Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1192: Seem to know

sky Road!

Just like the bad Zhoushan of that year, not only together with the heavens and the earth, there is also a kind of coercion that bears the sky.

This avenue is somewhat similar to a pyramid, and the narrower the aisle, the more you go up.

Starting from the top of the top of the Zixiao Palace, the avenue is divided into nine levels.

The one closest to the top, which is in front of the Zixiao Palace, is the first floor, where ten people can stand. There are ten futons with a little golden glow.

Further down, there are twenty futons in twenty positions, this is the second floor.

There are more positions on the third floor, with forty full, so as to advance, the position on the fourth floor becomes eighty, the position on the fifth floor is 160, and the sixth floor There are 320 positions on the seventh floor, 640 positions on the seventh floor, and 1,080 positions on the eighth floor. As for the ninth floor, there are a maximum of 2,160. Each.

Watching this dazzling light drop down, revealing the shocking Tianwei, the heavy pressure, everyone felt like being suppressed by Wuyue for a while, and some breathless.

"this is?"

The light dissipated, and I really watched the whole day, and the senses of everyone immediately turned upside down.

Compared to the palpitations, looking at the nine different steps, the most important thing is the futon on the steps. Everyone's heart trembled.

Because this scene is somewhat familiar, especially for those who have entered the Zixiao Palace, the first time, they thought of the futon representing the Holy Place.

For a while, everyone was agitated, some were unbelievable, some were agitated, and some were confused.

Naturally, I was thinking of the futon representing the holy place, representing the purple qi of Hongmeng. These futons, with so many positions, obviously cannot be all such opportunities. Below, all are ants, who can have the opportunity to become saints.

Don't say that those who have n’t sanctified the Taoist Yuanyuan, even Sanqing and others who have broken through may not be unmotivated.

It is unbelievable that Daozu Hongjun said that he only wanted to be sanctified by the foundation of the road, Hongmeng Ziqi, and he only had seven Hongmeng Ziqi in his hands. Six were given to his disciples. St.

The remaining one was originally used to calculate Fang Qingshan, but he did not want to be counted by him, but also broke through the mixed yuan.

What they couldn't believe was whether the top ten positions represented holy places.

If yes, then where did Hongmeng Ziqi come from, then Hongjun lied? Still new? if not? This thought turned around in everyone's mind, and was left behind.

I am naturally hopeful that is, but I am afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

What is doubtful, however, is that I do not know why Hong Junzhen came out this way?

Is it possible that the robbery is about to start, and it is more serious than the dragon and phoenix and the Lich?

Thinking of this, people who are still sober are suddenly hesitant.

Don't say anyone else. At this moment, Fang Qingshan and Raising Eyebrow, who were blind to the events outside the window, were confused by Hongjun's sudden surprise.

"What the **** is he doing?"

Fang Qingshan frowned.

Are you going to shoot yourself? It looks different, after all, the person who knows you best is your enemy. If Hong Jun is going to hit him, he must be unexpected. The thunder strike will never be like this.

But if you do n’t take action on yourself and your brows, what else can Hongjun have to do now?

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was puzzled and had to wait and see what happened.


Did not let everyone wait long, a bell rang out, and suddenly, everyone seemed to return to the original time when Zixiao Palace began to lecture. For a time, those old Zixiao Palace could not help feeling a lot.

The bells like ancient skybursts instantly broke the chaos and chaos of the void, attracting everyone's attention.

The closed gate of the Zixiao Palace seemed to be pushed open by the invisible big hand, and a gap appeared, and the door crack radiated extremely dazzling light.

Bright but not dazzling, gentle as a gentleman like jade, giving people a baby-like comfort, immeasurable charm, filling everyone's eyes and touching everyone's mind.


Seeing the door of the Zixiao Palace open, everyone was moved, even a little faintly excited, because they knew that they would immediately know what was going on.

One is not tall, but the figure full of breath condensed slowly walked out from the gate, but it was a surprise to everyone's eyes, but they took it for granted.

This person is not Hong Jun, but a boy, but this boy is obviously not Haotian and Yaochi.

This is a boy who Hong Jun re-pointed after Haotian Yaochi left.

Even so, this person is so advanced, but still above Haotian.

Because he was a chaotic beast, he entered the chaos in the floodlands only by accident and was conquered by Hong Jun.

Not to mention these, but said that after the boy came out, there was no nonsense, looking around for a week, loudly,

"There are nine steps on Dengtian Road. When you climb up Dengtian Road, you can get the corresponding benefits, or exercises, magical powers, spiritual treasures, luck, and merits. There is nothing that is not available. Even if someone can reach the top and come to the gate of the Zixiao Palace, the ancestors will have a reward. If they can complete the task, they may not have a chance to break through the mixed Yuan. "

"And if you want to ascend to the sky, or even climb to the top, you need to reach the top of the world. Jingqishen, magical powers, spiritual treasures, and exercises are all indispensable. Only in this way can you stand out."

Over the past nine days, the boy was slightly dull, but the meaningful voice dropped slowly, but it made the presence, even as long as everyone who cares about here is a pupil tightening!

In this moment of famine, everyone understands the role of this road!

Knowing that this will be an opening speech comparable to that of the former Xiaoxiao Palace, and there is even more chance than that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, the Xiaoxiao Palace was only six sages, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito. Taoists are no exception, and now there are ten positions at the top. They just ignored two points.

First, the boy said that in order to get the chance to break through the mixed element, it is only possible after completing the task, yes, not necessarily, it is possible.

Secondly, the boy said that in order to reach the top, he must be top-notch in all aspects, without shortcomings.

In fact, it wasn't that they didn't hear it, but the joy in their hearts prevailed.

The first point is just fine. In the latter point, many people are conceited that they are definitely a leader, supernatural powers, exercises, backgrounds, cultivation, etc. are all first-class existence under the saints.

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