Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1213: All charge

Wu Xuanmen has nine transfers of merit, Buddhism has eight or nine mysteries, blood sea has blood sea immortal body, dragon clan has true dragon body, witch clan naturally also has their unrecited power, Pan Guzheng body is determined.

What Chi You cultivates is this way of proving, pointing at the stupid Panguzhen of the Wu tribe town tribe in Yuan Dynasty. This feat has the same meaning as the nine-transition element of Xuanmen Sanqing, because they are inherited from Pangu.

Xun is just that Pan Guzheng has always paid more attention to the physical body, and although Jiu Zhuan Yuan Gong is also based on the method of strength to demonstrate, he also takes care of Yuan Shen.

The two exercises are both directed at the mixed element, and it is impossible to say who is higher or lower, but in general Pan Guzheng is determined by a pure word, while the nine transfers of the element are both of potential and have greater potential. After all, looking at the heavens and the world, I haven't heard anyone who can walk on one leg. Even if you are mainly practicing the body, practicing qi, or refining God, you must also take into account the other two aspects. Jingqi is the three treasures of human beings.

Not to mention, whether it is Pangu Zhenshen or Jiuzhuanyuan Gong, they are divided into nine layers, which are corresponding to Immortal, Tianxian, Zhenxian, Xuanxian, Jinxian, Taiyi, Daluo, Zhunsheng and Mixed yuan.

Before the reincarnation, Chi You was one of the most powerful witches under the ancestral witches of the Wu tribe. He became the seventh layer of Pangu Zhenshou, and he was in a position to break through.

Later, the purification of Luzhou in the north, under the blessing of merit and ethics, directly broke through to the eighth floor of Pangu Zhenshen, comparable to the ancestral witch.

However, because of the reincarnated human race, the body is naturally abandoned. Fortunately, the physical power of Chi You is condensed into a drop of essence blood with great mana, and it is sealed into Chi You Yuan Shen, just like luck, merit, and follow Chi You Together, the reincarnation is to wait until this moment, and use the food and food to make Chi You improve faster and higher.

After broke 桎梏, this drop of essence blood flowed into the new body together with merit and luck.

For a while, Chi You's repairs went up and down, and the real body decided the seventh, eighth, and eighth peaks. It is almost a matter of course.

It is a pity that at the last moment, even if it has the previous life's heritage, the emperor's merit and the merit of purifying the northern region of Luzhou, however, Chi You's cultivation is still stuck at the quasi-sacred peak and has to break through.

It's not easy to get rid of Yuanyuan in the flood.

The breakthrough of Qin Fang Qingshan is because the congenital Wufang Banner is unified, and there is a Hongqi purple gas, and the mosquito Taoist has devoured a whole congenital treasure, the gate of eternal life, and the world tree clone is also not simple. As for the sky-heavy tortoise, it is not only the calculation of heaven, but also the flesh and blood of countless chaos.

Although Qi did not break through the mixed yuan, Chi You was disappointed, but he did not regret it.

After all, although he had expected it, he did not expect it, and this time there was no breakthrough, is there still a chance for heaven?

Although Chi You did not break through the mixed yuan, his combat effectiveness is far from being comparable to the average quasi-sacred peak.

Even if Xi is Fuxi, Shennong, even Zhenyuanzi, Xun Peng, and others, he will fall into the wind.

After all, he is a physical sacred peak, or a witch family, practicing Pangu Zhenshen, without the means of the top innate Lingbao, even if Chi You is not moving, standing and letting you attack, can you break his The defense is still two words.

After Xiu Xiu made a breakthrough, Chi You explained two sentences and immediately flew towards the sky. In his current practice, he is qualified to compete for one of the top ten positions in the top of the road.

He Yuanyuan is right in front of him.

At this moment, Chi You is very confident.

After all, he is not weak. On cultivation, on luck, on Lingbao, he is top in all aspects.

For this moment, he did not hesitate to reincarnate, and he will start again.

He will be the second person to break through the mixed Yuan after the ancestral witch.

Besides Tianlu side, as more and more people start to enter the sky, and White Tiger has passed the first phase of refining, entering the second phase, the third phase, and even the fourth phase, and finally everyone presses Can't stop it.

For a while, no matter whether it was repaired in Daluo or the peak of quasi-san, whether it was a rising star, or an old antique, whether it was a master of casual repair or a giant of power, they all swarmed up. And Shura Emperor is no exception.

As for why there is no Da Luo? Ha ha, isn't there a door rail? Those who were previously under Da Luo, no matter how amazing you are, they will be ejected directly after entering, and they will only persist for a few seconds at most.

So, everyone knew later that if he wanted to break through, Da Luo was a gate.

Although Da Luo is a gate fence, it is still crowded.

Good guy, it is indeed a flood, although this is not the Lich era, but once the outbreak of the details, Jinxian is not as good as a dog, and Da Luo walks away.

Rushing together with thousands of troops, I didn't know that the calamity had begun again, but fortunately, the Sumi mustard seed superpower was performed by Hong Jun on the sky, otherwise, the mighty army of the sky-breaking army came from all directions, Densely, the amazing posture of the migratory locust crossing, I am afraid that the rhythm of stepping on people may not be impossible.

However, if tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people are charging at the same time, they still rush forward with a gesture of indifference and selflessness, and the momentum is also very amazing and exciting.

Emperor Shura followed the flow, and his heart also entered the road of heaven ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A moment of time, a strong pressure suddenly suppressed, and he and the earth under his feet seemed to have become two-level magnets of yin and yang, struggling each other The attraction of children is as if the heavens and the earth are going to be merged into one. The air around them is thick like mercury, full of amazing resistance. All-round suppression on the body. From any direction from top to bottom and left and right, there is no omission of suppression.

I do n’t know if Shura Emperor was born in the sea of ​​blood, or for other reasons, anyway, the pressure he received was three points larger than others.

Emperor Shura naturally didn't know this, but even if he did, he didn't care. After all, he was not the ancestor, and had no terms with Hong Jun at all. Being able to allow him to join was already a face for both Fang Qingshan. If it is still crooked, I am afraid it will be directly excluded.

Fortunately, although the pressure has increased by three points, it still cannot prevent the advancement of Shura Emperor.

After all, Shura Emperor is an artificial mosquito tract, and there is more mixed blood in his body, and the practice is the peerless refining method that points to the immortal realm.

Although this pressure is good, it is just tickling for him.

For some reason, after entering Tianlu, the speed of Shura Emperor did not decrease at all. Although the more he ascended, the pressure became stronger, the dragging force became stronger, and the pressure of air became more and more heavy.

But it is just a disease of mange.

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