribe. All the gods are in a great array, summoning Pangu true body, and the sages will not be able to break the array in front of them, even if they have the sword fairy array.

After all, although the formation method is sharp and not weak, the gods are in a great array, but we must also see who is playing in the hands of the bottom.

Duobao, but a big Luo Jinxian, can help each other in the dark.

If he dares to be brazen, the ancestral witch will teach him how to be a man.

Just at the touch of a sudden, there was a sudden change between heaven and earth.


In the emptiness of the wilderness, a thunder exploded, as if panic-stricken, causing a roar in everyone's ears, and a little light bloomed in the ears, and then, like a volcanic blast, immeasurable light shot out, diffused in all directions.

Such a light, like a big sunburst, the dazzling light instantly made the saints subconsciously close their eyes. Others only felt that a bright light in front of them could not see the scene clearly, and temporarily lost their vision!

All at once, nine days and ten places, the Three Realms and Six Roads shook.

Not long, but one party is seen as supreme and noble.

A mysterious light is intertwined, and an indescribable Tao rhyme is performed. At a glance, people can't help but want to immerse themselves.

The ancient atmosphere is permeated, and the surrounding atmosphere is surrounded by a trace of repression of heaven and earth, as if three thousand avenues are towering.

Longfeifengwu, Huxiaolongyin.

There are countless living beings, heaven and earth, gods and ghosts, winning Lin Mao Yukun, Shura, Witch, and so on, hundreds of millions of races, all manifesting their true identities, showing all kinds of struggles, thousands of sails, and all kinds of frost.

There is only one dark golden gate in the entire palace, which is closed. On the plaque above the gate, three silver-hook iron paintings are vigorous and magnificent: Zixiao Palace!

"This is the Zixiao Palace?"

"Well a Zixiao Palace, just by looking at the momentum, you have the ability to suppress the world, I am afraid that the opening of the three treasures is slightly inferior to it."

"Why was Zixiao Palace suddenly born?"

"Why is Zixiao Palace popping up at this time?"

"Are Tiandao and Daozu finally going to fight against the Blood Sea and the East Sea?"


Everyone is no stranger to the Zixiao Palace. After all, after the ancient times, except for the Blood Sea Fangqingshan, Mosquito Taoist and the East China Sea, almost everyone was shrouded by Hongjun's light and majesty.

Even the juniors who have not seen Zixiao Palace have heard of his legend.

At that time, the three lectures of Zixiao Palace were divided into treasures, and Hong Jun fit together, and it was impossible to rob him. In addition to the last Lich War, Hongjun convened six saints to discuss the heavenly emperor. www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But this time I don't know why it suddenly appeared, and the movement is still so big.

Just when everyone was thinking about what was going on.

There was change in the sky.


With or without aura, the Three Thousand Avenues are combined with each other.

Yes, this is a thoroughfare, a ladder, and a pillar, just like Jianmu, it doesn't exist like a mountain, connecting the sky and the earth.

One end is connected to the Zixiao Palace, and the other is hanging in the floodland.

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