Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1194: White tiger exploring the road

The flood waters are deep, and everyone knows this.

I did not see that Hongjun, as a Taoist, could not completely control the famine.

In order to weaken the influence of Pangu, conspiracy and tricks have to be performed.

In the end, the flood and wasteland opened up by Pangu.

Pangu is different from ordinary sermons who are immortal.

Although he did not break through the immortality, his combat power was definitely not lower than the ordinary immortal strongman, or even stronger, so that even the main road had some scruples against Pangu.

In his hand, he holds three pieces of Chaos Treasure, Jing Qi Shen, San Xiu, the physical body is not weak, and practicing Qi and God is not weak.

It is naturally no small matter that such a powerful man has opened up the world.

In addition to Pangu, there are three thousand demon gods, and most of the chaos heaven and earth treasures merge into the flood.

However, even if I had prepared in my heart, I still didn't expect it to be so deep.

I used to think that under the sage mixed Yuan, the master giant is Yuanzi and other people in Zixiao Palace.

After all, after the robbery of fierce beasts, the robbery of dragons and phoenixes, the struggle between demons and demons, and the robbery of witches, every time they swept the whole world, many arrogances and giant beasts fell into it.

However, I did not expect that there are still so many strong men who are quasi-holy peaks, especially many of them are better than those of Zhen Yuanzi and others, and they have never been seen before. Amazing.

There are more and more people, and the atmosphere is more and more dignified. The opportunity is in sight, but everyone is watching, but no one is acting.

The older the rivers and lakes, the less courageous.

Everyone wants to let others try the water first, and then observe one or two first, so as to find out some flaws, so that they can climb more easily, climb higher, get opportunities, get more opportunities.

However, no one is a fool. There are too many people holding such an idea. It is not necessary to do such a thing as a pioneer for the king. No one will do it.

A moment, an hour, half a day ...

In the end, some people were still impatient. It wasn't that they didn't have enough mentality, but you also waited, and I also waited. Then we had to wait until the year of the monkey. One day later, someone finally stood up.

"Since you are not going and are willing to wait, let a certain family try it first."

A burly man with a tiger's back snorted and turned away from the crowd, and suddenly jumped, and suddenly heard a tiger howling, a black wind flashed, the wind was blowing, and there seemed to be a bright white light, like sword air, It was as if the man was on his back, and immediately fell in front of Tianlu, and he stepped up.

Cloud from dragon, wind from tiger!

This big man is exactly a tiger, and it is not an ordinary tiger, but a white tiger among the four elephants and the four spirits.

The white tiger is gold, born swordsman.

This person is the hidden master of the Baihu tribe. Even if he is not as good as the dragon mother of the dragon tribe, it is not much worse. He is a strong man who has experienced the beast of fierce beasts, the battle of dragons and phoenixes, and opposed the magic gate and the Buddhist gate.

There are five sacred beasts in the world, blue dragon, white tiger, Suzaku, basalt, and unicorn.

Among them, Qinglong, Suzaku, and Kirin respectively represent the Taiko Dragon and Phoenix tribe, which are the heads of scale armor, birds, and beasts.

White Tiger is logically a vein of beasts, and basalt is a vein of scaled armor.

However, although their reputation is not comparable to that of the Dragon and Phoenix Tribes, and even when the Lich Warrior is in the world, they have no trace of them at all, but they can get rid of the scales and beasts of the beasts and stand side by side with the Dragon and Phoenix Tribes. .

In particular, the White Tiger family, which belongs to the gold family, is born to kill and is located in the West. It has experienced the Kirin family's attack, the repression of Luo Yan, and the standardization of citations.

Everyone who comes out casually now has the strength of the quasi-san period, and those who know the inside story are full of emotions.

Although everyone has feelings about the powerful background of the White Tigers, they are just a little bit emotional, and they are left behind. After all, now is not the time to think about these, the most important thing is to look at the experts of the White Tigers. Hope that some clues can be seen from his actions.

Everyone was gazing. Although the big han of the white tigers came out first, it seemed reckless and rough, but they could cultivate to this realm, and they could still be suppressed by the unicorns, Luo Yan, Zhun Ti, and others. Is it silly to live well?

At this moment, his face was tight and extremely serious and vigilant.

On the surface, he is unruly and rough, but he has the heart of walking on the ice, but at the same time he maintains his bravery and progress.

Bai Hu was vigilant, but without hesitation, he stepped on the road.


Bai Hu did not encounter any attacks, but felt that the pressure on his body soared a hundredfold in an instant, as if a big mountain was on his shoulders.

What is more important is that at this moment, what made Bai Hu's heart tremble was that his mana, magical power, and spiritual treasure could not be all mobilized. The only way to deal with it was only physical power.

If it is an ordinary person, or a person who is lower in cultivation, in this situation, I am afraid that the face will suddenly change, not to mention the other, just the Mount Tai is not so easy to deal with, even if it can be maintained, but It won't be easy.

But Bai Hu just trembled in his heart, his face remained unchanged, which shows that he didn't just cultivate for the sake, even his heart was beyond ordinary people.

He remembered the words of the boy Hongjun said that in order to reach the top of the sky, he must be top-notch in all aspects, including Qi, Shentong, Gongfa, Lingbao and so on.

"It's Yuan Jing's physical body that wants to come to the first test!"

Bai Hu said secretly in his heart.

Although it was only speculation, Bai Hu was very determined.

The unknown is the most terrible. When he wanted to understand what he was going to face, Bai Hu breathed a sigh of relief, took a little rest, took a deep breath, and then continued to move forward, stepping his two feet into the sky at the same time.

Suddenly, a greater pressure fell head-on.

However, this pressure is nothing but a breeze for White Tiger.

The reason why it's so easy, except that this is just the beginning, is the appetizer, the more important reason is the white tiger's body.

In the flood ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Since the opening of the Zixiao Palace, the practice of Qi has become popular. Hongjun is also known as the Taoist ancestor, but this Taoist ancestor is more of the Tao of Qi training. The way of refining is simply to hear from the Witch tribe and gain a small amount, you can know one or two.

Although the practice of qi is prevailing in the floods nowadays, except that the Wu people insist on the practice of refining the body, but this does not mean that everyone does not know the benefits of refining the body.

Therefore, the demon tribe has the real demon body, the mysterious gate has nine Zhuanyuan merit, the Buddhist gate has eight or nine mysterious merit, the demon vein has him to relax the devil body, the sea of ​​blood has the sea of ​​blood, and so on.

As the oldest and most powerful race, how can the White Tigers have no method of refining?

More importantly, as one of the sacred beasts, the white tigers are physically powerful because of their natural powers, just like the natural power of ordinary people.

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