Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1199: Emperor Sword

With a short whistle, the sword came out of the sheath, light and cold. & 1t; /

After just a flash, it showed its true shape. The big world is empty, and the moire dragon is carved on the sword, which contains a deep meaning. & 1t; /

Slaughter Witch Sword! & 1t; /

No, it should be said now is the Emperor Xuanyuan sword. & 1t; /

This sword is the imperial sword specially crafted by Emperor Jun and Taiyi in order to deal with the Wu tribe, slaughtering the ancestral witch ears, and killing the treasure the day after tomorrow, using the essence of the stars, the bronze of the sun, and other natural materials as the materials. The oven, with saints as blacksmiths, hundreds of millions of undead souls as the soul, and training with the blood of countless human races, as soon as they were born, they shook the entire flood, Wanjian Chaozong, and later several ancestors and witches fell into this sword. under. & 1t; /

After the Lich War, Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Twelve ancestors successively died. & 1t; /

The Wu tribe was fortunate because they had a son-in-law. Although the demon tribe had a son-in-law, they were hard to beat with both fists and were divided up by everyone. & 1t; /

In addition to the enchantment falling into the hands of the son-in-law, Luo Shuhe Tu was taken away by Xun Peng, Chaos Bell was taken away by Fang Qingshan, but Tu Wujian fell into the hands of Lao Tzu. & 1t; /

It was transformed in the gossip alchemy furnace, from killing the treasure to becoming the emperor's treasure, and was given to Xuanyuan as the treasure of the human race. & 1t; /

Such a treasure is comparable to the stun gun of that year, which has the power of slaughter. & 1t; /

Although Lao Tzu originally had two pagodas and pagodas and Tai Chi maps, they had more defense and insufficient attack. He should have left this attack himself as a killer. At that time, the offense and defense integration, even if it is a leapfrog challenge, mixed Yuansi The layers are not impossible. & 1t; /

However, he gave this treasure directly to Xuanyuan. & 1t; /

Is he despising this treasure? Feeling overkill? & 1t; /

Actually not! & 1t; /

The main reason is that the cause and effect of this treasure is too heavy. & 1t; /

Although this treasure of the Tu Wujian is good, but behind it is the blood of the corpse, the emperor Jun almost destroyed the human race, and refined it from the souls and flesh of the hundreds of millions of people. & 1t; /

If only that was the case. & 1t; /

The point is that Lao Tzu was also one of the accomplices at that time. He acquiesced to Di Juntai to act. Although they said it was a test of heaven, but how did anyone know? & 1t; /

Anyway, as a result, Lao Tzu, the leader of human education, watched the human race almost perish in the hands of the Emperor Jun monster. & 1t; /

So good, he and his son-in-law didn't kill themselves. & 1t; /

In this way, although Laozi, the treasure of Tu Wujian, was jealous, he could not completely control it, but could only tolerate it. As for the Master Xuandu, it is even more impossible. & 1t; /

Moreover, this sword is the nemesis of the witch tribe, and has a fate with Xuanyuan, it is also his necessary artifact to fight for the emperor. In the original trajectory, Xuanyuan relied on this sword to completely disintegrate Chi You. & 1t; /

If you lose the title of emperor because of Laozi's greed for Mexico, you will lose more than you pay. & 1t; /

And Tu Wujian is indeed worthy of being the overwhelming treasure of the witch clan that Emperor Jun Tai devoted himself to refining. & 1t; /

Xuanyuan just pulled out his sword, and instantly made Chiyou and others shudder, like a man on his back. & 1t; /

The morale that had just risen because of the **** of heaven suddenly was suppressed. & 1t; /

Even Chi You's heart seemed to be pinched by others, so she didn't sacrifice her defense treasure, and she evaded her. & 1t; /

"Slaying the Sword of Witches!" & 1t; /

Seeing this sword, Chi You's pupils tightened suddenly. Although he had changed his face, he recognized it instantly. & 1t; /

