Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1193: Endlessly

In the late period of quasi-holy, the pinnacle of quasi-holy, even the most futuristic people like Fuxi, Yasheng, they all set their goals on the top ten positions.

However, in addition to the top ten positions, there are also eight floors, with a minimum of twenty positions and a maximum of more than a thousand positions.

Although these opportunities are not as good as the top ones, they are also very good. They are also a rare opportunity for others, especially those who are not under the door of saints.

Because today's world is the world of saints, without the opening of the Zixiao Palace, dragons and phoenixes and sacred beasts such as the Qinglong Suzaku, and the Lich have the son-in-law Houtu.

And other races, other people? Even the people who will soon become the protagonists of heaven and earth do not have a strong man of mixed sages. They don't say that it is difficult to break through the quasi-sanity.

After all, today ’s heaven and earth is not just the transformation of the congenital aura, the aura of the heavens and earth, the variety of natural treasures is decreasing, and even the effect of ginseng fruit is not as good as the beginning of the sky. To be a giant, the possibilities are almost zero.

Unless you have the luck and merit of the Journey to the West.

However, even so, the Journey to the West has its own heritage.

The monk of Tang Dynasty is a Buddhist monk, the monkey monkey is a disciple of the saint, the pig Bajie is also a saint's biography, the monk of sand leans on the back of heaven, and the little white dragon belongs to the dragon family.

Therefore, chance is especially important, not only for Sanshou, but also for the saints.

Did n’t see Xuanmen, except Xuandu Master, not even a quasi-sacred peak?

The reason why Xuandu Master was able to make a breakthrough was also because Lao Tzu had planned for him the opportunity of emperor merit.

Nowadays, the opportunity of the sky, but given by Daozu, as long as it can reach the top, even the first floor, it can definitely benefit a lot.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes began to collide, sparking a brilliant spark, fighting with war, and sweeping through hundreds of thousands of miles!

The goal of the quasi-sacred peak is to point to the ten positions of the peak, while the remaining people have set their sights on other positions, and of course, they want to climb to a higher level as much as possible.

Not only the people under the Yuan Dynasty, but also the saints, or Fang Qingshan, and even raised his eyebrows at this moment could not keep calm.

It's just that, unlike other people's focus on being able to break through the mixed Yuan, the people who became the sage mixed Yuan fell on that task.

What task was actually awarded by Hong Jun himself, and given such a big reward, what can break through the mixed yuan.

Everything is too sudden and unexpected, so that everyone's heart cannot be calm.

Regarding what the saints were thinking about Yuan, other people didn't even think about it. At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi and others were panting aloud.

Hey yuan!

I thought that I might not have a chance to break through in this life. After all, they have been breaking through the quasi-sacred peak for a long time, but do n’t say to break through the mixed Yuan, even the door of the mixed Yuan has not been touched, or even the door of the mixed Yuan Asyam ’s cultivation did not break through for them.

But don't want the mountains and rivers to be reconsidered, Liu An Hua Ming Yet another village.

Actually heard the news and opportunity of breakthrough again.

The last time the Zixiao Palace missed the holy place, missed Hongmeng Ziqi.

This time, although everyone regretted it, they did not regret it. After all, they all knew that the Holy Throne was Tianding. I didn't see Fang Qingshan and the Mosquito Taoist sitting on it. In the end, they were not recognized. Calculate it?

But this time, it seems a bit different, and even if Hong Jun had other plans, Zhen Yuanzi and others were determined not to miss it anyway, at least try it.

After all, looking at people who were once the same generation, they will change their minds, no matter if it is for the sake of face, strength, or others, the opportunity of the mixed Yuan must not be missed.

Certainly in my heart, Xun Peng, Hong Yun, and Zhen Yuanzi, the old quasi-holy peak strongmen, have already made up their minds and become successful if they fail.

Today was the decisive battle between Xuanyuan and Chiyou for the title of Emperor.

But now, with the exception of Xuanyuan and Chiyou, no one is paying attention to their movements.

This is true for both the Witch and Terrans.

Opportunity, Tianda opportunity, this is the opportunity that can achieve mixed Yuan, but no one who wants to practice is willing to give up.

I think Fuxi is the brother-in-law of the son-in-law, the emperor's emperor, a high weight, in order to restore cultivation, to go one step further, but gave up everything, reincarnation, and even give up the demon Fuxi, only Furen.

The three ancient dragons and phoenixes of Taikoo, Luo Honghong, the five elements of yin and yang, and Qiankun turned upside down, are the ancient Lich, Taijun Taiyi, and the twelve ancestors. Why do they fight for you? In fact, it is for the avenue.

Chao Wen said, Xi could die.

Now there are opportunities to achieve mixed yuan, who can take care of them.

It is Xuanyuan and Chiyou, especially Chiyou may not be uneasy about this opportunity.

It's just that he still has a self-knowledge, and he is more suitable for himself than the chance of heaven.

And as long as he wins the position of emperor, he is willing to work hard to break through the pinnacle of quasi-sanity, and then compete for the opportunity of the sky.

Not to mention Chi You and Xuan Yuan, it is said that although there are many masters in the floods because of the Wu tribe and Xuan Men, I am afraid that it is the most and most complete one since the Lich War. But still many people didn't show up.

However, with the emergence of the Zixiao Palace, the opportunity for heaven appeared, and everyone who had a little confidence in their strength came, some of them were masters of the floods, some were the dragons and phoenixes, and the queens of the two The hand, even the masters of the fierce beast family, even the existence like the ancestors of the yin and yang five elements came.

For a while, it was better than the three lectures of the Zixiao Palace that year, even better.

With more and more people coming, more and more masters, the atmosphere is getting colder and colder, except for people like Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun, Haotian and Queen Mother who are related to each other. Eyes are like swords ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Intersect in the void, as if they collided again and again, the invisible sword atmosphere was stirred up in all directions.

After all, there are so many opportunities, and if you have one more person, you have less chance to seize them.

If it is not sure, the odds are good, if it is not possible to get angry with Hongjun by doing this, or if it is not afraid of injury and affect climbing, these people may have begun to fight.

After all, there are only ten opportunities related to the mixed yuan, but the masters above the quasi-sheng peak are far more than two slaps.

At this moment, it was Zhenyuan Zi, and Xun Peng did not dare to guarantee that he would surely win the last ten positions.

San Qing, followed by Zhun Ti, even Fang Qingshan was a bit eye-opener.

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