Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1212: Chi You return


The Pangu axe not only split the mixed Yuanjian Qi shot by Pangu 瞬间 in an instant, but also the rain fell on the Pangu 不, directly flying Pangu 幡 磕, even hurting the Yuanshi Tianzun Yuan in the middle. God's mark.

Yun Yuan Shi Tianzun could not help but secretly hate, but also knew that things could not be violated, and no longer attacked Chi You, even if Panguzhen wrapped the twelve golden immortals and Xuanyuan, and instantly flew away.

Seeing this, Houtu did not gain momentum.

Although she is better than the original Tianzun, but it is not really coming, and it is obviously not worth killing a life for this little thing. Moreover, even if she wants to take advantage of it, it is also necessary to see if others will allow it. The most important thing is Still the wrong time.

But Tiandao has opened up his luck and avenue, this is a perfect time for enlightenment.

The heavens and the earth are large and the cultivation is the largest.

With the pride of Yuanshi Tianzun and the respect for his face, it is probably because of this reason that he retreated so easily.

For this reason, after Hou Tu only transmitted the sound to make Chi You be careful, he also couldn't wait to take back his thoughts and sink into the feeling of the avenue.

I don't say this, but I say that Chi You defeated Xuanyuan, and of course, justified became the emperor.

Bian Xuanyuan and the son of Shennong have retreated. No one in the race can resist his rule.

There are three emperors in Qitiandi, each performing his own duties.

Emperor Fuxi's greatest achievement was the evolution of innate gossip, so that people can benefit from it and avoid harm.

The greatest achievement of the Emperor Shennong is to taste the Baicao, which allows people to avoid suffering from illness, plant rice, and transform from nomadic hunting to farming.

What's more, Xuanyuan, no, Chi You, or the task of the last emperor, is a true unity.

That is to say, as long as he unifies the human race, the task will be completed. It does not require him to be the same as other emperors.

If there is no other change, but the opportunity of the sky is in sight, will Chi You let it go?

For this reason, just after defeating Xuanyuan, Chi You couldn't wait for His Majesty's 81 brothers to break up to clear up the remaining resistance, while he himself was preparing the Emperor's Chanting Ceremony in the Jiuli Tribe.

As for the next emperor, it is Gao Yang's, not someone else, it is Xuanyuan's grandson.

Alas, the sons of Changyi also. Born in Ruoshui, living in poverty.

His birth, like all other emperors, is of extraordinary origin.

Xun's mother's name was called Nushu. On the night of 20 years ago, Beidou Yaoguang's starlight masterpiece fell into her belly, and she felt pregnant and gave birth to her, sealed in Gaoyang, also known as Gaoyang's.

He walked around, and finally returned to Xuanyuan's home. In this regard, Chi You was very reconciled.

Originally, Chi You wanted to pass the title of Emperor to one of His Majesty's 81 brothers, not his grandson, Gao Yang.

What a pity, as soon as this idea emerged, it was put out by humanitarian will.

For a while, these people did not know how to govern the people.

The most important thing is that Germany does not match, there is no luck, no history, no backing, no ability. How can such a person become a human emperor?

What's more important is that they and Chi You are both oriented towards the Witch tribe, and if they are out of Chi You, if one after another appears, then humanity may not only be controlled by the saints, but even more, they will be Wudao replaced. This is something that humanitarian will cannot tolerate.

Fortunately, today, Chi You has returned to the throne, the purpose of the witches has been achieved, and there are opportunities outside the territory. It is no longer obsessed with fighting for the throne.

Chi You also wanted to return early. In addition to Gao Yang, he searched for the human race. He couldn't find a suitable candidate. Chi You could only recognize it by pinching his nose. In desperation, he had to pass the position of the common master to Gao Yang 'S.

And humanitarian will also promise, if Chi especially not to blame, to pass the title of the emperor to Gao Yang's, humanity will not detract from his merit and luck.

You have to know that Chi You is for the unity of the people, but martial arts and killings, although there is a cause, but karma is still inevitable.

Also, in order to defeat Xuanyuan, he killed 12 Yuanchen by clicking. This is a human guardian beast.

In fact, Chi is not just Chi You. In the original track, isn't Xuanyuan the same? In the end, in order to complete the merits, the yin and yang things had to be done, and the maiden soared.

Guang Chengzi, the master of the Emperor's Emperor, did not get much benefit, but caused a lot of anger, so that he was robbed in the battle of the gods, and Yun Xiao used the Jiuqu Yellow River Array with the mixed Yuan Jindou to remove the top Sanhua and Wuqi in his chest.

Not to mention these, but to say that compared to the previous two emperors returning to the throne, the Zen ceremony, the heavenly gods, and the heavenly saints gathered together to celebrate the grand occasion, Chi You's return to the situation is extremely shabby to the extreme.

At first, the Wu tribe's fate was not very good at first. If it wasn't allied with the blood sea, I'm afraid that everyone will be enemies. Then there is now that all the masters are attracted to the opportunity of heaven. How about it?

For this reason, Chi You returned to the throne, the three ancestors of the human race, the two emperors of heaven and earth, the saints, the witches, the sea of ​​blood, there is no one dojo.

He didn't care about this at all.

He is now going to end his thoughts early, get the emperor's merit and luck, and then go to fight for the opportunity of heaven.


"I am the Jiu Li of the human race, You Chi You, now I have a great sense of merit, and here I will officially transfer the title of the human race to the Gaoyang family."

After the audience on the stage, after the speech by Chi You, they began to chant out the names of the Chi You and Gao Yang in unison ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, the heavens felt, and boundless merit was lowered.

功 This merit is not inferior to Fuxi and Shennong. It even happened, after all, Chi You testified that the difficulty of the Emperor was still above Fuxi and Shennong.

Chi and Chi You themselves have the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian. Under this merit blessing, the realm starts to soar instantly.

At one step, he became a quasi-sanctification and resumed the practice of the previous life. At the same time, a merit that was sealed in Chi You's body erupted instantly, and instantly merged with the emperor merit, adding another three-point power.

Although Chi You has Yuan Shen, he also cultivates Yuan Shen and practises Qi, but his roots are in blood and refining.

For this reason, he has devoted more merits to purifying his blood and improving his physical body.

Although Chi You preached the Emperor, he was not the same as Fu Xi, but he practiced Taoism through human race.

For this reason, the first step is to remove the blood of the human race.

The blood of the Witch tribe was purified and instantly became the essence of the great witch.

Then, under the tempering of merit, the blood of the great witch became the blood of the ancestor.

After the essence of the ancestral witch, the speed of ascension slowed down, but he was still purifying methodically.

At this moment, Chi You is focusing more on lifting the flesh.

Self-cultivation is up.

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