Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1197: Thousands of golden lights

Eggs cannot be placed in the same basket, nor can hopes be pinned on the same person.

Otherwise, they will fall by the mountains, by the water, and by everyone.

Although Xuanyuan leaned on Xuanmen, enlightened religion, and Yuanshi Tianzun, relying on them, but this does not mean that he was completely affiliated with elucidation, relying on them like a vine. In the end, he was the emperor of choice. They are the best choices, as an independent individual.

Just because it is still very small, it is sheltered under the big tree of hermeneutics, Yuanshi Tianzun.

And as an emperor, you can't have only one hole card.

Therefore, for this day, Xuanyuan first told Shennong a terrible person and asked him to persuade the son of Shennong himself to want to join Liu Kangcao.

Later, he sought the three ancestors of the human race and declared that they had obtained the guardian formation of the human race from the three ancestors of the human race.

This array evolved from the guardian totems of the twelve human races, including the rat, the ugly cow, the yin tiger, the hare rabbit, the Chen long, the viper, the noon horse, the sheep, the Shen monkey, the pheasant, the dog, and the pig.

This is a large array of heaven-given human races. Although it is not comparable to the three great battlefields of Honghuang, it is definitely not in the Liangyi Wuchen Sword Array taught by the people, the East Fairy's Wanxian Formation, the Dragon's Wanlong Dynasty, and the Phoenix. Under the clan of hundreds of birds and phoenixes of the clan, more importantly, in this crisis, they can also borrow the power of humanity, just as the saints borrow the power of heaven.

It is because of this array that Xuanyuan is full of confidence, even if he does not have the Xianxian Sword Formation, he dares to compete with Chiyou.



In order to save time, and because they know each other well, there is no such thing as a temptation, and the two sides entered the decisive battle directly from the beginning.

Under the leadership of the Jiulian Tribe's one million troops, under the leadership of 81 tribal chiefs in Jiulina, that is, 81 Taiyi Jinxian, a ninety-nine Xuanyin formation was directly arranged.


In a short time, the cloud rises from the southeast, the fog runs through the northwest, and there is a wind and rain, the wind and rain are so strong that you can't see your five fingers, even the consciousness is compressed within three times of the whole body. The boundless evil spirits rolled in, and in a short while, another day changed the earth. I didn't know that I had arrived at Beifu, the earth's mansion, and the immense amount of Xuanyin Qi had condensed 81 and a half-step masters.

Seeing this scene, Guang Chengzi and others couldn't help looking at it.

Of course, they are not dignified because the Jiuyin Xuanyin array made them force majeure.

It's because the simplified version of Duten Shensha Formation is so powerful. What kind of power should Duten Shensha Formation be?

"Ninety-nine Xuanyin formations are great, but can I have a bear tribe?"

But now, this is not the time to think about it, but I saw Xuanyuan waving a flag in his hand and a million sergeants moving.

In a short time, there were bear tribe soldiers wrapped in the ninety-nine Xuanyin array, as if they were thawed. Everyone's head was lit with an immortal flame. The igniting seedling was the most holy, and Xuanyin Qi met both death and darkness.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

One, two, three ...

More and more Mars is popping up like bamboo shoots. Not only is Mars more and more, but Mars is getting brighter and brighter. The stars are lit, and the mottled Mars will turn into thousands of golden lights. Light and heat bloom from golden lights, with the power to destroy everything.

Thousands of golden lights!

The Xuanmen Three Religions not only gave birth to three saints, but the three saints' combat effectiveness broke out. They also have their own strengths. Among them, Lao Tzu is good at mastering the sage, the original is good at fighting, and the sky is good at fighting.

However, this does not mean that Lao Tzu does not refine the alchemy and the formation method, the primitive does not refine the alchemy and the formation method, and Tongtian does not refine the alchemy and the alchemy.

However, in contrast, Lao Tzu's refining device is inferior to the original, Tongtian, the original alchemy, Falcon Xun's being to the sky, Tongtian refining device, the alchemist is the original.

However, at the same time, it does not mean that in addition to this skill, other skills are weak.

For example, Laozi's refining tools are also well-known in the world. He acquired the merit to the treasure diamond bracelet, the emperor to the treasure dragon whip, the Xuanyuan sword, the Dinghai **** needle of Dayu to control water, and the mountain axe.

As for the formation method, Emei Shushan, a future branch of Renjiao, relies on the Liangyi Dust Sword Formation, but it runs across the world, like a sharp blade hanging above the head of the world's demons.

This is how people teach, and naturally, teaching does not lag behind people.

Although he has not heard of Yuan Shi Tianzun's reputation among the elixir, and what famous elixir has been refined from the world, he really has a method of formation.

This array is the array of thousands of golden lanterns cast by Xuanyuan's soldiers.

This large array is a transformation of the original Tianzun based on his peerless magical power and Qingyun golden lanterns.

Qingyun Golden Lantern itself is a defensive magical power. The defensive power of that year was not under the congenital Wufang Banner, the Three Books of Heaven and Earth, and the Five Lotus Terraces.

Once sacrifice: the evils clear the way, all the ways do not touch. Ignores the attacks of any Treasures, and is immune to all magic spell damage.

Within Qingyun, the world of Hongmeng appeared, and the sun, moon and stars shone in the meantime. In Qingyun, the five colors of light render the heavens, and the eight-tone fairy music resounds throughout the world.

Outside Qingyun, countless golden lanterns, golden lotuses, lotus roots, and weeping pearls fall from the sky, like a continuous stream of water dripping from the eaves.

And this supernatural power is equivalent to Yuanshi Tianzun's destiny supernatural power, just like Lao Tzu's one gasification Sanqing. With the improvement of Yuanshi Tianzun's cultivation and breaking through the mixed Yuan, the power of Qingyun Golden Lantern is naturally rising.

This supernatural power, today I dare not say that it has reached the level of innate defense, but compared to the congenital Wufang Banner, the three books of heaven and earth, the five lotus terraces have been better, just like the sacred magic gun of the year, although it is still the top congenital Lingbao, but the attack power is not weak.

This point can be seen from the time of the Battle of the Gods, when Yuanshi Tianzun broke into the Xianxian Sword Formation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How powerful is the Xianxian Sword Formation, that is completely unnecessary to say, and Yuanshi from the earthquake side, sitting four Go straight into the Puxianmen.

The Master of Heaven clenched a thunder on the gossip platform, shaking the Xianxian Sword. The sword was shaking. The sword qi rushes to the sky, and the light is cold and cold, but Yuanshi only showed Qingyun on the top, there are thousands of golden flowers, dangling beads, and a continuous stream, so that Qi Xian Jianqi could not help him at all.

Not to mention how the Qingyun Golden Lanterns are, but this large array of 10,000 golden lanterns, although it was evolved from the Yuanshi Tianzun according to Qingyun Golden Lanterns, but it is not simply a defensive formation, and its attack power is quite extraordinary. I am afraid that it was not under the ten-day refining heaven array that was given to Shijinwu by Tiandao that year.

With the power of blood and blood to light 10,000 golden lamps, one golden lamp is like a big round of sun. Light and heat spread apart, which can be described as evil and avoiding evil. Especially when dealing with the Jiu Jiu Xuan Yin array, such as the magic path, or the Yin attribute formation method, it still has wonderful effects.

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