As a great witch who has experienced the Lich War, no one knows better than he that this treasure restrains the Witches. & 1t; /

At the same time, a hatred sprang up. After all, it was precisely because of this treasure and the care of several ancestors and witches that they fell on the spot. It is also because of this that the witches let the demons pull a fish to kill the net. Otherwise, the witches The tribe can definitely win the final victory. & 1t; /

"I didn't expect this treasure to fall into your hands. And I dare to take it out in front of me. It's really bold." & 1t; /

"Do you think you can sit back and relax with the Sword of Sorcerer? Whimsy!" & 1t; /

At this moment, the killing in Chi You's heart has already reached the extreme. & 1t; /

"Emperor Jun Jun was just a jealous killer of this treasure, the teacher who never forgets the past, do you think I will still be fooled?" & 1t; /

"If your hole card is him, then die!" & 1t; /

As soon as the voice fell, Chi You waved her hand and shot out the 12 shots of the gods. & 1t; /

At the moment of seeing the Sword of Slaying Witch, Chi You now has only one idea, which is to kill, kill Xuanyuan, take the throne of the Emperor, and live up to the expectations of Hou Tu and other ancestors, destroying the Sword of Slaying Witch Revenge of the year. & 1t; /

Tudor Tudor! !! !! & 1t; /

The twelve shots of Tianshen Sha suddenly fell according to a mysterious formation. To a degree visible to the naked eye, outline a slightly illusory array. & 1t; /

The method of formation method is naturally the best with a formation map, which not only can maximize the power of formation method, but also can improve the formation of array. & 1t; /

Especially for some tedious formations, the formation map is particularly critical. First, it is better to start, and later to suffer. Otherwise, in a real battle, unless you arrange it in advance, who will give you time to arrange, the so-called fair Fight, that simply doesn't exist. & 1t; /

If there is no map, the next best thing is to have a flag. & 1t; /

Although the banner is a little weaker than the map, it may also use the power of the formation method to reach the ranks of seven or eight, and at the same time, it can quickly set up the array. & 1t; /

It's just that compared to the map, the banner is easy to be broken. & 1t; /

Roar Roar! !! !! [31Fiction Net Update Fast] & 1t; /

As Du Tianshen took root and took root, the illusory array was transformed from the virtual reality, and the array was unfolded like a picture scroll. & 1t; /

From the outside, the whole sky of the gods seemed to have turned into a funnel. The whale swallowed the sea and swallowed the evil spirits in all directions. & 1t; /

At the same time, a roar that sounded like too much demon sounded continuously. & 1t; /

In the area where the map was unfolded, the entire space was completely separated from the original world. It was dominated by the map and transformed into an independent world of formations. Xuanyuan, Guangchengzi and others were completely enveloped in it. & 1t; /

"Damn!" & 1t; /

Seeing this scene, Guang Chengzi and others were too late to be delighted by the birth of Tu Wujian, suppressing the arrogance of Chi You Jiuli's side, and suddenly changed colors. & 1t; /

The only good thing is Xuanyuan. & 1t; /

But at this moment, even Xuanyuan's heart was a little bit embarrassed. & 1t; /

It's better to see it at www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's better to meet each other. & 1t; /

Although I already knew the reputation of the gods, and he was more or less ready, but when he really faced him, Xuanyuan knew that he was ten times more powerful than he thought. ,hundred times. & 1t; /

Had it not been for the ace in his hand, I'm afraid Xuanyuan had no confidence at this moment. & 1t; /

What he doesn't know is that the power of the array he saw at this moment has been discounted. After all, this is only Chi You's lineup. The other elves of the eleven veins are gone, and Chi You is now just a practice of Da Luo Jinxian. & 1t; /

Otherwise, with the twelve veins, Chi You reverts to the original practice, and the power of the Tenjin can be several times greater. & 1t; /

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