Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1198: Chi You shot

Offense and defense!

These 10,000 golden lanterns have evolved from Qingyun golden lanterns in the end, and naturally they have retained some of the power of this supernatural defense.

It is precisely because the attack is comparable to the ten-day refining array, and the defense is not under the congenital five parties.

Even though the strength of the Taoist soldiers under Xuanyuan was a little weaker than Chiyou's Jiuli tribe, they remained deadlocked for a while.

Seeing this scene, both Xuanyuan and Guang Chengzi were relieved.

If even these nine Xuanyin formations can't resist, let alone the more powerful Tianshen formation.

Although the war between the emperors has already passed the ordinary war, if the generals are killed and wounded, even if they finally win the victory, I am afraid that his position as emperor will not be stable. The merit obtained in the end will definitely be luck. Great discount. This is not acceptable to Xuanyuan and Guangchengzi.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that even in the original trajectory, they won the final victory, but they also killed one thousand and damaged 800.

Although Guang Chengzi obtained the emperor's merit, he did not fly into the sky like the Master Xuandu. Instead, because of karma, he was robbed in the battle of the Yellow River in Jiuqu.

And Xuanyuan? In the end, the ascendant was a queen of three thousand women.

Not to mention these, knowing yourself and knowing one another is not a battle.

Fighting is definitely more than simple killings. Logistics and intelligence are very important.

It was because of knowing that Jiu Li's soldiers under Chi You exercised the Jiu Jiu Xuanyin formation, which was simplified from the Tianshen Sha array of Wuzhen town clan. Guang Chengzi deliberately went to Kunlun Mountain, and the Yuanshi Tianzun gave A large array of thousands of golden lights.

Because of this, otherwise, if the ordinary Dao Ping array is the opponent of the Jiu Jiu Xuan Yin array.

You know, what he gathered was a half-step big Luo of 1981. Even if this strength was put in the dragon and phoenix of that year, the Lich battlefield was also considerable.

While teaching the Twelve Golden Immortals, many people still do not have this ability.

What a Xuanyuan, what a clarification, sure enough.

Seeing his ninety-nine Xuanyin formation was actually blocked by the soldiers under Xuanyuan.

Chi You couldn't help feeling that it was the influence of saints that really couldn't be underestimated.

Although the Nine Nine Xuanyin Array is only a simplified version of the Ten Shensha Array, it is definitely not weaker than some large tribes.

Now it is easily resisted by Xuanyuan. Although eighty-one Daluo, a half-step condensed by Xuanyin evil spirit, rushed to the right, but obviously he could not break through the other party ’s barriers in a short time.

It seems that I still want to take the shot myself or use the hole cards.

Chi You murmured to herself.


However, he did not hesitate, and not to mention the opportunity of the road ahead, he did not want to delay and miss, so-called while he was ill, to kill his life, Chi You naturally needed to chase the remaining courage, and win Xuanyuan. .

Although the Jiu Jiu Xuan Yin Array was resisted by the other party, Zhen Yuanzi and others left, and now what is left is Guang Chengzi and others. You especially ca n’t believe that they can resist the Tenjinsha array because of their waste. .

Xuanyuan, surrender, you know, I still have a great array of gods in your hands, you are definitely not an opponent, don't do unnecessary struggles.

Chi You took out his backhand and looked at the gods, loudly.

Looking at the time when it was just taken out, there was no time to sacrifice it, or even arranged into a formation, it was already so outrageous that it made people stunned for a while, and the whole battlefield was quiet for a while.

Then, the Jiuli tribe seemed to have beaten chicken blood. The ninety-nine Xuanyin burst suddenly, and the strength of the eighty-one people condensed by Xuanyin faintly showed signs of breaking Daluo from half a step. Once successful, thousands of gold The lights don't break.

And look at Xuanyuan? Morale fell to the bottom.

If it weren't for the 10,000 golden lanterns, the defense was pretty good and tough, and they were very convinced of Xuanyuan. If they had changed the power of the son of Shennong, they would have become like birds and beasts at once, and they would fall apart.

The prestige of Du Tianshen's great formation is really thunderous and terrifying, but anyone who has insights knows it.

It is because of knowing that it is even more fearful.

After all, the people of the Lich War were still fresh in their memory.

In particular, when the monsters slaughtered people, they performed the Zhou Tianxing burst to suppress the human race, making people almost extinct.

That weakness is still chilling to this day.

The Du Tian Shen Sha array is exactly the same as the Zhou Tian Xing Chen array.

How can this not make Xuanyuan's liver and gallbladder split?

Don't say ordinary people, it is Guang Chengzi and others who have been psychologically prepared. Seeing this scene, why not be frightened.

Fortunately, they didn't know that their backer Yuan Shitian Zun was no longer at Kunlun Mountain at this moment. The Yuxu Palace was always watching them, and they could help each other when they were in danger, but they were summoned to the Zixiao Palace by Taoism.

If they knew, I'm afraid they are not better than the ordinary soldiers, or even said that Ci Hang and others would turn around and leave.

After all, gentlemen do not stand under the wall.

Damn Doble!

Sure enough, it wasn't his own, or he couldn't trust it.

Looking back, I must sue him in front of the teacher.

Huh, although Xuanyuan is a disciple of my teachings, the dispute between the emperor and the emperor involves the entire mysterious gate, and there is no big picture.


At this moment, Guang Chengzi and others were full of dissatisfaction with Duobao.

After all, according to the original plan, Duxian Sword Array in Duobao's hand was used to deal with the cards of Du Tiansha.

It is also because of the presence of the Wuxian Sword that they have the confidence to fight Chiyou.

But as soon as Tianlu came out, Duobao turned and ran away with his disciples.

You say you run, just run, it's okay to leave Xunxian Jianzhen.

They have forgotten, and not to mention that heavy treasures such as Xixian Sword Formation cannot be freely given to others.

It was just handed over to them, and it was impossible to make it work without going through drills.

At that time, do n’t say that the battle array is against Chi You, it ’s okay not to be swallowed by the formation method. After all, the sword fairy array itself is a killing array, and the ferocity is abnormal.

Huh ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I know that you have the gods in your hands and still dare to fight against you. Do you think I'm not prepared?

When morale fell and Chi Sperm and others only knew how to complain about Duobao, but couldn't do anything about it, Xuanyuan took a step forward and brushed out his accompanying sword, loudly.


Accompanying Xuanyuan's full-bodied voice, suddenly, across the battlefield, a sound of elder sword-drawing.

Like Long Yin, like Tiger Xiao, Fengming like.

The voice is very old and very vicissitudes. It fell in the ears of others, and an emperor rushed towards him, but listening to Jiuli soldiers and Chi You's ears was an infinite amount of murder. Like a guillotine hanging from the neck.

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